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النقد الادبي
السلام عليكم أسئله النقد الادبي لـ ابو بكر من المحاضره (1-3) 61 سوال موفقيين جميعا
عدد الأسئلة: 61
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1) Literature and literary criticism in Western cultures can not be understood without understanding its relationship to…….
a.Other cultures
b.Classical antiquity
c.Eastern cultures
d.All false
2) This is because Western cultures were:
a.Produced as a revival or recreation of Greece and Rome.
b.Copied exactly from old cultures.
c.There is no old or new when we talk about cultures.
d.A and C
3) From the 16th to 20th century, Western cultures considered Greece and Rome as:
a.The dead culture
b.The perfect civilization
c.A non-perfect culture
d.An abandoned culture
4) From the 16th to 20th century, Western drama, poetry and literary criticism were all produced in ………… Greece and Rome.
a.Contrary to
b.Away from
c.Imitation to
d.All false
5) The West relationship with antiquity is:
d.B and C
6) No other poet put it so vividly the relationship between Greece and Rome like….did.
d.All false
7) Roman poet Horace writes: “Captive Greece took its wild conqueror captive”. This line is considered as:
a.The least useful line in the poem.
b.The most famous line in the Western cultures.
c.A big lie.
d.All false
8) In this line, Horace expresses a sense of:
b.Inferiority and ambivalence
d.All true
9) We find this sense of ambivalence and inferiority …………in Roman (Latin) literature: in Horace, Quintilian, Seneca, etc.
c.A little
10) The Romans conquered Greece militarily, ……………….felt that the culture of Greece remained infinitely more sophisticated and refined in poetry, in philosophy, in rhetoric, in medicine, in architecture, in painting, in manners and in refinement. Hence the sense of inferiority.
a.But they never
b.And rarely
c.And sometimes
d.But they always
11) “No past life has been lived to lend us glory, and that which has existed before us is not ours.” This quote belongs to:
d.All false
12) Horace advised his readers to simply imitate the Greeks and .........
a.Never try to invent anything themselves because their inventions will be weak and unattractive.
b.To try to to invent anything themselves.
c.To read also in Eastern cultures.
d.All false
13) The Romans so desperately wanted to imitate the Greeks ............
a.And succeeded to match them
b.And easily managed to match them
c.A and B
d.And so constantly failed to match them.
14) The reason for the failure of Rome to match Greeks Is because:
a.Greeks have more resources than Romans.
b.Imitation cannot produce originality.
c.Greeks avoided being busy in conquering others’ lands
d.All false
15) ....... strongly affected how culture was produced in Rome and will also strongly affect how culture will be produced later in Europe and the West.
a.Romans’ feeling of dominance
b. Romans’ feeling of inferiority
c. Romans’ feeling of power
d. Greece feeling of inferiority
16) 2nd Lecture In……….., Europeans rediscovered the books of the Greeks and Romans and that allowed them to develop a literature and a culture.
a. The Renaissance
b. The Elizabethan period
c. The King James period
d. The Victorian age
17) The period is called the Renaissance because across Europe people wanted to ………the ancient learning of Rome and Greece.
a. Avoid
b. Ignore
c. Criticize
d. Revive
18) During the Renaissance, Europe was far ……….sophisticated than Rome and Greece were
a. More
b. Less
c. Enough from
d. All false
19) Which one of the following applies to Renaissance age?
a. There were no written languages in Europe.
b. The only written language was Latin and people who could read Greek, like Erasmus, were very rare.
c. Both
d. Neither
20) Joachim du Bellay who lived in 1520s was a ……….writer
a. British
b. French
c. Norwegian
d. Italian
21) According to du Bellay, The reason why [the glorious deeds] of the Roman people” were celebrated and preferred to the deeds of the rest of humanity, was because they had……
a. Knowledge
b. Power
c. A multitude of writers
d. All false
22) The emergence of what we call today “literature” in Renaissance in Europe had a strong ………motivation and purpose.
a. Political
b. Social
c. Psychological
d. Scientific
23) What we call today literature emerged because Europeans were becoming politically and militarily powerful. They were conquering lands and taking over trade routes, and as the passage of du Bellay cited indicates, poetry and literature ……… necessary accessories of political power.
a. Were
b. Weren’t
c. Were unnecessary
d. All false
24) Europeans saw poems and plays and books and stories like they were:
a. Useless
b. Less important than victories
c. National monuments.
d. A and B
25) One of the reasons that made Europeans affected by Rome is that It provided the ideologues of the ……….systems of Spain, Britain and France with the language and political models they required, for the Imperium romanum has always had a unique place in the political imagination of western Europe.
a. Legal
b. Colonial
c. Social
d. All false
26) To imitate Rome and Greece and develop “civilized” languages and cultures to go with their newly acquired military and political power, Europeans found a ready-made model to follow:
a. The Romans.
b. Arabs
c. The Greeks
d. The Persians
27) From the Renaissance all the way to the ……… century, European writers called for the “imitation of the classics.”
a. 18th
b. 19th
c. 20th
d. 21st
28) No other concept has had a strong formative and foundational influence in modern European cultures like these concepts of:
a. Originality
b. Military
c. History
d. Imitations
29) In Rome, imitation led to frustration and produced a plagiaristic cultureحضارة تنكر فضل الآخرين عليها. Europeans simply:
a. Did the same
b. Ignored these complications.
c. Decided to make their own way.
d. All false
30) Du Bellay advised his contemporaries ………to write in their native language in imitation of the ancients
a. not to be “ashamed”
b. not
c. to try sometimes to
d. all false
31) The case of Europeans imitation has other concerns:
a. They didn’t realize that when Rome imitated Greece, they didn’t gain originality.
b. Europeans thought that they were imitating the classical cultures of Greece and Rome. In reality they imitated mostly the Romans.
c. European classicism, for example, always claimed to be based on the ideas of Aristotle, but research shows that they knew very little of Aristotle’s work.
d. All applies.
32) It is important to note that studying literature involves:
a. understanding the historical forces – political, economic, cultural, military – that made literature as an institution, as a tradition and as a discourse possible and
b. understanding the new historical realities – political, economic, cultural, military – that literature as an institution helps shape and create.
c. Both
d. Neither
33) 3rd lecture There is no genre of literature that we have today that the Greeks.............
a. Could develop
b. Didn’t develop
c. knew
d. all false
34) Greek thought influenced, in one way or another, every single literary form that developed in Europe and the West, ……….differences between the two cultures remain significant
a. And no
b. But the
c. But only very little
d. All false
35) Greeks mean by the term Poetry:
a. Only poetry
b. Both poetry and prose
c. Every genre we know
d. All false
36) 4. Plato’s Critique of Poetry was:
a. Influential
b. Extremely misunderstood
c. Both
d. Neither
37) Plato wrote dialogues and in every single one, he addressed ..........
a. Poetry
b. Philosophy
c. Politics
d. Society
38) ...... Plato’s most important contributions to criticism appear in his famous dialogue
a. The Republic
b. The Poetry
c. The Critics
d. Alexander the great
39) Plato makes the very important distinction between Mimesis and Diagesis, two concepts that remain very important to analyse literature even today. They are often translated as……
a. Imitation and narration
b. Showing and telling
c. Either
d. Neither
40) If someone is telling you a story,that would be:
a. Showing
b. Narration
c. Diagesis
d. Either B or C
41) If I tell you the story in the first person, as if I am Napoleon: “I sailed to Alexandria with 30 000 soldiers, and then I marched on Cairo, etc.” That would be:
a. Imitation
b. Mimesis
c. Diagesis
d. Either A or B
42) Drama with characters is usually ..........
a. A diegesis
b. A mimesis
c. Either
d. Neither
43) Stories in the third person are usually a ...........
a. A diegesis
b. A mimesis
c. Either
d. Neither
44) Plato was the first to explain that narration or story telling (in Arabic al-sard) can proceed by:
a. Only narration
b. Imitation
c. Either
d. Neither
45) Due to Plato, narration may be:
a. Simple narration
b. Imitation
c. A union of the two
d. Any one of the above mentioned
46) This distinction has been very popular in Western literary criticism ..........
a. But not anymore nowadays.
b. And it remains today.
c. But it is going to stop soon.
d. All false
47) Plato’s other idea which is to ban poets and poetry from his ideal city
a. Was welcomed by Westerns
b. Has produced strong reactions in Western literature and criticism.
c. Has been very easy to understand.
d. All false
48) ...........Plato’s decision has always been difficult to explain because
a. European and Western cultures have always valued poetry.
b. Western cultures have the same thinking.
c. Both
d. Neither
49) Only in the ….. century that some scholars finally showed that the poetry that Plato talks about and bans is different from the poetry and art that Europe and the West have.
a. 18th
b. 19th
c. 20th
d. 21st
50) Plato accuses the poetic experience of his time of conditioning the citizens to ……….the values of a tradition without grasping it.
a. Ignore
b. Imitate
c. Disbelieve
d. All false
51) According to Plato, poetry excites the senses and ……………….and the thinking faculties. It produces docile and passive imitators.
a. Stimulate the brain
b. Kills the brain
c. Reacts with the brain
d. Neutralizes the brain
52) The first two Books of the Republic describe a/un ………Greek society where "all men believe in their hearts that injustice is far more profitable than justice".
a. Great
b. Healthy
c. Unhealthy
d. Old
53) Plato blames the traditional education given to the youth because it does not meet the standards of....
a. Justice
b. Virtue
c. Both
d. Neither
54) Plato believes that people in his age are encouraged to 'seem' just ……….. 'be' just
a. Rather than
b. And
c. And try to
d. All false
55) It would be fine, Plato says, if people just laughed at these tales and stories, but the problem is that they take them seriously as a source of ………..
a. Entertainment
b. Education
c. Law
d. B and C
56) Plato analyses two aspects of poetry to prove his point: style and ........
a. Tools
b. Meaning
c. Content
d. A and B
57) In his discussion of Style, Plato observes that the charm of poetry and its power reside in its............
a. Rhythm
b. Harmony
c. Measures
d. All true
58) Plato calls the three mentioned reasons of the poetry’s charm as
a. The colors of poetry.
b. The charm of poetry
c. The colors of Greeks
d. All false
59) Exposing the youth to poetry from childhood to adult age, Plato says, is simply indoctrination and propaganda. The youth will be educated to rely on emotions rather than..........
a. Brains
b. Reality
c. Reason
d. Wisdom
60) According to Plato, poetry creates a culture of superficiality. In other words, people want only to:
a. Be just
b. Seem just
c. Be and seem just
d. All false
61) It was obvious to Plato that the Greeks’ reliance on such sensational emotionalism as a source of law, education and morality was ……….
a. Avery unhealthy state of affairs
b. A recipe for disaster
c. Something to negotiate about
d. A and B
معلومات حول الكويز
النقد الادبي
السلام عليكم أسئله النقد الادبي لـ ابو بكر من المحاضره (1-3) 61 سوال موفقيين جميعا
تم حل الكويز 409 مرة بنسبة نجاح 63%
القسم: E7
مناقشة الكويز: النقد الادبي (1-3)
معلومات صاحب الكويز
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