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اسئلة المباشر الترجمة الانماط النصية الفصل الاول 1440
[أسئلة اختبار - ترجمة الأنماط النصية - الدكتور يحي ربابعة]
اسئلة الدكتور في المحاضرات المباشره الفصل الاول 1440
عدد الأسئلة: 36
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1) 1)According to Newmark , and TL readership components of the dynamics of translation is
a) SL writer
b) translation activity
c) opposing forces
d) aesthetic dimension
2) 2)According to Newmark, SL writerand TL readersare to components of...
a) Strategy
b) translation activity
c) the dystatics of translation
d) aesthetic dirtiethston
3) 3)According to Newmark, SL writerand ..... are to components of the dynamics of translation
a) Strategy
b) TL readership
c) translation activity
d) aesthetic dimension
4) 4)katharina Reiss views the text as the level at which communication is Achieved and at which ..... must be sought
a) translation
b) Sentence
c) Equivalence
d) Anyphrase
5) 5)Katharina Reiss views... as the level at which communication is achieved and at which oqnhalence must be singht,
a) Translation
b) the text
c) equivalence
d) anyphrase
6) 6)Katharine Relse views the text as the level ... and at which equialence must be sought ,
a) Translation is done
b) At whica a seriterite is formed
c) At which communication is achieved
d) Any phrase is written
7) 7)The aim of the ...... isto appeal to or persuade the reader of the text to act in a certain way as Reiss suggests
a) Receiver
b) core
c) topic form of the message
d) appellative function
8) 8)The best translation for the following text is: ((It is caused by bacilli of genus Shigella))
عصيات شيغلا خضرة للغاية 
ليس من مسببات عصيات شيغلا
لاتسببه هذه العصيات
تسببه عصيات من نوع شيغلا
9) persuasive genres aim at ……………
A. Getting listeners and readers to behave in prescribed or suggested way
B. Informing listeners or readers with fact and numbers
C. Expressing the writers attitude
D. Getting knowledge from content
10) . …………. Is the text variety which is the most fully information text type as Reiss suggests.
A. The poem
B. The short story
C. The reference work
D. The novel
11) Read the following text and answer the question that follows: She dwelt among the untrodden ways Beside the springs of Dove, A Maid whom there were none to praise And very few to love According to Katherina Reiss, this text belongs to …….. text type.
A. Informative
B. Audio-medial
C. Operative
D. Expressive
12) Read the following text and answer the question that follows: She dwelt among the untrodden ways Beside the springs of Dove, A Maid whom there were none to praise And very few to love: According to Dickins, this text belongs to …….. text type.
A. persuasive
B. philosophical
C. literary
D. religious
13) According to Newmark, an agenda of meeting is a text type which is:
A. expressive
B. instruction-based
C. informative
D. argumentative
14) According to Reiss, the expressive text type is a creative composition in which the author uses the ………….
A. logical dimension of language
B. aesthetic dimension of language
C. vocative text type
D. operative text type
15) The clearest operative text type is …. as suggested by Reiss
A. the satire
B. the advertisement
C. the reference work
D. the poem
16) According to Dickins, the term "text type" is often used in the similar sense of "………." .
A. features
B. norm
C. genre
D. rule
17) فالشوارع واالزقة تسبح يف هدوئها االبدي وينتابها ذلك الركود الذي يستتب يف العادة بعد صلاة الجمعة After reading this text which is taken from a short story, its best translation is:
A. Streets and narrow paths are swimming in their forever quietness and they are calm as usual after Jumaah prayer.
B. The streets and alleys were floating with their perpetual calm, and that stagnation which generally sets in following the Friday prayer
C. Streets and paths are swimming in quietness and they are calm as usual after Jumaah prayer.
D. The streets were full of nosiy
18) Read the following line of poetry then choose the best translation of the underlined part: و من نزلت بساحته المنايا .. فلا أرض تقيه ولا سماء
A. Heaven and earth will not relive
B. the land protects him and sky
C. and no earth and no sky will not help
D. he whose house is toughed by doom
19) Read the following line of poetry then choose the best translation: دع الايام تفعل ما تشاء .. و طب نفسا اذا حكم القضاء
A. let the days on everything
B. let the days do that they will and with good cheer face fate’s decree
C. Let the days do whatever they want and make yourself happy with the system
D. let the days make it and let yourself accept the judge
20) 12. Before you begin translation any text. You need to ask yourself some Important question, One of them is:
A) What is the message content of this particular source text?
B) Where should I write the translation product?
C) How important is thc translation process?
D) Can target people accurately translate the text?
21) One of the functions of language that Buhler suggests is the vocative function of language in which
a)the topic is the muin part of the text.
b)the readership is the eore of the text
c)the linguistic features are the most important
d) the writer is foregrouaded
22) . A translator of any text necessarily needs to know which text type and what nature is that text, in order to be able to..
a) produce a suitable tarect test
b) clearly start understanding sone parts of a text.
c) divide the test into paragraphs
d) analyze the source text
23) According to Newmark, the dynamies of translation are the....hat pull the translation activity on opposite directions
a) opposing forces
b) the translators
c) the phayen
d) the cultures
24) The general term of Translation" can refer to (the product) that means:
a) the test that had been tranislated
b) het ofprodacing tranlaion
c) the written tests waiting for translation
d)the general subjeet field.
25) Complete the definition: Richard Brislin defines translation as: Translation is the general term referring to the languages are in written or oral form; whether the languages have established orthographies or do not have such standardization or whether one or both languages is based on signs, as with sign languages of the deaf.
a) from one language (souree) to another (target)
b) to writen stories
c) to written texts
d) to images and pietures only
26) The text which is a translation of the ST is the............
a)target Text (TT)
b)text which needs translation of the ST
c) language in which the STis writen
d) language into which the STis translated
27) 7. The (ST) is the………… .
a) spokem langage only.
b) cuiture os txe source language
c) language into which the STis translated
d) text requiring translation.
28) According to Reiss, an electoral speech is........................ an operative text type.
(a) relatively
(b) n'tmostly
(c) is mostly
(d) in totally
29) .A………… .an example of a literary text
a) bank kailet
b) verse frorn the Holy Quran
c) official speech
d) short story
30) an example of a technical text is a……………… ..
a) short story
b) poem
c) certain text taiking about a certain disease
d) novel
31) The (SL) is the:
a) source culture
b) language in which the ST is written
c) target language
d) target culture
32) .................................views the text as the level at which communication is achieved and at which equivalence must be sought.
a) Fargal
b) Katharina Reiss
c) Dickins
d) Mason King Faisal University
33) Hatim and Mason classified instructional texts into two types:
a) rhetorical and technical.
b) philosophical and technical.
c) instruction without option, and instruction with option
d) audiomedial and vocative.
34) According to Newmark," Few texts are purely from the same text type, most include all three functions,
a) with no emphasis on one of the three.
b) without depending on any of the three
c) with an emphasis on one of the three
d) with an emphasis on all the three
35) الزحار العضوي: مرض إنتاني يمتاز تشريحياً بالتهاب المعاء الغليظة يسببه عصيات من نوع شيغال و تدخل (36 إلى الجسم بالطريق المعدي المعوي بواسطة الطعام و الماء و الصابع الملوثة و تنطرح الجراثيم…………………………… ..المرض بواسطة الذباب Read the following text then answer the question that follows According to Dickins, this text belongs to........................genre.
a) literary
b) philosophical
c) persuasive
d) technical
36) اسال الله لي ولكم التوفيق والنجاح و الدراجات العليا في الدنيا والاخرة كتب الاسئله ام ريتا
سبحان الله
الله اكبر
سبحان الله والحمد لله والله اكبر
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة المباشر الترجمة الانماط النصية الفصل الاول 1440
[أسئلة اختبار - ترجمة الأنماط النصية - الدكتور يحي ربابعة]
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اسئلة الدكتور في المحاضرات المباشره الفصل الاول 1440
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مناقشة الكويز: اسئلة المباشر الترجمة الانماط النصية الفصل الاول 1440
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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