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اسئلة اختبار مدخل إلى الأدب الأمريكي الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
[أسئلة اختبار - مدخل إلى الأدب الأمريكي - د. بسام أبو زيد]
اسئلة اختبار مدخل إلى الأدب الأمريكي الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
عدد الأسئلة: 51
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1) I . The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was first published in:
a) 1884
b) 1885
c) 1774
d) 1700
2) Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer each received ________ dollars when they found a stash of gold some robbers had hidden in the cave;
a) 12000 dollars
b) 3000 dollars
c) 6000 dollars
d) no money
3) Huck's Pap returns because he ______________.
a) wants Huck's money
b) misses his son
c) wants revenge on Judge Thatcher
d) all of the above
4) Tom Sawyer has the other boys from a band of ________.
a) beggars
b) robbers
c) seducers
d) pirates
5) II- "The story of an Hour" What might Mrs. Mallard's ailment symbolize?
a) her inability to see things as they are
b) her inability to filter out less important things in life
c) her unhappiness and troubling
d) "The Dream of a Woman"
6) What is significant about the story's setting?
a) The story is set in a time period that afforded women very few rights
b) It takes place in a large house
c) The story is set in a time period that gave women their rights.
d) The setting makes no difference
7) How could we best characterize Brently Mallard?
a) He is an abusive husband who deserves to die in a train accident.
b) He is a dishonest man who set up the train wreck story so he could scare his wife and kill her.
c) He is a typical husband in the late 19th-century.
d) He is a true lover.
8) Who brought the news of Mr. Mallard's death?
a) A friend of Mr. Mallard's
b) Josephine
c) Louise
d) Mrs. Mallard's friend
9) What is the story's point of view?
a) First person
b) Third-person limited
c) Self conscious
d) Second person objective
10) The rhyme scheme of the first stanza is ________.
a) a b c b
b) a a b b
c) a b c c
d) a b c d
11) In the last line, fifth stanza, mound in this context means ________.
a) The speaker's grave
b) A swelling of the ground
c) A pile of destruction
d) The speaker's marriage
12) The general theme of the poem seems to be that ________.
a) Death is not to be feared
b) Life is comfortable
c) Life is not pleasant when you get old
d) Death is fearful
13) In the fourth stanza, what does quivering mean?
a) Fitting
b) Forgetting
c) Trembling
d) Growing
14) What is the figure of speech in ________. We passed the setting sun. Or rather, he passed us;
a) Anaphora
b) Alliteration
c) Irony
d) Simile
15) What does Dickinson compare the bird to?
a) Discomfort and grief because it's like a dream
b) Dependence
c) Other birds with feathers
d) Hope
16) The poet's use of the word " thing" indicates that hope is something ________.
a) abstract and vague
b) like an extended grieve
c) inanimate
d) concrete and clear
17) The line "And sings the tune - without the words," gives the reader a sense that ________.
a) hope is like words
b) hope is universal
c) hope is not like words
d) hope is a singing bird
18) In line two, first stanza, the word "Perches" means
a) settles
b) flusters
c) dies
d) passes on
19) According to the last line of the poem, Dickinson feels that hope
a) is selfless for not sharing its crumbs with her
b) is a bird that eats crumbs when it is hungry
c) is like crumbs -small and unimportant
d) gives and asks nothing in return
20) IV- The Tell Tale Heart How was the man feeling at the opening of the story?
a) Angry
b) Nervous
c) hungry
d) sensitive
21) What sense was acute in the beginning of the story?
a) Smell
b) Love
c) Hearing
d) Sight
22) Why did the man kill the old man?
a) For his gold
b) Because of his pale blue eye
c) Because the old man wronged him
d) Because the old man was sane
23) How did the man kill the old man?
a) By smothering him with a pillow
b) By choking him with his hands
c) By a piece of rope
d) By pulling the heavy bed over him
24) Where did the man put the old man's body parts after he killed him?
a) Under the planks in the floor
b) In the old man's garden
c) In the old man's closet
d) Under the bed
25) How did the police find out the man had killed the old man?
a) A neighbor said he saw the man kill the old man
b) The police found the body on their own as they ***
c) The man acted as a murder
d) The man shrieked "dissemble no more! I admit the deed!"
26) V- Trifles Where does the play primarily take place ?
a) The detective's house
b) The kitchen
c) The bedroom
d) The police station
27) What do the men do as they first enter the room?
a) Stand by the door
b) Find a bake to eat
c) Warm up at the stove
d) Sat down on the chairs
28) Why does Hale originally visit John Wright's farmhouse?
a) He wants to install a telephone.
b) He wants to invite Hale to a party.
c) He wants to ask Hale about the crops.
d) He is bringing Hale some food.
29) What does Hale observe about the relationship between John and Minnie Wright?
a) What Minnie wants makes no difference to John.
b) They never talk to each other.
c) They love each other very much.
d) They are too busy in their individual lives.
30) How does John Wright die?
a) Gunshot wound
b) Strangling by rope
c) Axe blows
d) Disease
31) Where do the men first investigate after leaving the kitchen?
a) The windows
b) The bedroom
c) The barn
d) The basement
32) Who discovered the murder of Mr. Wright?
a) Lewis Hale, neighbor
b) Mrs. Wright
c) Mrs. Peters
d) Attorney, George Henderson
33) What was Mrs. Wright's name before she was married?
a) Miss Wright
b) Minnie Foster
c) Anne Foster
d) Millie Peters
34) VI- General Question Henry James is a representative of ________.
a) Harlem Renaissance
b) Romanticism
c) realism
d) Emile Zola philosophy
35) American literature began in its true sense in the ________.
a) nineteenth century
b) eighteenth century
c) twentieth century
d) seventeenth century
36) American literary tradition began as linked to the broader tradition of ________.
a) Spanish literature
b) French literature
c) English literature
d) German literature
37) usually was regarded as the first American writer? ________.
a) William Bradford
b) Anne Bradstreet
c) Emily Dickenson
d) Captain John Smith
38) ________ was the first American to gain an international reputation.
a) Benjamin Franklin
b) Hemingway
c) Washington Irving
d) Emily Dickinson
39) The notion "twoness" a divided awareness of one's identity, is one of the features of ________.
a) Realism
b) Romanticism
c) Harlem Renaissance
d) Naturalism
40) "There is no such thing as absolute truth. All things are relative." This is one of the characteristics of ________.
a) Romanticism
b) Realism
c) Modernism
d) Harlem Renaissance
41) ________ is a literary idea in art that attempts to depict and define what is true.
a) Colonialism
b) Realism
c) Romanticism
d) Post-modernism
42) ________ describes a type of literature that attempts to apply scientific principles of objectivity and detachment to its study of human beings.
a) Realism
b) Modernism
c) Naturalism
d) Romanticism
43) The ________ concerns himself with the here and now, centering his work in his own time, dealing with common-place everyday events and people.
a) Romantic
b) Realist
c) Modernist
d) Naturalist
44) American Realism began as a reaction to and a rejection of ________.
a) Romanticism
b) Modernism
c) Naturalism
d) Harlem Renaissance
45) Literature of the common-place, ordinary people-poor and middle class, recent and contemporary life, democratic function of literature, and local color are common themes and elements in ________.
a) Harlem Renaissance
b) Naturalism
c) Modernism
d) Realism
46) writers used a version of the scientific method to write their novels _____________.
a) Harlem Renaissance
b) Romantic
c) Naturalistic
d) Realistic
47) one of the common themes and elements realism is
a) ordinary speech in dialect -- use of vernacular
b) love--sensation
c) ancient or old traditional life
d) business people ---people of high class
48) A _______depicts a characters actions as determined by environmental forces .
a) realist
b) modernist
c) naturalist
d) romantic
49) _____________ in Literature is not a chronological designation; rather it consists of literary work possessing certain loosely defined characteristics
a) Harlem Renaissance
b) Naturalism
c) Modernism
d) Realism
50) ______________ is often associated with realism, which also seeks to accurately represenhuman existence
a) Romanticism
b) Modernism
c) Harlem renaissance
d) Naturalism
51) Modernist American literature produced during the time reflects such themes of...........
a) destruction and chaos
b) love and emotion
c) loneliness and isolation
d) construction and order
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اسئلة اختبار مدخل إلى الأدب الأمريكي الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
[أسئلة اختبار - مدخل إلى الأدب الأمريكي - د. بسام أبو زيد]
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اسئلة اختبار مدخل إلى الأدب الأمريكي الفصل الثاني للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
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