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اسئلة اختبار 37 -38 هـ الفصل الأول النقد الأدبي
[أسئلة اختبار - النقد الأدبي - د. فوزي سلسلي]
اسئلة اختبار 37 -38 هـ الفصل الأول النقد الأدبي
عدد الأسئلة: 39
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1) Morphology of the folktale was written by
a) Michel Foucault
b) Roland Bathes
c) Jacques Derrida
d) Vladimir Propp
2) Vladimir Propp studied
a) Short stories
b) Poetry
c) Fairy tales
3) How many functions did Vladimir Propp establish for (السؤال ناقص )
a) Twenty-one functions
b) Thirty-one functions
c) Forty-one functions
d) Fifty-one functions
4) How many character types did Vladimir propp establish for ( السؤال ناقص )
a) Twenty
b) Seven
c) Thirty- one
d) Sixty
5) According to structuralism , literary criticism should
a) The text
b) The historical background
c) The political context
d) The life of the author
6) Which one of the following was a prominent structuralist …
a) Roland barthes
b) Shakespeare
c) Plato
d) Ernest Hemingway
7) Structuralism can be said to be a continuation……
a) Marxism
b) Symbolism
c) Linguistics
d) Formalism
8) When Roman poet Horace Said : “Captive Greece took its wild conqueror captive” he was expressing
a) Pride -
b) Inferiority
c) Hate
d) Love
9) Who said: “No past life has been lived to lend us glory, and that which has existed before us is not ours”?
a) Cicero
b) Horace
c) Seneca
d) Quintilian
10) Who said: “A man who follows another not only finds nothing; he is not even looking.”?
a) Cicero
b) Horace
c) Seneca
d) Quintilian
11) The period at the end of middle Ages is called the " Renaissance " because across Europe people wanted
a) To study Chinese poetry
b) To revive the Greek language
c) To revive Egyptian hieroglyphs
d) To revive Greek and Roman learning
12) Hundreds and hundreds of texts and books that no one had seen for hundreds of years were discovered in the Renaissance. Where did these books come from?
a) Canada and the United States
b) France and England
c) China and Japan
d) Greek and Roman
13) Without a system of writing, how does a society preserve its knowledge, its customs and traditions? How does this society transmit its knowledge and customs and traditions to the younger generation?
a) By using drawings
b) By using mathematics
c) By using dance
d) By using poetry
14) Where is the following passage taken from " “Tragedy, then, is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic Ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; in the form of action, not of narrative; with incidents arousing pity and fear, where with to accomplish its katharsis of such emotions.
a) Plato in the Republic
b) Plato in the Gorgias
c) Aristotle in the Poetics
d) Aristotle in the Politics
15) Tragedy is the “ imitation of an action ( mimesis ) according to :
a) The laws of literary criticism
b) The laws of probability or necessity
c) The laws of the government
d) The laws of theater and drama
16) In book X of Republic , plato banned the ……
a) Politician
b) Craftsman
c) Philosopher
d) Poet
17) The plot, according to Aristotle, must be “a whole,” with:
a) A happy ending for comedy and an unhappy ending for tragedy
b) A beginning, middle, and end
c) A good deal of entertainment
d) An adventure story
18) According to Karl Marx, history is made up of two main forces
a) Government and people
b) Base and superstructure
c) Culture and economy
d) Capital and industry
19) " Classical Marxism " refers to the work of:
a) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
b) Early Western Marxists
c) Late Marxists
d) The Frankfurt School
20) Which theories of imitation did Renaissance Humanists used to develop a language and a literature?
a) Greek theories of imitation
b) Roman theories of imitation
c) European theories of imitation
d) Islamic theories of imitation
21) The "time of the story," says Gerard Gennette, is the time in which:
a) The author writes the story
b) The narrator tells the story
c) The story happens
d) The story is analyzed
22) The "time of the narrative," says Gerard Gennette, is the time in which
a) The author writes the story
b) The narrator tells the story
c) The story happens
d) The story is analyzed
23) One of Karl Marx’s main contributions is the idea that people's consciousness ( ideas, education, culture, legal system, etc) is determined by:
a) Their literary talents
b) Their spiritual conditions
c) The universities they go to
d) Their material condition s
24) The relationship between the time of the story and the time of the narrative, according to Gerard Gennette, is called:
a) Narrative Mood
b) Narrative Order
c) Narrative Perspective
d) Levels of Narrative
25) Which critic or philosopher developed the idea that tragedy must have six parts?
b) Aristotle
c) Roland Barthes
d) Michel Foucault
26) Roland Barthes wants literary criticism not to focus on the author in order to discover
a) The intentions of the author
b) The message of the text
c) The beauty of literature
d) The reader and writing
27) How many actants does Greimas's Actantial Model include?
a) Twenty-six
b) Sixteen
c) Thirty-six
d) Six
28) What kind of literature does Greimas' Actantial Model ..............
a) Historical literature
b) All literature
c) Fairy tales
d) plays
29) Gerard Gennette show that the question of "focalization" in literature is :
A) Who participates in the action?
b) Who sees the action ?
c) Who narrates the actions?
d) The audience
30) plato said narrative can proceed by:
a) Imitation
b) Narration
c) A mixture of the tow
d) By indirect speech
31) Aristotle was a student of :
a) Socrates
b) Einstein
c) Parmenides
d) Plato
32) plato analyzed poetry in his dialogue
33) Aristotle wrote
Philosophical works
34) Aristotle analyzed tragedy in which one of his books?
35) Who defined tragedy as "an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude" ?
36) What, according to Aristotle, arouses pity and fear?
37) Ancient Roman culture was
culture of books
culture of the aristocracy
museum culture
living culture
38) Horace equates the preserved Greek culture with “elegance” and he equates the popular culture of his own Roman society with:
39) Roman author use poetry and literature for tow things ?
To improve eloquence and sing national glories
To sell books and fight unemployment
To entertain the emperor and the masses
To educate children and entertain adults
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اسئلة اختبار 37 -38 هـ الفصل الأول النقد الأدبي
[أسئلة اختبار - النقد الأدبي - د. فوزي سلسلي]
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اسئلة اختبار 37 -38 هـ الفصل الأول النقد الأدبي
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