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اسئلة اختبار أدب الأطفال الفصل الأول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
[أسئلة اختبار - أدب الأطفال - د. بسام أبو زيد]
اسئلة اختبار أدب الأطفال الفصل الأول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) Read the following poem and then answer the questions below : Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. What does the speaker suggest in both stanzas?
a) Dreams can be dangerous things to have.
b) Dreams help people live life to the fullest.
c) Dreams are not valued by everyone.
d) Dreams tend to disappoint people.
2) What could be one of the best themes for this poem?
a) our dreams give our lives meaning and purpose
b) our dreams can be frozen
c) our dreams give us depression and sadness
d) our dreams make us hopeless and desperate
3) What is the figure of speech in "Life is a broken-winged bird" ?
a) simile
b) alliteration
c) irony
d) metaphor
4) What is the figure of speech in "For if dreams die" ?
a) simile
b) personification
c) metaphor
d) irony
5) Which line suggests, "We should never give up on our hopes and dreams"?
a) "Hold fast to dreams"
b) "For if dreams die"
c) "Frozen with snow"
d) "Life is a barren field"
6) What is the rhyme scheme of the two stanzas?
a) aabbaabb
b) aabbccdd
c) ababcdcd
d) ababbccdd
7) In "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", the figure of speech in "Then you show your little light," is a ________.
a) paradox
b) personification
c) simile
d) anaphora
8) " The figure of speech, in the first two lines, first stanza, is ________.
a) simile
b) anaphora
c) metaphor
d) paradox
9) Read the following poem and then answer the questions below I have to go to bed and see The birds still hopping on the tree, Or hear the grown-up people's feet Still going past me in the street. What is the rhyme scheme of this stanza?
a) aabb
b) aaaa
c) abba
d) abab
10) What is the title of this poem?
a) The Cow
b) Bed and Birds
c) Bed in Summer
d) The Apple Tart
11) Who is the writer of this poem? ________.
a) Brothers Grimm
b) Thomas Hughes
c) Robert Louis Stevenson
d) Ann Taylor
12) What is the figure of speech in "I have to go to bed and see"? ________.
a) simile
b) alliteration
c) metaphor
d) anaphora
13) Modern children's literature is classified in two different ways ________.
a) adults tradition of oral tradition
b) genre or the intended age of the reader
c) intended age of education of the reader
d) published books of genre
14) Which centuries are known to be as the Golden Age of Children's Literature?
a) Early and late twentieth century
b) The classic period
c) Late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries
d) Late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
15) What is the first illustrated children's book?
a) Woodcut
b) Struwwelpeter
c) Orbis Pictus
d) Hercules
16) Chromolithography is ________ in a children's books.
a) a way of engraving pictures
b) a way of refining children's books process
c) a way of making multi-colored prints
d) a way of illustrating children's books
17) As anywhere in the world follows the same basic path, all children's literature begins with ________.
a) spoken stories, songs, and poems
b) written stories, songs, and poems
c) well established stories, songs and poems
d) educational stories, songs and poems
18) According to Joyce Whalley in The International Companion Encyclopedia of Children's Literature, "an illustrated book ________ a book with illustrations".
a) is the same as
b) acts as a kind of
c) differs from
d) enhances
19) Perhaps the original source of the stories The Arabian Nights was ________.
a) Egyptian mythology
b) Greek mythology
c) India
d) Aesop's Fables
20) ________ spread in China during the early part of this period (500-1400), bringing with it tales later known as Journey to the West.
a) Medieval Literature
b) Aesop's Fables
c) Buddhism
d) Urdu
21) The earliest history of children's literature begins with ________.
a) Pentamerone
b) Mother goose
c) The oral tradition
d) Orbis Pictus
22) ________ appeared in England during 1896, teaching children basic information such as the alphabet and the Lord's Prayer.
a) Chapbooks
b) Primers
c) ABC-Books
d) Hornbooks
23) Why did children's literature boom during the 1800s?
a) The availability and affordability of paper and printing
b) The appearance of fantasy literature
c) The availability and affordability of modern technology
d) Availability of Noble Prize awards
24) Who wrote the famous fantasy Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?
a) Tom Sawyer
b) Harry Potter
c) Lewis Carroll
d) Charles Perrault
25) Who wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, one of the most famous American children's book in 1900?
a) L. Frank Baum
b) Louise Seaman Bechtel
c) Charlotte
d) The Harry Potter
26) Nursery rhymes are a form of ________ presented to children.
a) simplified books
b) syllabi
c) poetry
d) short stories
27) William Caxton published many books during the late half of the 1400s. Which** written particularly for children, which book has become a children's ***?
a) Cinderella
b) The Fables of Aesop
c) Orbis Pictus
d) The Adventures of Pinocchio
28) Mother Goose's Melody is collection of fairy tales written by ________.
a) Charles Perrault
b) Giovannis
c) Lewis Carroll
d) Harry Potter
29) What are the kind of stories passed on from one person to another by word of mouth?
a) Drama
b) Folktales
c) Novels
d) Epics
30) A ________ is a type of short story that typically features folkloric fantasy characters, such as goblins, elves, trolls, dwarves, giants, mermaids, or gnomes, and usually magic or enchantments.
a) fairytale
b) folktale
c) poem
d) legend
31) Englishman ________ published A Little Pretty Pocket-Book. It is considered a landmark for the beginning of pleasure reading marketed specifically to children.
a) Brothers Grimm
b) Thomas Hughes
c) John Newbery
d) Ann Tyalor
32) ________ often involve journeys and quests; their events occur outside the ordinary laws that operate within the universe.
a) legends
b) fairytales
c) folktales
d) fantasy stories
33) Where does "Alice in Wonderland" start and end?
a) starts in the real world and moves into a fantasy world
b) begins and ends in a fantasy world
c) is set in the real world but elements of magic intrude upon it
d) has no reality at all
34) Writers use the fantasy genre because ________.
a) it is confined to the boundaries of the world
b) it limits possibilities
c) it can open possibilities
d) its provides normal and old perspective on the real world
35) The Golden Age of Children's Literature ended with ________ in Great Britain and Europe.
a) The Civil War
b) World War I
c) World War II
d) The Chinese Revolution
36) Stereotypes and foils are examples of ________.
a) Flat characters
b) Round characters
c) Dynamic characters
d) Static Characters
37) What do we call the sequence of events showing characters in action?
a) Plot
b) Point of view
c) Character
d) Setting
38) "A friend in need is a friend indeed" is a good example of a ________.
a) theme
b) symbol
c) point of view
d) picture book
39) ________ is exaggeration used for humor or to make a point.
a) Allusion
b) Theme
c) Hyperbole
d) Understatement
40) In The Queen Bee, what is the youngest of three princes called?
a) Brothers Grimm
b) Simpleton
c) Ant killer
d) The kind hearted
41) Who went looking for the two brothers in The Queen Bee,?
a) Their father
b) Their youngest brother
c) The family dwarf
d) The Bee
42) What happened to the two elder brothers in the end, in The Queen Bee,?
a) They were forever turned to stone.
b) They were banned from the kingdom forever.
c) They married princesses.
d) They married princesses and died.
43) Who is the writer of the best-known version of Little Red Riding Hood from the 19th century (1800s)?
a) The Brothers Grimm
b) Charles Perrault
c) John Bunyan
d) Edward Burnett Taylor
44) "She turned around and saw a great big wolf, but she did not know what a wicked beast the wolf was, so she was not afraid." This quotation is from ________.
a) Sleeping Beauty
b) The Queen Bee
c) Babes in the Wood
d) Little Red Riding Hood
45) "When the princess was sixteen years old she saw an old woman spinning and took the spindle from her to try this strange new work." This quotation is from ________.
a) The Sleeping Beauty
b) Do not Talk to Strangers
c) Babes in the Wood
d) Little Red Riding Hood
46) ________ is something that operates on two levels of meaning, the literal and the figurative levels.
a) Theme
b) Imagery
c) Hyperbole
d) Symbol
47) ________ it is a traditional tale of two children, who die and are covered with leaves by robins.
a) Little Red Riding Hood
b) Babes in the Wood
c) The Goose Girl
d) The Sleeping Beauty
48) "He married the youngest and sweetest princess, and after her father's death became king, and his two brothers received the two other sisters." This is the end of ________.
a) The Queen Bee
b) Babes in the Wood
c) The Goose Girl
d) The Sleeping Beauty
49) It was not very long before the boys began changing into donkeys. "That's what happens to bad boys," This quotation is from ________.
a) Babes in the Wood
b) Pinocchio
c) The Goose Girl
d) Sleeping Beauty
50) Little Red Riding Hood is ________ for young children.
a) a novel
b) a piece of poetry
c) a fairy tale
d) a poem
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اسئلة اختبار أدب الأطفال الفصل الأول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
[أسئلة اختبار - أدب الأطفال - د. بسام أبو زيد]
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