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أسئلة اختبار النقد الأدبي الفصل الأول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. فوزي سليسلي
[أسئلة اختبار - النقد الأدبي - د. فوزي سليسلي]
أسئلة اختبار النقد الأدبي الفصل الأول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. فوزي سليسلي
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) The distinction Mimesis-Diegesis is comparable to the distinction :
A. Showing and telling
B. Thinking and writing
C. Teaching and studying
D. Performing and watching
2) The Greek term for 'art' and it is Latin equivalent (arts)refer to what
A. Fine Arts
B. Sciences
C. Crafts
D. Crafts and sciences
3) Aristotle defined tragedy as "an imitation of .........."
A. Poetry
B. Drama
C. An action
D. Painting
4) According to Aristotle , the plot should have
A. Characters , setting and themes
B. A Beginning , a middle and an end
C. High born and low born character
D. A chorus and hero speaking in poetry
5) what should be arranged ,according to Aristotle , into a cause?
A. The plot
B. The setting
C. The hero's biography
D. The love story in the play
6) Horace's famous treatise on poetry and rhetoric is titled :
A. Poetics
B. The Republic
C. Institutio Rhetorica
D. Ars Poetica
7) Quintilian's famous treatise on poetry and rhetoric is titled
A. Poetics
B. The Republic
C. Institutio Oratoria
D. Ars Poetica
8) How does a society , in the absence of the system of writing , preserve its knowledge and traditions ? How does it transmit this knowledge and tradition to the younger generation ?
A. Through religion
B. Through poetry
C. Through education
D. Through science
9) Oral poetry is a communal experience ,but literature is :
A. An inter-communal experience
B. An interaction between a reader and book
C. A national experience
D. A national performance
10) Plato analyzes poetry from the perspective of style and content to prove that it is :
A. Educational
B. Rich and rewarding
C. Dangerous
D. Harmless
11) In Narrative Discourse , Gerard Gennette calls the time in which the story is told
A. The time of the narrative
B. The time of the story
C. The time of the action
D. The time of the reading
12) Anachronies , according to Gerard Gennete, happen when:
A. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the past of the time Zero
B. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the past Of the time Zero
C. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the past of the time Zero) or from the future ( of the time zero)
D. A narrative is interrupted by flashbacks .
13) A nalepses happen ,according to Gerard Gennete ,when:
A. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the future …of the time zero
B. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the future or the past of time zero
C. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the past to the time zero
D. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the time zero
14) Prolepses happen ,according to Gerard Gennete, when:
A. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the future of the time zero
B. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the future or the past of time zero
C. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the past to the time zero
D. A narrative stops the chronological order to bring events or information from the time zero
15) According to Gerard Genete ,"Zero Focalization" in a narrative is a situation in which
A. The character knows more than the narrator
B. The character knows as much as the narrator
C. The character knows less than the narrator
D. The character doesn't knows anything
16) According to Gerard Genete ,"Internal Focalization" in a narrative is a situation which
A. The character knows more than the narrator
B. The character knows as much as the narrator
C. The character knows less than the narrator
D. The character doesn't knows anything
17) According to Gerard Genete ," External Focalization" in a narrative is a situation which
A. The character knows more than the narrator
B. The character knows as much as the narrator
C. The character knows less than the narrator
D. The character doesn't knows anything
18) According to Marxist criticism, Literary products (novels ,plays, poems ,etc) understood .....
A. Outside of the economic conditions of their time
B. Outside the text
C. Outside the country in which they were produced
D. Outside the author's life
19) People's consciousness, according to Karl Marx , is determined by ....
A. Their university education
B. Their culture
C. Their family uprising
D. Their material conditions
20) According to Roland Barthes criticism should assumes that
A. The author is in charge and in control the meaning of the test
B. The author is not in charge and in control the meaning of the test
C. The critic in in charge and in control the meaning of the test
D. The critic is not in charge and in control the meaning of the test
21) From the 16 th to the 20 th centuries , western drama ,poetry , literary criticism , art , education, Politics, fashion, sculpture were All produced in imitation of
A. France
B. England
C. Classical antiquity
D. China
22) Who said "No past life has been lived to lend us glory, and that which has exis ted beforeus is not curs" ?
A. Cicero
B. Horace
C. Seneca
D. Quintilian
23) Who said "Captive Greece took its wild conguer or conqtive". ?
A. Cicero
B. Horace
C. Seneca
D. Quintilian
24) Who said "A man who follows another not only finds nothing: he is looking "?
A. Cicero
B. Horace
C. Seneca
D. Quintilian
25) The west's relationship with Greece and Roma is .
A. Rich and productive
B. Contradictory and ambivalent
C. Weak and superficial
D. clear and ambiguous
26) The Romans were unsatisfied with their attempt to imitate ......
A. Imitation cannot produce originality
B. The Romans were poor translator
C. The Romans were poor imitator
D. The Greek culture was complex
27) In Roman culture , poems , plays and rhostrical spread were standard :
A. superstore propaganda
B. Foreign culture
C. National Moments
D. Finite culture
28) Poetry ,says Plato , is dangerous and might to be banned from the state because :
A. Poetry cripples the imagination
B. Poetry cripples the mind
C. Poetry cripples the body
D. Poetry cripples the education system
29) Mimesis-Dieges is a literary distinction that was the first formulated by
A. Plato
B. Aristole
C. Quiniilian
D. Horace
30) The distinction Mimesis and Diagesis refers to :
A. The difference between the use of metaphor and similes
B. The distinction between poetry and drama
C. The difference between the use of first person singular and third person singular
D. The difference between the narrative and the dramatic mode
31) Who wrote following passage and where? "Tragedy, then, is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; in the form of action, not of narrative; with incidents arousing pity and fear, wherewith to accomplish its katharsis of such emotions. . . . Every Tragedy, therefore, must have six parts, which parts determine its quality-namely, Plot, Characters, Diction, Thought, Spectacle, Melody"
A. Plato in the Republic
B. Plato in the Georgia
C. Aristotle in the Poetics
D. Aristotle in the Polices
32) Medieval and Renaissance authors like Dante considered language to be
A. Human creation
B. A divine creation
C. A government creation
D. A product of chance
33) In the Renaissance ,Lorenzo ,Valla broke with tradition and considered
A. Human creation
B. A divine creation
C. A government creation
D. A product of chance
34) Renaissance humanists relied heavily on theories of imitation that were developed
A. In Rome
B. In Greece
C. In France
D. In England
35) Formalists proposed to make a distinction:
A. Between prose and poetry
B. Between dramtic language and poetic language
C. Between ordinary language and poetic language
D. Between literary language and technical language
36) "Literariness" ,according to Jan Mukarovsky, consists in:
A. The maximum backgrounding of the utterance
B. The minimum backgrounding of the utterance
C. The maximum foregrounding of the utterance
D. The minimum foregrounding of the utterance
37) Inpoetry,said Jakobson ,the communicative function should be:
A. Reduced to minimum
B. Increased to a maximum
C. Completely eliminated
D. Used moderately
38) Structuralism emerged in the 1960s and used as its foundation the literary of criticism?
A. Humanism
B. Formalism
C. Marxism
D. Post-structuralism
39) Structuralism wanted to study literature.....
A. From a strictly literary perspective
B. From a strictly dramatic perspective
C. From a strictly scientific perspective
D. From a strictly Marxist perspective
40) In Narrative Discourse, Gerard Gennette calls the time in
A. The time of the narrative
B. The time of the story
C. The time of the action
D. The time of reading
41) Barthes wants to celebrate the death of the author in order to the literature discovers :
A. The criteria and the philosopher
B. The real behavior of the character
C. The reader and writing
D. The behavior of the author
42) Michel Foucalt rejects the notion of the "author" altogether and talks instead the "author" function which be defines as :
A. A set of beliefs governing the writing and publishing of texts
B. A set of beliefs governing the reading , teaching and criticism of texts
C. A set of beliefs governing the classification and consumption of texts
D. A set of beliefs governing the production , circulation , classification and consumption of texts
43) Post-structuralism was a critical and comprehensive response to the basic assumption of:
A. Marxism
B. Formulism
C. Deconstruction
D. structuralism
44) To understand a text, Post-structuralism studies :
A. The systems of knowledge which interacted to produce the text
B. The systems of metaphors which interacted to produce the text
C. The political systems which interacted to produce the text
D. The structure assumptions of the author
45) The concept of "selt" a singular and coherent entity for poststructural
A. Crucial for understanding texts
B. A fictional construct
C. Constitutive of the meaning of texts
D. Old fashioned but still relevant to modern criticism
46) An actant ,says Greimas, is :
A. An extrapolation of the stylistic features of a narrative
B. An extrapolation of the deep meaning of a narrative
C. An extrapolation of the phonetic features of a narrative
D. An extrapolation of the syntactic structure of a narrative
47) European writers, says Richard Mabrak,knew Greek works
A. From German translators
B. Directly by reading them
C. Through the praise of Roman Latin authors
D. From Arab translators
48) History, according to Karl Mavx, is made up of two .... material conditions of life and the superstructure,
A. Ideology and consciousness
B. Art and literature
C. Popular culture and television
D. Education and culture
49) The idea that "there is no pre -discursive reality a discourse "is attributed to which school of criticism.?
A. Formalism
B. Structuralism
C. Post-Structuralism
D. Marxism
50) Greimas ,Actantial Model can be applied on ....
A. Specify types of literature
B. All Literature
C. Heroic
D. Dramatic literature
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أسئلة اختبار النقد الأدبي الفصل الأول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. فوزي سليسلي
[أسئلة اختبار - النقد الأدبي - د. فوزي سليسلي]
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