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أسئلة اختبار الشعر الانجليزي الفصل الثاني للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. ابراهيم الشناوي
[أسئلة اختبار - الشعر الانجليزي - د. ابراهيم الشناوي]
أسئلة اختبار الشعر الانجليزي الفصل الثاني للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. ابراهيم الشناوي
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) The .....................consider poetry as an expression of emotions
A. Post moderns
B. Romantics
C. Victorians
D. Moderns
2) A maiden is likened to the skylark flowing her...................into sweet song
A. Love
B. Money
C. Voice
D. Water
3) The duke, in My Last Duchess, shows ........................the portrait of the Duchess
A. The King
B. The messenger
C. His friends
D. His mother
4) The title of “ When We Two Parted” is the same as the........................verse of the poem
A. Third
B. First
C. Fourth
D. Second
5) A close repetition of consonant sounds is .............................
A. Simile
B. Malapropism
A. Metaphor
D. Alliteration
6) The body in " The Little Black Boy " is ..............
A. A sweet dream
B. A passing car
C. A nightmare
D. A colored cloud
7) In ........................................the heads of the flowers were tossing
A. The Rainbow
B. The Flowers
C. Daffodils
D. To Daffodils
8) Byron believes that the beauty of ................................is more important than the physical beauty
A. Soul
B. Words
C. Nature
D. Face
9) .........................for Wordsworth, was his main source of spiritual comfort
A. Travelling
B. Nature
C. Family
D. Marriage
10) Scientific progress was a dominating characteristic in the........................poetry
A. Modern
B. Romantic
C. Victorian
D. Post modern
11) " Daffodils" belongs to the .................
A. Post Victorian age
B. Victorian age
C. Modern age
D. Romantic age
12) The poem in " WHEN WE TWO PARTED" is always having .................................
A. Seven stanzas.
B. Six stanzas.
C. Four stanzas.
D. Five stanzas.
13) To Byron the beauty of the night is more tender than ..............................
A. Morning
B. The day
C. The Dawn
D. Evening
14) The poet's ................... is expressed in the first stanza in Break, Break, Break
A. Admiration of the sea
B. Confusion towards the sea
C. Inability to describe his thoughts
D. Happiness with meeting new friend
15) The behavior of his last Duchess made the Duke always.................
A. Pleased
B. Critical
C. Delighted
D. Satisfied
16) The wife is My Last Duchess was................
A. A threatening wife
B. A domineering wife
C. A submissive wife
D. A democratic wife
17) The unspeakable joy of the bird, in Ode To a Skylark, is compared with the ...........................of mankind
A. Happiness
B. Pleasure
C. Sadness
D. Cheerfulness
18) The modern political and social theories have ................................. modern poetry
A. no signs of
B. greatly affected by.
C. no relation with
D. not affected by
19) The British society witnessed ....................changes in the Victorian age
A. Inappreciable
B. Drastic
C. Slight
D. No
20) The main characteristic of the early Victorian Age was................
A. Faith in the reality of progress
B. Faith in the falseness of progress
C. Rejection of Progress
D. Disbelief in progress
21) The.....................of My Last Duchess is the palace of the Duke of Ferrara.
A. Theme
A. Setting
C. Plot
D. Conflict
22) An embodiment of God's creative ability expresses the ...............meaning of The Tyger
A. Peripheral
B. External
C. Superficial
D. Deeper
23) Tennyson expressed his sadness about his friend's in his poem............
A. The Rainbow
B. Next, Please
C. The Death
D. Break, Break , Break
24) In Modern poetry man is represented as a...................
A. Happy Person
B. Free Bird
C. Salaved
D. Lonely exile
25) ABABAB is the rhyme scheme of the ...................in She Walks in Beauty
A. Third Stanza
B. Fourth Stanza
C. First stanza
D. Second Stanza
26) Romantic poetry rejected ..........................as the only source of poetry
A. Emotions
B. Negotiations
C. Speech
D. Rational intellect
27) In Ode To a Skylark, the .....................................of human beings is not affecting the happiness of the skylark
A. Ecstasy
B. Merriness
C. Sorrow
D. Elation
28) An example of simile in She Walks in Beauty is comparing the movement of the beautiful ..........................to the movement of the skies
A. Pictures
B. Woman
C. Land
D. Eyes
29) In Modern Poetry, the language is that of..........................
A. everyday conversation
B. Kings
C. queens
D. elite
30) Human beings have slight knowledge of death than .......................
A. Domestic animals
B. Wild animals
A. Other birds
D. The skylark
31) ..............................was the prevailing feature in the Victorian Poetry
A. Imperialism
B. Romanticism
C. Naturalism
D. Feminism
32) The Duke in ...............................was negotiating his second marriage
A. My Last Duchess
B. My Coming Duchess
C. My Second Wife
D. My Last Widow
33) The Poet considers the Skylark as
A. A plane
B. A planet
C. A spirit
D. A mother
34) The first issue of My Last Duchess was in..............
A. Dramatic Romances
B. Dramatic Lyrics
C. Love Lyrics
D. Romantic Lyrics
35) Poetic creation is an obvious demonstration of..................in "Daffodils"
A. Byron’s theory
B. Wordsworth’s theory
C. Blake’s theory
D. Coleridge’s theory
36) The poet envies the happiness of the fisherman's boy in stanza ............. in "Break Break Break"
A. Four
B. Two
C. One
D. Three
37) Comparison of the tiger and his eyes to fire is an example of ............... in "The Tyger"
A. Simile
B. Alliteration
C. Metaphor
D. Personification
38) The idea of death prevailed in the poems of.....................
A. Tennyson
B. Browning
C. Larkin
D. Blake
39) ........................is a poem made of questions. There are no less than thirteen question marks
A. The Rainbow
B. Next Please
C. The Eagle
D. The Tyger
40) The skylark exerts no efforts when.................
A. Flying
B. Running
C. Eating
D. Singing
41) ...................of Duchess were colored with a faint blush in the portrait
A. Lips
A. Rose
C. Cheeks
D. Ears
42) The strong influence of .......................on man is obviously clear in "Daffodils"
A. Sickness
B. Mashed
C. Nature
D. Animals
43) Weak religious belief was a main characteristics in the...................
A. Post Victorian
B. Romantic poetry
C. Modern poetry
D. Victorian poetry
44) Nature in "When We Two Parted" shares.........................his sadness
A. The neighbor
B. The friend
C. No man
D. The poet
45) In the Romantic poetry nature.....................
A. Can share with the poet his joys only
B. Cannot share with the poet his joys and sorrows
C. Can share with the poet his sorrows only
D. Can share with the poet his joys and sorrows
46) The Romantic Movement's impact........................
A. Contradicts the Victorian Movement
B. Doesn’t exist anymore
C. Can be felt everywhere in literature
D. Goes side by side with the Modern poetry
47) The boy in The Little Black Boy is striving to..............................
A. Know some aliens
B. Know his own identity
C. Know his neighbors
D. Know his country
48) Wordworth recalled the beautiful sight of ...............after returning back to his ordinary life
A. His family
B. The eagle
C. Flowers
D. His daughters
49) ......................is the central idea in "She Walks in Beauty"
A. Internal and external beauty
B. Ugliness
C. External beauty only
D. Internal beauty only
50) In "When We Two Parted", the........................... is a knell to the poets ea
A. Woman’s ear
B. Women’s hair
C. Woman’s name
D. Women’s nose
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أسئلة اختبار الشعر الانجليزي الفصل الثاني للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. ابراهيم الشناوي
[أسئلة اختبار - الشعر الانجليزي - د. ابراهيم الشناوي]
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أسئلة اختبار الشعر الانجليزي الفصل الثاني للعام 1433-1434 هـ د. ابراهيم الشناوي
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