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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

ادارة المشاريع المتقدمة
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - ادارة المشاريع المتقدمة 2]
مراجعة المحاضرة الثانية
عدد الأسئلة: 23
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1) What is project selection Process? ما المقصود باختيار المشروع ؟
Is the process of evaluating individual projects or groups of projects and then choosing to implement some set of them so that the objectives of the parent organization will be achieved.
The payback period for a project is the initial fixed investment in the project divided by the estimated annual net cash inflows from the project
2) The project manager who does not understand what a given project is expected to contribute to the parent organization lacks critical information needed to manage the project in order to optimize its contribution to the parent organization يفتقر مدير المشروع الذي لايفهم مايتوقع ان يساهم به مشروع معين في الموسسة الام للمعلومات الهامة
3) is a measure of the organization's project managers mastery of the skills required to manage projects competenty. نضج إدارة المشروع هو مقياس لإتقان مديري المشاريع في المنظمة للمهارات المطلوبة لإدارة المشاريع بكفاءة.
Project management maturity
Project selection
risk analysis
4) Delas is one project cause delays in other project of common resources needs or technological dependencies. التأخير في مشروع واحد يسبب تأخيرات في مشاريع أخرى بسبب الاحتياجات المشتركة من الموارد أو التبعية التكنولوجية
5) From the common problems is organizations trying to manage multiple projects are inefficient use of corporate resources result in peaks and valleys of resource utilization.
6) When a firm chooses a project selection modle, the following criteria are most important
Ease of use
7) One from the main profit-profitability numeric models advantages are that it is simple to use and understand.
8) a large majority of all firms using project evaluation and selection models use profitability as the sole measure acceptability
9) One from the main Nonnumeric models main advantages are that model output is in terms familiar to business decision makers
10) Of the several techniques for ordering projects, the Q-Sort is one of the most straightforward
11) : Two basic types of project selection models are:
numeric and nonnumeric
Data-gathering and modeling
Discounted cashflow
12) The competitive Necessity is the company decision to go for some projects if the firm want to maintain its competitive position in the market area.
13) Discounted cashflow also referred to as the net present Value (NPV ) method.
14) Data-gathering and modeling costs should be low relative to the cost of the project and less than the potential benefits of the project
15) The payback period for a project is the initial fixed investment in the project divided by the estimated annual net cash inflows from the project
16) This payback period method assumes that the cash inflows will last at least long enough to pay off the .investment, and it not ignores any cash inflows after the payback period
17) from the common problems in organizations trying to manage multiple projects are inefficient use of corporate resources results in peaks and valleys of resource utilization
18) There are two basic types of project selection models are: numeric and nonnumeric
19) the discounted cash flow method determines the net present value of all cash flows by discounting them by the required rate of return
20) the benefit–cost ratio, the profitability index is the net present value of all future expected cash flows divided by the initial cash investment.
21) Profitability Models do not include discounting ignore the timing of the cash flows and the time
22) a project selection model should be Realism should reflect the reality of the firm’s decision situation.
23) اذا كانت القيمة الحالية للتدفقات الداخلة اكبر من قيمة التدفقات الخارجية فسيكون صافي القيمة الحالية سالبا وسيتم رفض الشروع
معلومات حول الكويز
ادارة المشاريع المتقدمة
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - ادارة المشاريع المتقدمة 2]
تفاصيل أخرى:
مراجعة المحاضرة الثانية
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معلومات صاحب الكويز

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اسئلة مراجعة لللمقررالتكنولوجيا المعلومات في الادارة المحاضرة 12
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قضايا ثقافية معاصرة - المحاضرة الثانية - عالمية الإسلام والروابط البشرية
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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