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اسئلة اختبار مدخل اللغويات 1438-1439 الفصل الثاني
[أسئلة اختبار - مدخل اللغويات - الدكتور احمد الخطيب]
اسئلة مدخل اللغويات الفصل الثاني 1438-1439احمد الخطيب
عدد الأسئلة: 51
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1) - . . . . . . refers to the description of the sequence of ordering of elements in the linear structure of the sentence :
b - Semantic
c -Pragmaties
2) 2 - They change the grammatical category of a word . e . g , teach and teacher
a - Derivational morphemes
b - Lexical morphemes
C - Free morphemes
d - Inflectional morphemes
3) 3 - . . . . . . . is a minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function such As - er , - ing , ed , - er . . . . . . etc .
a - Allophone
b - Phone
C - phoneme
d - Morpheme
4) 4 - Which one of the following is not part of speech ?
a - Nouns
b - Syllables
c - Verbs
d . Adjectives
5) 5 - In English language , there are . . . . . parts of speech ?
a - 3
b - 15
d- 10
6) 6 - The study of the meaning of words , phrases and sentences in language ,
a - Semantics
b - Morphology
C- Writing
d - Grammar
7) 7 - Two forms with opposite meanings , such as - alive / dead
a- Synonyms
c - Homophones
d - Hyponymy
8) 8 - The study of invisible meaning or how we recognize what is meant even When it is not actually said or written
a - Pragmatics
b - Syntax
c . Writing
d- phonology
9) 9- Temporal deixis indicates . . . . . . such as now - last week , yesterday etc .
a - Place
b- People
c - Time
d- Location
10) 10 - it refers to what a speaker , or writer ) assumes is true or known by a listener ( or reader ) .
a - Presupposition
b - Decision - making
C - Agreement
d - Disagreement
11) 11 - Speech acts has . . . . . . types . .
a . Ten
b - Nine
c - Two
d - Seven
12) 12 - . . . . . . . . . . . can be defined as showing awareness and consideration of another persons ' face .
a - Power
b - politeness
C - Control
d- Influence
13) 13 - it refer to the ties and connections that exist within the whole text ,
a- Analysis
b - Cohesion
c - Discovery
d - Network
14) 14-……… is described as an activity in which two or more people take turns at speaking .
a - Writing
b - Drawing
C- Conversation
d - Cooperation
15) 15 - can be defined as Words or phrases used to indicate that we are not really sure at what we are saying is sufficiently correct or complete
a- Hedges
b - Connectors
c - Phrases
d - Expression
16) 16 - it is a general term for a conversational knowledge structure that exists memory
a - Ability
b- Schema
c- Capacity
d - Knowledge
17) 17 - Neurolinguistics is concerned with the | study of the relationship between language and the .
a - brain
b _ body
c - tongue
d- society
18) 18 - Any damage in the . . . . . . area would lead to difficulty in producing spoken language .
a - Hemisphere
b - Writing
c- Broca ' s
d . Listening
19) 19 - it is an impairment of language function due to ocalized brain damage that leads to difficulty in understanding and / or producing linguistic forms .
a - Stroke
b - Injury
d - Examination
20) 20 - between 12 - to - 18 months old , children produce a variety of recognizable single unit utterances . This stage is known as . . . . . . . stage .
a . Two - sentence
b . One - Word
c . One paragraph
d. Babbling
21) 21 / The earliest use of speech like sounds has been described as . . . . . . . . stage .
a - Speaking
b - Listening
c . Two - word
d - cooing
22) 22 / when L2 ) learners normally produce a large number of errors that seem to have no connection to the forms of either L . I or This is known as . .
a - Interlanguage
b - Paralanguage
C - Acquisition
d - Learning
23) 23 - is the conscious process of accumulating nowledge of the features of language such as omnunciation ,
a- Acquisition
b- Reflection
c- Production
d- Learning
24) 24 - . . . . . . . . is a combination of two adjacent vowel sounds within the same syllable
a- Consonant
b- Vowel
c- Diphthong
d- Syllable
25) 25 - . . . . . . . . . is a set of phones all of which are versions of one phoneme
a. Allophone
b . Allomorph
c . Phoneme
d . Phone
26) 26 / . . . . . . . deals with organizing a message effectively and to compensate for any difficulties .
a - Strategic competence
b- Analytical competence
c . Socio linguistic competence
d. Grammatical competence
27) 27 / . . . . . . . is the symbolic representation of language through the use or graphic signs
28) 28 Task - based learning focuses on the . . . development of
a - Form
b - correction
c - Communication
d - Explanations
29) 29 / . . . . . . is also fined as socially acquired knowledge without necessarily conscious awareness .
a - Language
b - Culture
c - Reality
d - Educations
30) is a set or written symbols , each one . . . . . . . . - 30 . representing single type of sound or phoneme
a - Alphabets
b - Stories
C - Symbols
d - Syllables
31) 31 - is . . . . . . . concerned with understanding the structure and nature of language Which is divided into : phonetics , phonology morphology , Syntax . semantics and pragmatics
a - Philosophy
b - Linguistics
C - Teaching
d - Training
32) 32 - Divine is related to the . . . . . . .
a - Humans
b - Individuals
c- People
d- Creator
33) 33 / Social interaction source claims that the development of human language takes place in . . . . . . . . .
a - A social context
b - loneliness
C - Isolation
d - Separation
34) 34 / The genetic source refers to the fact that language can be processed . . .
a - Innately
b - Externally
C - With groups
d - With peers
35) 35 / Arbitrariness refers to the fact that there is . . . . .
a / A relationship between language and its | meaning
b / Natural connection between language and its meaning
c / No natural connection between language and its meaning
d / A systematic link between language and its meaning
36) 36 ; It means that the potential number of utterances in any human language is infinite
a/ Limitedness
b / Confidence
c / Closeness
d / Productivity
37) 37 / . . . . . . . . allows language users to talk about things and events not present in the immediate environment
a - Displacement
b - Transmission
c - Existence
d - Communication
38) 38 Properties of human language do not include . . . . . .
a - Arbitrariness
b - Duality
c - Cultural transmission
d - Easiness
39) 39 . . . . . . . is a speech Sound that is articulated With complete or paartial losure of the vocal tract
a - A consonant
b - A vowel
c- A diphthong
d - A sound
40) 40 : . . . . . . . . describes the location inside the | mouth at which the constriction takes place
a . State of articulation
b . Fomal articulation
c- Place of articulation
d-Action of articulation
41) 41 / Sounds such as ( Ipl . Ib| . lml ) are examples . for… .
a - Labiodental
d- Alveolar
42) 42- The place for the . . . . . . . Sound is the tongue and hard palate
a - Dental
b - Velar
43) 43- are produced by completely stopping . . . . the air
a- Stop
b - Liquids
c- Africatives
d - Nasals
44) 44 / . . . . . . . is a speech sound in which the mouth is open and the tongue is not touching the top of the mouth , the teeth ,
a - Diphthong
b - consonant
c - Stop
d - Vowel
45) 45 / It is about the physical aspect of sounds .
a - Phonetics
b - Phonology
c- Grammar
d- pronunciation
46) 46 : The process of taking over words from other language or adopting a wide number of Words from other languages such as Jewel ( French )
a - Borrowing
b - Elision
C - Nasalization
d - Assimilation
47) 47 : To separate Words to produce a single forrns such as the word Textbook
a - Abbreviation
b - Shortening
c- Compounding
d- deletion
48) 48 / Is . . . . . . . . of the word In influenza -------flu
a - Assimilation
b - Clipping
c - Conversion
d - Coinage
49) 49 / . . . . . . . . . . . deals with the studying of forms
a - Writing
b - Syntax
c - Semantics
d - Morphology
50) 50 ; Art ( Adj ) N , Pro } is an example of . . .
a - Semnantic analysis
b - Syntactic analysis
c - Pragmatic analysis
d - Discourse analysis
51) ام ريتا تنسيق وكتابة الأسئلة كتب الله لي ولكم التوفيق والنجاح وأعلى الدرجات بإذن لله
سبحان الله
الله اكبر
سبحان االله وبحمده سبحان االله العظيم
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة اختبار مدخل اللغويات 1438-1439 الفصل الثاني
[أسئلة اختبار - مدخل اللغويات - الدكتور احمد الخطيب]
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اسئلة مدخل اللغويات الفصل الثاني 1438-1439احمد الخطيب
تم حل الكويز 183 مرة بنسبة نجاح 50%
القسم: E4
مناقشة الكويز: اسئلة اختبار مدخل اللغويات 1438-1439 الفصل الثاني
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