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أسئلة اختبار النقد الأدبي الفصل الأول للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. فوزي سليسلي
[أسئلة اختبار - النقد الأدبي - د. فوزي سليسلي]
نفس أسئلة اختبار النقد الأدبي الفصل الأول للعام 6143-7143 هـ د. فوزي سليسلي
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) Ars Poetica is a treatise on poetry by :
A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Horace
D. Cicero
2) "Captive Greece took its wild conqueror captive" The conqueror was :
A. England
B. France
C. Russia
D. Rome
3) Medieval and Renaissance authors like Dante considered language to be
A. Human creation
B. A divine creation
C. A government creation
D. A product of chance
4) In the Renaissance ,Lorenzo ,Valla broke with tradition and considered
A. Human creation
B. A divine creation
C. A government creation
D. A product of chance
5) It was during the Renaissance that monopoly of Latin as the sole language of instruction and education was broken . The weapon that humanist used to break that monopoly was :
A. Books of literature
B. Poems that praised the vernacular
C. Grammar books
D. Criticism
6) During the Renaissance , Humanism critics relied on theories of imitation that were developed :
A. In Rome
B. In Greece
C. In Europe
D. In the Muslim world
7) In literary criticism , formalism is the attempt to make the study of literature
A. Formal and serious
B. Scientific and objective
C. Fun and entertaining
D. Educational and interesting
8) The aim of Russian Formalism was :
A. To encourage Russains to write more literature
B. To establish formalism as a respectable school of literary criticism
C. To establish literary scholarship as a distinct and autonomous field of study
D. To show the relevance of linguistic theory to the study of literature
9) Formalist located literary meaning in :
A. The poet
B. The poem
C. The figures of speech
D. The impact of the poem on the reader
10) Formalist proposed to make a distinction :
A. Between prose and poetry
B. Between ancient and modern poetry
C. Between poetic language and ordinary language
D. Between Russian poetic language and English poetic language
11) When a narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the past (of the time zero) , it is called :
A. Analepsis
B. Prolepsis
C. Anachrony
D. Flashback
12) When a narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the future (of the time zero) , it is called :
A. Analepsis
B. Prolepsis
C. Anachrony
D. Flashback
13) Genette distinguishes three kinds of focalization :
A. Internal , external and zero focalization
B. Simple , complex and composite focalization
C. First , second and third degree focalization
D. Small , medium and large focalization
14) What are the two issues that Gerard Gennette says traditional criticism confuses under "point of View"
A. Plot and characters
B. Writer and narrator
C. First -person narration and third - person narration
D. Narrative voice and narrative perspective
15) According to Roland Barthes, "a text is not a line of words realizing a single 'theological' meaning ( the 'message' of the the Author - God ) but :
A. “ a space in which a variety of writings , none of them original , blend and clash “
B. “ a ground in which a variety of writings , none of them original , blend and clash “
C. “ a multi-dimensional space in which a variety of writings , none of them original , blend and clash “
D. “ a uni-dimensional space in which a variety of writings , none of them original , blend and clash “
16) Roland Barthes rejected the idea that literature and criticism should rely on :
A. A single method of reading that everyone should follow
B. A single self-determining author , in control of his meanings
C. A single school of criticism to interpreta all the texts
D. A single philosophy of language to use for literary criticism
17) Barhes wants literature to move away from the ideal of the author in order to discover.
A. The power of literature
B. The hidden meaning of the text
C. The intentions of the author
D. The reader and writing
18) According to Michel Foucault , the " author function" is :
A. A set of belief that the author encodes in his text for the reader to find
B. A set of criteria the reader applies to understand the opinion of the author in the text
C. A set of criteria used in bookstores to organize books on the shelves
D. A set of beliefs governing the production, circulation , classification and consumption of texts
19) What is the number of the actants in Greimas's Actanital Model ?
A. Six
B. Ten
C. Sixteen
D. Twenty
20) A.J Greimas says we can apply the Actantial Model on :
A. Short stories
B. Novels
C. Plays
D. All literature
21) Mimesis-Dieges is a literary distinction that was the first formulated by
A. Shakespeare
B. Aristole
C. Quiniilian
D. Plato
22) Poetry , says Plato , is dangerous and ought to be banned from the state because: Without a system of writing , how does a society preserve and transmit its knowledge , its customs and its traditions ?
A. Poetry makes people lazy
B. poetry cripples the mind
C. poetry makes people weak in math
D. poetry teaches people to rob and steal
23) Without a system of writing , how does a society preserve and transmit its knowledge , its customs and its traditions ?
A. They hired writers from another society
B. They use poetry and songs
C. They use videotape
D. They use word of mouth
24) Which critics said : "And narration may be either simple narration , or Imation , or a union of the two “ ?
A. Ibn Rushd
B. Aristotle
C. Horace
D. Plato
25) The Greek term for "art" and its Latin equivalent (ars) refer to :
A. The fine arts
B. The sciences
C. The crafts
D. All kinds of human Activities which we would call crafts or sciences
26) 26. Aristotle defined what as "an imitation of an action" ?
A. Poetry
B. Tragedy
C. Films
D. Music
27) Tragedy causes pity and fear in :
A. The writer
B. The audience
C. The actors
D. The hero
28) What genre of literature does Aristotle say must have six parts?
A. The novel
B. Comedy
C. Tragedy
D. Epic poetry
29) What is it that , according to Aristotle , should have a beginning , a middle and an end?
A. The characters
B. The setting
C. The themes
D. The plot
30) The most accurate definition of the "plot" in Aristotle's theory of tragedy is :
A. The event of the story
B. The arrangement of the events in the story
C. The arrangement of the hero’s actions in a cause-effect chain of incidents
D. The arrangement of the events in a cause-effect chain on incidents
31) "Literariness" ,according to Jan Mukarovsky, consists in:
A. The maximum foregrounding of the utterance
B. The minimum foregrounding of the utterance
C. The maximum backgrounding of the utterance
D. The minimum backgrounding of the utterance
32) Inpoetry,said Jakobson ,the communicative function should be:
A. Reduced to minimum
B. Increased to a maximum
C. Completely eliminated
D. Used moderately
33) Vladimir Propp tested his theories on :
A. Renaissance drama
B. American short stories
C. English novels
D. Russian fairytales
34) Structuralism seeks to :
A. Interpret literature
B. Investigate the structures of literature
C. Investigate styles in literature
D. Investigate metaphors in literature
35) Formalism became in the 1960's the foundation for which scholl of literary criticism ?
A. Structuralism
B. Deconstruction
C. Marxism
D. Post-structuralism
36) With Structuralism literary criticism develops the ambition to study to study literature from a
A. strictly literary perspective
B. strictly scientific perspective
A. strictly poetic perspective
D. strictly Marxist perspective
37) In Narrative Discourse , Gerard Gennette defines the "time the story" as :
A. The time in which the author is writing the story
B. The time in which the story happen
C. The time in which the story is being told
D. The time in which the story is being read
38) In Narrative Discourse , Gerard Gennette defines the "time the narrative" as :
A. The time in which the author is writing the story
B. The time in which the story happens
C. The time in which the story is being told
D. The time in which the story is being read
39) Gerard Gennette calls "narrative order" :
A. The relationship between the time of the story and the time of the narrative
B. The relationship between the time of the story and the time of the reading
C. The relationship between the time of the writing and the time of the reading
D. The relationship between the time of the fiction and real time
40) When A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the past( of the time zero) or from the future ( of the time of zero ) , it is called
A. Flashback
B. Projection in the future
C. Prolepes
D. Anachronies
41) Who said : " There is no pre-discursive reality . Every reality is shaped and accessed by a discourse " ?
A. Roland Barthes
B. Michel Foucault
C. Jacques Derrida
D. A. J Greimans
42) According to Richard Mabark ,European writers knew Greek works :
A. Directly by reading them
B. From Arabic translations
C. By hiring Greek translators
D. Only through the praise of (Roman) Latin authors
43) Logocentrism is an important concept that was developed by :
A. Structuralists
B. Post- structuralists
C. Formalism
D. Semioticians
44) Karl Marx said that it is people's material conditions that determinates their :
A. Literary talents
B. Consciousness
C. Wealth
D. Productivity
45) In Marxist criticism , literary products ( novels , plays, etc ) cannot be understood:
A. Without reference to the author’s biography and political culture.
B. Without reference to the classical background that influences them
C. Outside of the economic condtions, class relations and ideologies of their time
D. Outside the time and place in which the author lives
46) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were:
A. Literary critics
B. Political philosophers
C. Novelist
D. Play wrights
47) Western drama , potery literary criticism , art , education , politics ,fashion , architecture ,writing , sculpture were ALL produced in imitation of
A. French literature
B. Classical Antiquity
C. Latin American culture
D. Arabic and Islamic culture
48) The West's relationship with Greece and Rome is :
A. Full of contradictions and ambivalence
B. Simple and straightforward
C. Unknown
D. Beautiful
49) The Romans so desperately wanted to imitate the Greeks and so constantly failed to match them because :
A. The Romans did not read and write
B. The Romans did not have translators
C. Imitation cannot produce originality
D. The Romans were bad imitators
50) The Romans were :
A. Simple rural and uncultivated people
B. Sophisticated and literary people
C. Multilingual
D. Unable to read and write
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أسئلة اختبار النقد الأدبي الفصل الأول للعام 1434-1435 هـ د. فوزي سليسلي
[أسئلة اختبار - النقد الأدبي - د. فوزي سليسلي]
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نفس أسئلة اختبار النقد الأدبي الفصل الأول للعام 6143-7143 هـ د. فوزي سليسلي
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