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اسئلة اختبار الأدب الأمريكي الفصل الأول للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
[أسئلة اختبار - الأدب الأمريكي - د. بسام أبو زيد]
اسئلة اختبار الأدب الأمريكي الفصل الأول للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) I . "The Story of an Hour" "The action takes place in a single hour in an American home in the last decade of the nineteenth century". This quote talks about the :
a) point of view
b) setting
c) plot
d) personification
2) According to a report received at a newspaper office, _________ was in the newspaper office when the report came in.
a) Brently Mallard
b) Mrs. Louise Mallard
c) Mr. Richards
d) Josephine
3) "The story of an hour" expresses the themes of _________ in the American society in the late 19th century.
a) repression and oppression
b) sensation and emotion
c) death and live
d) freedom and happiness
4) Mrs. Mallard was disappointed and died when she discovered _________
a) will not see her husband again
b) her husband married a new women
c) her husband was still died
d) her husband was still alive
5) Kate Chopin is trying to show us how badly the outside world understands women like Louise Mallard who represents _________ ?
a) men who want to be independent of Women
b) Women who want to be independent of men
c) A passive and subservient Men.
d) men who want to be dependent of Women
6) The return of Mrs. Mallard husband is _________ ?
a) The start of her freedom
b) The end of her freedom
c) The beginning of her freedom
d) The start of her happiness
7) Mrs. Mallard changes from a simple, traditional female role into a modern, freeing way of life. She is _________ because she changes.
a) a one character
b) a static character
c) a dynamic character
d) a multiple character
8) II - The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", the society and its rules represent _________ ?
a) the antagonist
b) the protagonist
c) Huckleberry Finn
d) Tom Sawyer
9) What is the setting of this novel ?
a) The middle of the 19th century, after the Civil War
b) The middle of the 20th century, before the Civil War
c) The middle of the 20th century, after the Civil War
d) The middle of the 19th century, before the Civil War
10) who is Miss Watson ?
a) Widow Miss Waston sister
b) Widow Douglas's sister
c) Widow Pap Fin sister
d) Polly Douglas's sister
11) On of the characters who like to stage mock adventures of the kind he reads about in books is _________ ?
a) Tom Sawyer
b) Judge Thatcher
c) Huckleberry Finn
d) Jim, the escaped slave
12) Huckleberry runs away and teams with an escaped slave because his father _________ ?
a) love him
b) support him
c) mistreats him
d) miss him
13) The Mississippi River is the ultimate symbol of _________ ?
a) death
b) happiness
c) freedom
d) live
14) The widow she cried over me, and called me a poor lost lamb, and she called me a lot of other names, "what is an example of a figure of speech in this quote _________ ?
a) Metaphor
b) Simile
c) Symbol
d) Irony
15) "The new clothes was all greased up and clayey, and I was dog-tired" What is the figure of speech used in this quote _________ ?
a) Irony
b) Metaphor
c) Simile
d) Symbol
16) "YOU don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, but that ain't no matter. Who is the speaker ?
a) Mark Twain
b) Huckleberry
c) Tom's Aunt Polly
d) Widow Douglas
17) The widow tries to teach Huck _________ but Huck loses interest when he realized that this person is dead.
a) About Jesus
b) About his Father
c) About Moses
d) About Christian
18) what do we call each stanza in this poem _________ ?
a) Quatrain
b) Couplet
c) Fourth stanza
d) Two by Two stanza
19) The rhyme scheme of the fifth stanza is _________ ?
a) abcb
b) aabb
c) abcc
d) abcd
20) In the second stanza, first line haste means _________ ?
a) consideration
b) rapidity
c) civilization
d) gown
21) In the second line, third stanza, scarcely in this context means ________.
a) barely
b) a swelling of the ground
c) destruction
d) the speaker's marriage
22) It is surprising that Dickinson presents the experience as being no more frightening than ________.
a) travelling to another city
b) love
c) receiving a gentleman caller
d) war
23) _________ acts as a suitor who called for the narrator to escort her eternity.
a) wealth
b) a man
c) death
d) a woman
24) "we slowly drove, he knew no haste" in this line there is an example of _________ ?
a) Irony
b) paradox
c) Alliteration
d) anaphora
25) "We passed the fields of gazing grain," In this line, there is an example of ________.
a) irony
b) paradox
c) personification
d) anaphora
26) The poet communicates that hope is similar to a bird in _________ ?
a) bringing discomfort and grief because it’s like a dream
b) being dependent
c) having feathers
d) its ability to bring comfort and consolation
27) "Hope is the thing with feathers" . Dickinson's use of the word "thing" indicates that ______?
a) Hope is something abstract and vague
b) Hope is something like an extended grieve
c) Hope is something inanimate
d) Hope is something concrete and clear
28) When the poet says "That perches in the soul," is _________ ?
a) hope change over the years
b) hope has short presence
c) hope is planning to stay
d) hope broadens your mind
29) "And sweetest in the gale is heard" is _________ ?
a) dramatic
b) ironic
c) humorous
d) metaphoric
30) VI. The Tell - Tale Heart "they heard! they suspected! they knew! they were making a mockery of my horror!" in this quote, what does they refer to _________ ?
a) policemen
b) neighbors
c) mockery
d) people
31) "...,because Death in approaching him had stalked with his black shadow before him and enveloped the victim."What kind of figure of speech is used here _________ ?
a) Irony
b) personification
c) oxymoron
d) paradox
32) "I was never kinder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him." There is an example of a figure of speech in this statement. What is it?
a) metaphor
b) simile
c) symbol
d) irony
33) What had been heard by the neighbor _________ ?
a) door slamming
b) shriek
c) air sound
d) a train accident
34) The end of "The Tell - Tale Heart" _________ ?
a) takes place after the beginning
b) takes place before the ending
c) takes place before the beginning
d) takes place after the ending
35) This short story is in the _________ that focuses on the psyche of the narrator.
a) romantic genre
b) science fiction genre
c) humor genre
d) horror genre
36) "So I opened it - you cannot imagine how stealthily, stealthily - until at length a single dim ray like the thread of the spider shot out from the crevice and fell upon the vulture eye" In this quote, there is an example of a figure of speech, what is it ?
a) irony
b) metaphor
c) simile
d) anaphora
37) VI- Trifles "Murder victim. He was said to be an upright but "hard" man". Who is it ?
a) Minnie Foster Wright
b) John Wright
c) Mr. Hale
d) George Henderson
38) "He was also a hard man, like a raw wind that gets to the bone" what is the figure of speech used in this statement?
a) irony
b) metaphor
c) simile
d) anaphora
39) But the play is not a murder mystery rather, it is a _________ study.
a) american classic
b) educational
c) social and political
d) cultural and psychological
40) In "Trifle's " What does the cage symbolizes ?
a) Mrs. Wright’s spiritual sensation
b) Mrs. Wright’s oppression
c) Mrs. and Mr. Wright’s happiness
d) Mrs. Wright’s freedom
41) By the time that Mark Twain completed The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the U.S congress had amended the Constitution to do the following _________ ?
a) abolish slavery
b) abolish freedom
c) ignore slavery
d) cancel freedom
42) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn contains elements of the _________ a type of fiction that presents the episodic adventure.
a) romantic genre
b) science fiction genre
c) picaresque novel
d) a, b, and c
43) VII- General Questions The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned _________ ?
a) 1920s
b) 1820s
c) 1720s
d) 1620s
44) The Harlem Renaissance was known as the _________ ?
a) Realism Movement
b) New Negro Movement
c) American Renaissance
d) Romanticism Movement
45) _________ Describes a type of literature that attempts to apply scientific principles of objectivity and detachment to its study of human beings.
a) Realism
b) Modernism
c) Naturalism
d) Romanticism
46) Colonial American literature includes the writings of _________ ?
a) John Winthrop
b) Nicholas Noyes
c) Emily Dickenson
d) Captain John Smith
47) Twain's theme _________ in Huckleberry Finn remained current when the book was published.
a) of freedom
b) of racism
c) of non racism
d) of slavery
48) _________ usually was regarded as the first American writer.
a) William Bradford
b) Anne Bradstreet
c) Emily Dickenson
d) Captain John Smith
49) _________ of the Harlem renaissance poetry was to improve and uplift African American.
a) The intent
b) The idea
c) The negative
d) The general
50) "Fear of discovery can bring about discovery" is one of the themes of _________ ?
a) The Story of an Hour
b) Because I could Not Stop for Death
c) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
d) The Tell-Tale Heart
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اسئلة اختبار الأدب الأمريكي الفصل الأول للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. بسام أبو زيد
[أسئلة اختبار - الأدب الأمريكي - د. بسام أبو زيد]
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