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اسئلة اختبار علم المعاني والبراغماتيك الفصل الثاني للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. فهد بن دهيش
[أسئلة اختبار - علم المعاني والبراغماتيك - د. فهد بن دهيش]
اسئلة اختبار علم المعاني والبراغماتيك الفصل الثاني للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. فهد بن دهيش
عدد الأسئلة: 47
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1) It can be identified as changing the stress and the falling and rising tone while speaking . What is it ?
a. Prosody
b. Implicature
c. Paralanguage
d. Gesture
2) Pretending to yawn , with finger tips in front of mouth is a visual sign could be equivalent to saying ...
a. " I smell something bad "
b. "I am bored "
c. "I approve that "
d. " I forgot to do it "
3) The word mole (that appears on skin) and mole (the animal) are recognized as ...
a. Synonymy
b. Homonymy
c. Homophony
d. Polysemy
4) What is the semantic / lexical relation between carrot and vegetables ?
a. Homonymy
b. Synonymy
c. Homophony
d. Hyponymy
5) Using body language while interacting with other is also known as ...
a. communicating via prosody
b. communicating via Paralanguage
c. communicating via Implicature
d. communicating via gesture
6) Identify the pair of non grad-able antonyms among the following
a. dress and undress
b. alive and dead
c. high and low
d. fast and slow
7) One type of antonym is called reversive . Which among the following considered an example of reversive ?
a. fair and unfair
b. safe and unsafe
c. happy and unhappy
d. tie and untie
8) How would you define two or more different written words that have the same pronunciation ?
a. Homophones
b. Homonyms
c. Polysemous
d. Collocation
9) What do you say about this sentence ? "The horse is reading the potery book "
a. It is syntactically odd but semantically good
b. It is both syntactically and semantically good
c. It is syntactically good but semantically odd.
d. It is both syntactically and semantically odd
10) What is the thematic role that can be defined as the entity that performs an action?
a. The agent
b. The theme
c. The location
d. The goal
11) What is the thematic role for the noun phrase "Anna" ? " Anna played a short song with the piano in her school "
a. theme
b. experiencer
c. agent
d. instrument
12) What is the thematic role for the noun phrase "a short song" ? " Anna played a short song with the piano in her school "
a. theme
b. agent
c. experiencer
d. source
13) What is the thematic role for the noun phrase "her piano" ? " Anna played a short song with the piano in her school "
a. goal
b. instrument
c. theme
d. experiencer
14) What is the thematic role for the noun phrase "her school" ? " Anna played a short song with the piano in her school "
a. instrument
b. goal
c. source
d. location
15) Among the following four types of chairs , which one can be the most typical of the whole set ?
a. bench
b. stall
c. arm chair
d. message chair
16) What are the semantic features required for the subject of the sentences? "_______ is about to give birth to her second child this month ".
a. [+Animate ,+ Human,-Female ,+Adult]
b. [+Animate ,+ Human,+Female ,+Adult]
c. [+Animate ,+ Human,-Female ,-Adult]
d. [+Animate ,- Human,-Female ,+Adult]
17) This can be defined as the mental representation of meaning or categorization .What is it ?
a. referring expression
b. prototype
c. referent
d. inference
18) Which among these sentences involves a secondary referring expressions ?
a. This little girl is fast
b. Your friend is fast
c. That one is fast
d. The big camel is fast
19) The dentist said : "My eleven-thirty canceled so I had an early lunch ". Eleven-thirty in this utterance is best interpreted as ..
a. a patient
b. a watch
c. a doctor
d. a break
20) The referring expression " the Arabian Gulf " is considered ......
a. an abstract referent
b. a non-unique referent
c. a variable referent
d. a unique referent
21) Among the following are examples of concrete non countable referent have numerous particles not worth counting .Which ones are they ?
a. some coins and some pens
b. apple sauce and ink
c. rice and sugar
d. furniture and jewelry
22) Throughout the course , what did we say about food names such veal ?
a. That they occur only as plurals
b. That they could be concrete or abstract
c. That they come from Anglo-Saxon origin
d. That they come from Norman-French origin
23) All these sentences have temporal deixis except for one .which one is it ?
a. Come back later
b. l'm busy now
c. You can eat over there
d. Please , join me tomorrow
24) What among the following can be understood as reference to an already introduced entity?
a. Deixis
b. Anaphora
c. Antecedent
d. Collocation
25) What is meant by the question " You shall know a word be the company it keeps "
a. Collocation
b. Anaphora
c. Deixis
d. preposition
26) Which of the followings is not an opened collocation (i.e it .....?
a. Run a bath
b. Take a picture
c. Keep the roles
d. Place gently
27) Identify the only one collocation that is written correctly in the followings
a. Did you look at TV last night?
b. You made a few mistakes
c. Your car has a very strong engine
d. You must do an effort to study for the exam
28) All the following are examples of true correct collocation except
a. stick to the rules
b. a quick car
c. a quick glance
d. keep to the rules
29) If someone asks you " Can you pass the hot sauce? " while eating at the dining hall, this utterance is often interpreted as..
a. a question
b. a request
c. a direct speech
d. an interrogation
30) Imaging that you enter the classroom and your professor, who want you to close the door behind you , said " You left the door open " What is the locutionary force in this scene ?
a. The intended meaning he had
b. The effect achieved by the utterance
c. The utterance that he actually said
d. The production of words that made up his utterance
31) In the field of linguistics , politeness is mainly related to the concept of ......
a. self
b. feeling
c. face
d. tactfulness
32) Each of the following utterance contains a speech act except for one . Which one is it ?
a. I bet you 30$ he will not show up
b. I 'll meet you at 5 o'clock at the library
c. I'm sorry I said that to you
d. I eat at the new cafeteria every Monday
33) Negative politeness is about respecting the negative face of other . An example of that is ....
a. apologizing
b. thanking
c. paying compliments
d. indicating friendliness
34) “The chair of the English department is seeking a bilingual assistant ” What does “chair” in this sentence involve ?
a. Hyponymy
b. Synonymy
c. Homonymy
d. Polysemy
35) What is the expression that cannot be understood only from its string of words
a. A metaphor
b. An idiom
c. A collocation
d. An Anaphora
36) Only one of the following examples is considered a well-written an idiom . Which one is it?
a. fly of the handles
b. kick the buckets
c. spilled the beans
d. blow one's tops
37) Which among the followings contains a spatial metaphor ?
a. He shot down all of my arguments
b. He is living on borrowed time
c. He is planting ideas in my head
d. He is in high spirits
38) Only one of these sentences contains an idiom . Which one is it?
a. I need to hit the sack early tonight
b. I broke the foot of the bed
c. I wasted my time on this
d. I saw the water running
39) What is the semantic / lexical relation between buy and purchase ?
a. Synonymy
b. Hyponymy
c. Homonymy
d. Homophony
40) All the following are examples of paralanguage except for :
a. Giggling
b. Smiling
c. Laughing
d. Crying
41) Mom: Have you done your homework and cleaned your room ? Son: I've done my homework What maxim does the son flout /violate in this conversation?
a. The Maxim of Relation
b. The Maxim of Quality
c. The Maxim of Manner
d. The Maxim of Quantity
42) By starting an utterance with "To make a long story short " .... the speaker is being aware of the maxim of .......
a. Quality
b. Quantity
c. Relation
d. Manner
43) The meaning of a word can be included under another word , in the case of
a. Polysemy
b. Synonymy
c. Hyponymy
d. Antonymy
44) Sarah to her friend : Do you want to go to the meeting tonight ? The friend : I have an exam tomorrow What maxim does the friend seem to violate in this conversation ?
a. The Maxim of Quality
b. The Maxim of Quantity
c. The Maxim of Relation
d. The Maxim of Manner
45) Father to daughter: Where are you going ? Daughter : Out What maxim does the daughter flout in this conversation ?
a. The Maxim of Quality
b. The Maxim of Quantity
c. The Maxim of Relation
d. The Maxim of Manner
46) How can we determine literal meaning of a sentence ?
a. Through the meaning of the sentence in the physical –social context
b. Through the individual words and syntactic construction in which they
c. Through the hidden message of a particular sequence of words
d. Through the pragmatic side of the sentence
47) 47. My father is 75 years old I can change "my father" into the synonym "my dad " if I want to sound …
a. impolite
b. more formal
c. very polite
d. less formal
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اسئلة اختبار علم المعاني والبراغماتيك الفصل الثاني للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. فهد بن دهيش
[أسئلة اختبار - علم المعاني والبراغماتيك - د. فهد بن دهيش]
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اسئلة اختبار علم المعاني والبراغماتيك الفصل الثاني للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. فهد بن دهيش
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