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أسئلة على محاضرات ظهور الرواية
[أسئلة مراجعة - ظهور الرواية - وصفي الشقيرات]
المحاضرة 1 من ظهور الرواية من اعداد الاخوات أم الغالي , فدوة حسن , خوخة
عدد الأسئلة: 65
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) The novel first appeared in Europe?
2) In the 18th century coincided with the emergence of a number of novel?
of the following enormous changes / revolution
of the following enormous changes / Wars
of the following enormous changes / novel
3) An abbreviation for the word fire?
The French religion Revolution
American industrial and religion Revolution
The French,American industrial and religion Revolution
4) The French Revolution began within a year ?
5) The French Revolution against?
injustice ,inequality ,and oppression
6) The three slogans of the French Revolution symbols?
7) French Revolution called for the three slogans are?
Equality ,Fraternity , novle
Fraternity ,liberty.novel
Equality ,Fraternity ,liberty.
8) American Revolution affected revolution?
the England Revolution.
the French Revolution.
the Italy Revolution.
9) American Revolution began within a year?
1783 - 1765
10) Thinkers of the French Revolution were famous?
Rousseau , Voltaire .
Montesquieu, Rousseau , Voltaire .
11) American Revolution occurred as a result?
political upheaval.
Religious unrest
Historic disorders
12) American Revolution was the political upheaval during the middle of the century?
The last half of the 19th century.
The last half of the 18th century.
The last half of the 17th century.
13) How colonies was liberated from the British Empire in North America?
Thirteen (13) Colonies.
four (4) Colonies.
one (1) Colonies.
14) After that liberated thirteen colonies of the British Empire became its name?
the United States of America.
15) Called the American Revolution
Freedom, independence of equality and brotherhood.
independence, human rights of equality and brotherhood.
Freedom, independence, human rights of equality and brotherhood.
16) The biggest influential over the centuries since the time of Agriculture?
The Industrial Revolution
Commercial revolution
Agricultural Revolution
17) Revolution that changed life in the 18th century?
Agricultural Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
Commercial revolution
18) England was in the Middle Ages?
agricultural society
rural society
rural and agricultural society
19) called the people who live and work on farms?
the age of feudalism.
Fifteen Renaissance
The era of agriculture
20) The limited life of the people before the Industrial Revolution on ?
farming the field like slaves and serving the landlords.
Cultivation of vegetables like tomatoes
Cultivation of legumes, like beans
21) From the religious point of the Middle Ages it saw in general?
The death of the mind
the spread of darkness
The death of the mind, the spread of darkness, superstition, there was no creativity
22) In the Middle Ages a person can be freed from his sins through?
Buy indulgences from the Offices
Buy indulgences from the church.
Buy indulgences from the Factory
23) Church interference in the way people think by saying that?
Earth is the center of the universe and the sun revolved around the Earth
Earth is the center of the universe and the sun revolved around the sun
Earth is the center of the universe and the sun revolved around the moon
24) The true path of repentance was not the church but was?
Direct relationship with the Creator.
Direct relationship with the People
Direct relationship with the father
25) people needed to achieve themselves by?
Eating and drinking Shopping
Sleep and work and rest
Reading, traveling, going into different adventures.
26) The lives of the people before the 18th century?
rural or primitive ,no machines or factories, no schools.
rural or primitive , machines factories, schools.
There factory companies and libraries
27) There was before the 18th century only?
Library and School
Church and farm.
Factory and trade
28) Life was before the 18th century suffering from?
Stagnation in the education, health and even in religion
Stagnation in Industry and Trade
Stagnation in Medicine, engineering
29) It called the age before the 18th century?
the age of Success
the age of Wins
the age of stagnation and negativity.
30) His poem is solitude?
John Maltn
Alexander Pope
Sir William
31) Alexander Pope's poem speaks "isolation" from the?
Time before the 18th century.
Time before the 17th century.
Time before the 19th century.
32) British literature known in the early 18th century?
The original Alogustusan age
The original Aktobra age
The original Dissembra age
33) The writers in the early 18th century literature fans imitate?
The original Alogustusan age.
The original Dissembra age.
The original Aktobra age.
34) the age of Augustan ?
Period in Roman history when he became the third emperor Caesar Augustus.
Period in Roman history when he became the second emperor Caesar Augustus.
Period in Roman history when he became the first emperor Caesar Augustus.
35) Alogustusa age is the age of ?
. British age
USA age
Italiy age
36) The Age of Enlightenment refers to ?
the17 century in European philosophy.
the 19 century in European philosophy.
the 18 century in European philosophy.
37) Enlightenment refers more narrowly to ?
Historical intellectual movement of the Italiy
Historical intellectual movement of the Enlightenment.
Historical intellectual movement of the age
38) Enlightenment calls ?
advocated the Reason as the War
advocated the Reason as the money
advocated the Reason as the primary basis of authority As a movement.
39) Spread Enlightenment solely in ?
it occurred solely in Germany, France,
it occurred solely in , Britain, and Spain.
it occurred solely in Germany, France, Britain, and Spain.
40) Enlightenment is closely linked with the ?
the Scientific Revolution.
the Agricultural Revolution.
the Scientific Revolution.
41) Enlightenment and the scientific revolution, the movement emphasizes the ?
Sleeping, working ,and comfort
Travel,and Venture
reason, science ,and rationality.
42) Knowledge revolution began, led by ?
Isaac Newton.
Galileo, Isaac Newton.
43) The reason behind the emergence of the knowledge revolution ?
Relaxation and comfort
increasing disaffection with repressive rule.
Work and diligence
44) Enlightenment helped create the intellectual framework for
- American and French revolutions
- England and revolutions
- Italiy and French revolutions
45) the main features related to the Agustusan literature ?
mutation drama, and the evolution of poetry.
The rapid development of novel, mutation drama,
The rapid development of novel, mutation drama, and the evolution of poetry.
46) Satire at this age is characterized by ?
Good words
It marked by ironic pose full of nuance a superficial air of dignified calm that hid sharp criticisms beneath.
Bad words
47) political satires against ?
against specific policies, actions, and persons
against Education and literacy
against Sports, education and training
48) Alagustusan dominated era increasingly ?
Empiricism, and the development of capitalism and the triumph of commerce.
Empiricism, and the development of capitalism
Empiricism, and the triumph of commerce.
49) The Augustan period showed ?
More literature of religious.
Average literature of religious.
less literature of religious.
50) there were few Puritan writers like ?
Daniel Defoe.
51) England has seen in the 18th century
Rebellion against the values that were prevalent in the age of Scholars.
Rebellion against the values that were prevalent in the age of Writers
Rebellion against the values that were prevalent in the age of pope.
52) In the 18th century there was a new generation of writers was their reaction ?
They found themselves unhappy with the way in which their fathers looked at life
They found themselves unhappy with the way in which their Church looked at life
They found themselves unhappy with the way in which them looked at life
53) the way in which their fathers looked at life ?
formalism, their narrowness of sValues and customs and manners.
formalism, their narrowness of sympathy, and their controlling ideals.
formalism, their narrowness of Study and science & books
54) a new generation of writers They dreamed of becoming ?
more Extremist Orthodox religion and values and old habits.
moreDepressed and dissatisfied with their lives.
more natural and spontaneous in expressing themselves in literature.
55) New Age in England was ?
it was the age of Era novels and labour.
it was the age of change, science, and industrial revolution.
it was the age Disease and malnutrition and fatigue
56) England was at the international level ?
became a huge Strong and fought only States.
became a huge Weak and control other countries
became a huge super power and Empire. It occupied many countries all over the world.
57) People from England felt ?
felt very Weaker.
felt very Severing
felt very important and very powerful
58) Typical feature for England in the 18th century ?
Binary mezd
59) Individualism is ?
social outlook that stresses "the moral worth of the iCollectively
social outlook that stresses "the moral worth of the individual.
social outlook that stresses "the moral worth of the Orgasm
60) Individualists promote ?
the exercise of one's goals and desires and so value independence and self-reliance.
the exercise of one's goals and desires and so value independence and self-reliance.
the exercise of one's goals and desires and so value independence and self-reliance.
61) Individualists opposing ?
most external interference upon one's own interests, whether by society, family or any other group or institution.
. that his own good and desires come first.
most external interference upon one's own interests, whether by society, family or any other group or institution.
62) Most British artworks talked written in the era of the 18th century on ?
about individuals rather than about groups of people.
. that his own good and desires come first.
. that his own good and desires come first.
63) More important than the individual works of art in the British 18th century ?
. that his own good and desires come first.
Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels, Emma, and Oliver Twist
. that his own good and desires come first.
64) Features British era led by individual ?
. that his own good and desires come first.
. that his own good and desires come first.
geographical expansion, scientific discoveries, the clash between science and religion
65) In Robinson Crusoe, the writer focuses entirely on ?
the character of Robinson as if no one else exists
. that his own good and desires come first.
. that his own good and desires come first.
معلومات حول الكويز
أسئلة على محاضرات ظهور الرواية
[أسئلة مراجعة - ظهور الرواية - وصفي الشقيرات]
تفاصيل أخرى:
المحاضرة 1 من ظهور الرواية من اعداد الاخوات أم الغالي , فدوة حسن , خوخة
تم حل الكويز 229 مرة بنسبة نجاح 64%
القسم: E5
مناقشة الكويز: أسئلة على محاضرات ظهور الرواية
معلومات صاحب الكويز
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كويزات مشابهة
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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