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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

كويزات المحاضـرة الخامسـة // لمقرر اللغويات التطبيقيـة
السسلام عليكم أسعد الله صباحكم جميعاً هنا كويزات المحاضـرة الخامسـة // لمقرر اللغويات التطبيقيـة أن أصبت فمن الله ,, وأن أخطأت فمن نفسي والشيطان موووفقين يارررب
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) In Krashen’s Monitor Model, The theory evolved in
the late 1970s
the late 1870s
the late 1770s
2) ?................In Krashen’s Monitor Model, The most ambitious theory of
First language learning
second language learning
Teacher language
3) ? Krashen’s theory constitutes of a set of ........... basic hypotheses
4) ? Krashen’s theory constitutes of a set of five basic hypotheses
The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis
The Monitor Hypothesis & The Natural-Order Hypothesis
The Input Hypothesis & The Affective Filter Hypothesis
all of above
5) Krashen maintained that adult second language learners have at their deposal two distinct and independent ways of developing competence in a second language ?
The Monitor Hypothesis
The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis
The Affective Filter Hypothesis
6) It is a subconscious process identical in all important ways to the process children utilize in acquiring their first language ?
7) It is comes about through meaningful interaction in a natural communication setting ?
8) Speakers are not concerned with form, but with meaning ?
9) There is no explicit concern with error detection and correction ?
10) A conscious process that results in (knowing about) language ?
11) Formal rules and feedback provide the basis for language instruction ?
12) Error detection and correction are central, as is typically the case in classroom setting ?
13) According to krashen , Does learning become acquisition ?
Learning turns into acquisition
learning does not turn into acquisition
14) This is based on three claims ?
Sometimes there is ‘acquisition’ without ‘learning’
There are cases where ‘learning’ never turn into ‘acquisition’,
No one knows anywhere near all the rules.
all of above
15) Argued that this claim runs counter to the intuitive belief of many second language learners ?
Chomsky (1968)
Gregg (1984)
Hulstijn ( 1984)
16) Can adults acquire a language as children do ?
Yes, Krashen argued
No, Krashen argued
maybe, Krashen argued
17) pointed out that Krashen appeared to be giving the (LAD) a scope of operation much wider than is normally the case in linguistic theory ?
Chomsky (1968)
Hulstijn ( 1984)
Gregg (1984)
18) Argued that the ability to use (LAD) declines with age ?
Hulstijn ( 1984)
Chomsky (1968)
Gregg (1984)
19) Is the mental editor ?
20) The two functions of the Monitor are ?
Time & place
In reception & production
Syntax & Morphology
21) Is the part of the learner’s internal system that appears to be responsible for conscious linguistic processing
22) when a person tries to learn a rule by reading about it in a grammar book ?
In reception
In production
In place
23) by attending a class where the teacher describes a rule ?
In Time
In reception
In production
24) when a person performs a drill that requires conscious attention to linguistic form, ?
In place
In reception
In production
25) When a learner memorize a dialogue or a story ?
In reception
In production
In Time
26) ? states that “learning has only one function, and that is as a monitor”
The Hypothesis
27) that learning comes into play only to make changes in the form of our utterances, after they have been produced by the acquired system ?
Krashen argued
Chomsky argued
Gregg argued
28) Is thought to alter the output of the acquired system before or after the utterances are spoken or written
the Acquisition
the Filter
the Monitor
29) that formal instruction in a language provides rule isolation and feedback for the development of the Monitor ?
Gregg argued
Krashen argued
Chomsky argued
30) Three conditions for Monitor use are ?
Morphology, morphemes, and phonemes
Syntax, Morphology ,and Semantics
Time, Focus on form, and Know the rule
31) In order to think about and use conscious rules effectively, a second language learner needs to have time ?
Focus on form
Know the rule
32) The performer must also be focused on form, or thinking about correctness to get his message across in an understandable way to the listener(s) ?
Know the rule
Focus on form
33) This is very formidable requirement. If rules are not known (learner does not know the rule), the Monitor will not be helpful or used
Know the rule
Focus on form
34) pointed out that in teaching form should be first before time ?
Chomsky (1968)
Hulstijn & Hulstijn ( 1984)
Gregg (1984)
35) in their studies, found out that focusing subjects on form by having them correct spelling and grammar in written composition did not result in the use of the Monitor ?
Houck & others (1978)
Hulstijn & Hulstijn ( 1984)
Chomsky (1968)
36) Monitor is used depends on ?
Monitor over-users
Learner’s age
Monitor under-users
37) Monitor is used depends on ?
Monitor over-users
The amount of formal instruction the learner has experienced
38) Monitor is used depends on ?
Monitor under-users
The nature and focus required by the verbal task being performed
39) Monitor is used depends on ?
The individual personality of the learner (Individual Differences)
Monitor under-users
Monitor over-users
40) The degree to which Monitor is used depends on the following ?
(Learner’s age & The individual personality of the learner (Individual Differences
The nature and focus required by the verbal task being performed
The amount of formal instruction the learner has experienced
all of above
41) Three types for Monitor users are ?
Monitor over-users , Monitor under-users and The optimal Monitor users
Time, Focus on form, and Know the rule
Syntax, Morphology ,and Semantics
42) Those are people who attempt to monitor all the time and constantly checking their output ?
Monitor under-users
Monitor over-users
The optimal Monitor users
43) Those are people who have not learned, who prefer not to use their monitor even if they have all the conditions (time, focus on form, knowing rules ?
Monitor over-users
The optimal Monitor users
Monitor under-users
44) Those are people who use the monitor when it is appropriate and when it does not interfere with communication ?
The optimal Monitor users
Monitor under-users
Monitor over-users
45) In Monitor over-users, The results are ?
They may speak hesitantly & No fluency
They do not sound right/correct
More accuracy
46) In Monitor under-users, The results are ?
More accuracy
They are not influenced by error correction & They do not sound right/correct
They may speak hesitantly & No fluency
47) In The optimal Monitor users, The results are ?
They are not influenced by error correction
No fluency
Better communicators & More accuracy
48) Children are thought to be superior language learners, because ..... ?
they do not use the monitor and are not as inhibited as older learners
they do use the monitor
they are young
49) that adults are faster language learners in the initial stages, but young children out-perform adults with more time ?
Chomsky argues
Houck argues
Krashen argues
50) that adults/older learners are better in both syntactic and semantic variables ?
Houck argued
McLaughlin argued
Krashen argued
معلومات حول الكويز
كويزات المحاضـرة الخامسـة // لمقرر اللغويات التطبيقيـة
السسلام عليكم أسعد الله صباحكم جميعاً هنا كويزات المحاضـرة الخامسـة // لمقرر اللغويات التطبيقيـة أن أصبت فمن الله ,, وأن أخطأت فمن نفسي والشيطان موووفقين يارررب
تم حل الكويز 67 مرة بنسبة نجاح 59%
القسم: الصيفي - كلية الأداب
مناقشة الكويز: كويزات المحاضـرة الخامسـة // لمقرر اللغويات التطبيقيـة
معلومات صاحب الكويز
fahad almutairi

قام بانشاء 16 كويز
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شرف الشريف96%
الجازي ..92%
دكتور نفساني78%
فهد الحميدي70%
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كويزات المحاضرة الأولــى // لمقرر الشعر الإنجليـزي
كويزات المحاضرة السـاابعــة // لمقرر اللغويات التطبيقيـة
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كويزات المحاضرة الثانيـة // مقرر اللغويات التطبيقية
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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