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اسئلة اختبار علم المعاني والبراغماتيك الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. فهد بن دهيش
[أسئلة اختبار - علم المعاني والبراغماتيك - د. فهد بن دهيش]
اسئلة اختبار علم المعاني والبراغماتيك الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. فهد بن دهيش
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) Although both semantics and pragmatics are concerned with meaning .pragmatics is focused more on ................
a. the conventional meaning
b. the literal meaning
c. the intended meaning
d. the grammatical meaning
2) " My father purchased a large automobile " I can change the sentence into " my dad bought a big car " if I want to sound ....
a. more formal
b. less formal
c. very polite
d. impolite
3) Connecting one utterance to another previous utterance unconsciously is known as .....
a. Prototype
b. Gesture
c. Collocation
d. Implicate
4) They are two or more different written form that have the same pronunciation / what are they ?
a. Homophones
b. Homonyms
c. Polysemous
d. Hyponyms
5) Which of followings has tones would possibly change the interpretation of a spoken message?
a. Deixis
b. Prosody
c. Gesture
d. Maxim
6) Slapping your forehead with the palm of your hand is a visual sign that could be equivalent to saying .
a. " I am sleepy "
b. " I forgot "
c. " I smell something"
d. " I don't know "
7) This character role can be defined as " The entity undergoing an action or movement" Which role is it
a. The experience
b. The theme
c. The location
d. the goal
8) how can you determine the meaning of a an utterance as " I'm hungry " ?
a. Thought the meaning of the sentence only
b. Thought the individual words and grammatical construction in which they occur
c. Thought the meaning of the sentence in addition to the physical-social context
d. Thought the construction of words in particular meaningful together
9) What is the semantic/lexical relation between banana and fruit ?
a. Hyponymy
b. Synonymy
c. Homophony
d. Homonymy
10) Identify the pair of non grad-able antonyms among the following
a. dress and undress
b. tell and short
c. male and female
d. old and young
11) Reversive is one type of antonym .Which among the followings examples is reversive ?
a. happy and unhappy
b. pack and unpack
c. c safe and unsafe
d. d fair and unfair
12) Paralanguage can be found when the speaker is .....
a. being vocal but not verbal
b. being verbal but not vocal
c. moving his hands
d. moving his head
13) What are the semantic features required for the subject of the sentences? "_______is traveling with his wife to London this week "
a. [+Animate ,+ Human,+Female ,+Adult]
b. [+Animate ,+Human,-Female,-Adult]
c. [+Animate ,+ Human,-Female ,+Adult]
d. [+Animate ,- Human,-Female ,+Adult]
14) It is understood as using names associated with things to refer to people . What is it ?
a. reference
b. prototype
c. referent
d. inference
15) It can be defined as the gradual mental representation of meaning or categorization. What is it?
a. inference
b. referent
c. prototype
d. referring expression
16) What is the thematic role for the noun phrase "work " in the sentence?
a. location
b. source
c. goal
d. instrument
17) What is the thematic role for the noun phrase "Sally" in the sentence?
a. experiencer
b. agent
c. theme
d. source
18) what is the thematic role for the noun phrase " a poor man" in the sentence?
a. goal
b. theme
c. experience
d. agent
19) what is the thematic role for the noun phrase "the sidewalk" in the sentence?
a. location
b. goal
c. source
d. instrument
20) What is the semantic/lexical relation between race ( the contest of speed) and race ( the ethnic group) ?
a. Hyponymy
b. Synonymy
c. Homophony
d. Homonymy
21) What is your opinion about this sentence? " The table ate the sandwich "
a. It is syntactically good but semantically odd.
b. It is syntactically odd but semantically good
c. It is both syntactically and semantically odd
d. It is both syntactically and semantically good
22) Among the following four kinds of tea , which one is considered the most typical of the whole set ?
a. strawberry tea
b. Moroccan tea
c. white tea
d. red tea
23) What is the semantic / lexical relation between meet and meat ?
a. Hyponymy
b. Synonymy
c. Homophony
d. Homonymy
24) Which of the following sentences has the thematic role " Instrument "?
a. The boy cut the rope with a razor
b. The boy felt happy
c. The boy saw the rope on the floor
d. The boy returned the razor
25) Which among these sentences involves a secondary referring expressions ?
a. Your sister is pale
b. That one is pale
c. The big cat is pale
d. This rose is pale
26) A waiter at a restaurant asked : "Wheres the cucumber salad sitting? "The cucumber salad in this utterance is best interpreted as..
a. just a sandwich
b. money
c. a customer
d. the restaurant manager
27) The referring expression "Lake" is considered ........
a. a unique referent
b. a non-unique referent
c. a fixed referent
d. an abstract referent
28) Only one sentence among the flowing has a temporal deixis .which one is it ?
a. l'm busy now
b. you can't stay here
c. Put them near that
d. These boxes are heavy
29) What among the following is a subsequent reference to an already introduced entity.?
a. Antecedent
b. Anaphora
c. Collocation
d. Deixis
30) It is defined as " a pair or group of words that are often used together , such as, take a picture " what is it ?
a. Deixis
b. Anaphora
c. Collocation
d. Presupposition
31) All these examples represent correct collocations except for .......
a. stick to the rules
b. a quick car
c. a quick glance
d. keep to the rules
32) what speaker assumes is true or know by listener can be described as .......
a. prototype
b. deixis
c. Collocation
d. Presupposition
33) In the field of linguistics , politeness is mainly related to the concept of ......
a. self
b. face
c. feeling
d. tactfulness
34) What is one obvious presupposition of speaker who says "I regret talking to Tom "?
a. That he has a friend name Tom
b. That he did not talk to Tom
c. That he will fight with Tom
d. That he talked to Tom
35) Imagine that the old man stops you in the street and ask you " Do you have a watch ?" What is the illocutionary force in this scene ?
a. The utterance that he actually said
b. The intended meaning he had
c. The effect achieved by his utterance
d. The production of words that he made up his utterance
36) If someone asks you " Can you pass the salt and paper ?" While sitting on the dining table , this utterance is often interpreted as .......
a. a question
b. a direct speech
c. a request
d. an interrogation
37) What is one obvious presupposition of speaker who says : "Your sister is waiting outside"?
a. That you are late for your sister
b. That you have a sister
c. That you need to leave with your sister right now
d. That your regret having a sister
38) Each of the following utterance contains a speech act except for one . Which one is it ?
a. I bet you 50 riyals he will not show up
b. I 'll meet you at 8:30 at the library
c. I'm sorry I said that to you
d. I work at the new bank
39) Negative politeness is about respecting the negative face of others . An example of that is ...
a. apologizing
b. thanking
c. paying compliments
d. indicating friendliness
40) "The head of the company needs a new secretary" What does this sentence contain ?
a. Hyponymy
b. Synonymy
c. Homophony
d. Polysemy
41) The word bank ( the side of a river ) and bank ( the financial institute ) are recognized as ...
a. Synonymy
b. Homophony
c. Polysemy
d. Homonymy
42) ........ is an expression whose meaning cannot be derived directly from the string of words that make up the expression .What is it?
a. A metaphor
b. An idiom
c. A collocation
d. An Anaphora
43) What is one obvious presupposition in this sentence : "Majed renewed his subscription to Sports magazine " ?
a. That is subscription has expired
b. That Sport magazine is a cheap magazine
c. That he reads Sport magazine everyday
d. That renewing the subscription is easy
44) Father to daughter at family dinner : Any news about the exams results ? Daughter : Ice-cream anyone ? What maxim does the daughter flout / violate in this conversation ?
a. The Maxim of Quality
b. The Maxim of Quantity
c. The Maxim of Relation
d. The Maxim of Manner
45) By starting an utterance with "As far as I know .... " the speaker is being aware of the maxim of
a. Quality
b. Quantity
c. Relation
d. Manner
46) All the following collections are incorrectly written except for .....
a. Did you look at TV last night ?
b. Burgers and French fries are common fast meals
c. You must do an effort to study for the exam
d. You made a few mistake
47) By using the hedge "sort of" as in "The book was sort of yellow" Which maxim does the speaker show awareness of ?
a. The Quality Maxim
b. The Quantity Maxim
c. The Relation Maxim
d. The Manner Maxim
48) Determine the only spatial metaphor among the following
a. He is planting ideas in my head
b. He is feeling down today
c. He is living on borrowed time
d. He shot down all of my arguments
49) Language speakers can say one thing and mean another thing through
a. The usual meaning of a word or a sentence
b. What words mean in the dictionary
c. The meaning that a word or a sentence has in specific contexts or circumstances
d. What sentences mean without looking the context
50) All the following are examples of paralanguage except for :
a. Nodding
b. Laughing
c. Giggling
d. Crying
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اسئلة اختبار علم المعاني والبراغماتيك الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. فهد بن دهيش
[أسئلة اختبار - علم المعاني والبراغماتيك - د. فهد بن دهيش]
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اسئلة اختبار علم المعاني والبراغماتيك الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. فهد بن دهيش
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مناقشة الكويز: اسئلة اختبار علم المعاني والبراغماتيك الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. فهد بن دهيش
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