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كويز المحاضرة الخامسة للأدب الأمريكي
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - الأدب الأمريكي - د / عبدالله البدارنة]
المحاضرة الخامسة
عدد الأسئلة: 72
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1) Naturalism is NOT ...........................
2) It is more pessimistic than Realism, primarily
3) The Naturalist writers believed that larger forces were at work ......
Nature, Fate, and Heredity
Captain John Smith (1624)
4) Their writing was inspired by
hardships, whether it was war
the frontier, or urbanization
all of the above
5) (Naturalism) literary movement that was an extension of.....
6) It depicts real people in real situations like realism
literary movement
7) believed that forces larger than the individual
nature, fate, heredity–shaped individual destiny
8) seeks to accurately represent human
the love
9) Although naturalism is often associated with realism, which also seeks to accurately represent human existence, the two movements are differentiated by the fact that naturalism is connected to .....................
the doctrine of biological, economic, and social determinism
10) The term naturalism was initially coined by....
Emile Zola
11) the renowned French author who is also credited as a key figure in the development of French literary naturalism.
Emile Zola
12) American writers were particularly influenced by the ...... models
British and French
13) American writers were particularly influenced by the British and French models and began to adapt the form to.................................
reflect American social, economic, and cultural conditions.
the poor
14) Viewed as a combination of realism and romanticism
the health
the American form
15) Viewed as a combination of realism and romanticism, critics contend that the American form is heavily influenced
by the concept of determinism
16) by the concept of determinis......
the theory that heredity and environment influence and determine human behavior
17) • characters: – usually ill-educated or lower-classes
18) characters: life governed by the forces of heredity, instinct, passion, or the environment
German literature
19) characters: the criminal, the fallen, the down-and-out
German literature
20) Themes – Survival (man against nature, man against himself)
Honore de Balzac
21) Themes Determinism (nature as an indifferent force on the lives of human beings) Violence
22) an American critic, identifies survival, determinism, violence, and taboo as key themes.
Charles Walcutt
23) Themes in Nature: ................... each individual, composed of strong and often warring emotions: passions, such as lust, greed, or the desire for dominance or pleasure; and the fight for survival in an amoral, indifferent universe
The "brute within"
French literature
24) Themes in Nature: The conflict in.......... is often "man against nature" or "man against himself" as characters struggle to retain a "veneer of civilization" despite external pressures that threaten to release the "brute within. “
naturalistic novels
French literature
25) Themes in Nature: The forces of....................as they affect--and afflict--individual lives
Puritan Thought
heredity and environment
26) Themes in Nature: Nature as an indifferent force acting on the lives of human beings.
French thought
The romantic vision of Wordsworth
27) Themes in Nature: that "nature never did betray the heart that loved her"--here becomes ....
Stephen Crane's view in "The Open Boat"
28) "This tower was a giant, standing with its back to the plight of the ants. It represented in a degree, to the correspondent, the serenity of nature amid the struggles of the individual--nature in the wind, and nature in the vision of men. She did not seem cruel to him then, nor beneficent, nor treacherous, nor wise. But she was indifferent, flatly indifferent."
English style
Stephen Crane's in "The Open Boat"
29) Themes in Nature: An indifferent, deterministic universe. ........... often describe the futile attempts of human beings to exercise free will, often ironically presented, in this universe that reveals free will as an illusion
French literature
Naturalistic texts
30) Setting. Frequently an urban setting, as in
Norris's McTeague.
Realistic Period
31) Techniques and plots........ says that the naturalistic novel offers "clinical, panoramic, slice-of-life" drama that is often a "chronicle of despair”.
32) the naturalistic novel offers "clinical, panoramic, slice-of-life" drama that is often a "chronicle of despair” for example
The novel of degeneration--Zola's L'Assommoir
Norris's Vandover and the Brute
all of the above
33) Along the lines of Naturalism, ............... of this period were seen as a force to deal with
the social problems
The Jew
34) Many groups, from ............, started expressing their discontent with the way things were. • They started addressing these issues in their writing
women to freed slaves
35) In their.......... naturalist writers strive to depict life accurately
short fiction
36) In their short fiction, naturalist writers strive to depict life accurately through an .........
exploration of the causal factors that have shaped a character's life
as well as a deterministic approach to the character's thoughts and actions.
all of the above
37) Therefore, instead of free will, a naturalist depicts a character's actions as determined by ..................
environmental forces.
38) in the late nineteenth century,.......................resulted in extreme changes on the American landscape.
industrialization, urbanization, mechanization, and an influx of immigrants from all over the world
Jonathan Edwards
39) .......... depicts the experiences of impoverished and uneducated people living in squalor and struggling to survive in a harsh, indifferent world
The short fiction of American literary naturalism
40) Major thematic concerns of the form include the fight for survival
man against nature and man against society
violence; the waste of individual potential because of the conditioning forces of life
and man's struggle with his animalistic
all of the above
41) base instincts. - As a result, the short stories of this literary movement are often
regarded as depressing
slice-of-life documentations of sad, unfulfilled lives.
all of the above
42) significant American authors, such as............... utilized the form, which noticeably declined in popularity by the early twentieth century.
Stephen Crane, Theodore Dreiser, and Frank Norris,
43) Critics note, however, the literary movement's continuing influence on.
contemporary American authors
The term naturalism describes a type of literature that attempts to apply scientific principles of objectivity and detachment to its study of human beings
45) Unlike realism, which focuses on literary technique, naturalism implies a .............
philosophical position: for naturalistic writers
46) Unlike realism, which focuses on literary technique, naturalism implies a philosophical position: for naturalistic writers ...................characters can be studied through their relationships to their surroundings.
since human beings are, in Emile Zola's phrase, "human beasts
47) Other influences on American naturalists include...
Herbert Spencer and Joseph LeConte
48) The naturalistic novel usually contains .... tensions or contradictions
49) The naturalistic novel usually contains two tensions or contradictions, and . . . the two in conjunction comprise both an interpretation of experience and a particular aesthetic recreation of experience. In other words the two constitute
the theme and form of the naturalistic novel.
50) The first tension is .............
that between the subject matter of the naturalistic novel
the concept of man which emerges from this subject matter.
all of the above
51) The naturalist populates his novel primarily from
the lower middle class or the lower class
Henry James
52) The naturalist populates his novel primarily from the lower middle class or the lower class. . .. His fictional world is .....
that of the commonplace and unheroic in which life would seem to be chiefly the dull round of daily existence
as we ourselves usually conceive of our lives
all of the above
53) But the naturalist discovers in this world those qualities of ...........
man usually associated with the heroic or adventurous
54) But the naturalist discovers in this world those qualities of man usually associated with the heroic or adventurous, such as........
acts of violence and passion which involve sexual adventure
bodily strength and which culminate in desperate moments and violent death.
all of the above
55) A naturalistic novel is thus an extension of realism only in the sense that both modes often deal with..........
the local and contemporary
56) The naturalist, however, discovers in this material.............
Charles Chestnutt
the extraordinary and excessive in human nature
57) The naturalist often describes his characters as though.........But he also suggests a compensating humanistic value in his characters or their fates which affirms the significance of the individual and of his life.
they are conditioned and controlled by environment, heredity, instinct, or chance
58) The tension here is that between the naturalist's desire to represent in fiction the new, discomfiting truths which he has found in the ideas and life of his ...... world,
late nineteenth-century
59) The tension here is that between the naturalist's desire to represent in fiction the new, discomfiting truths which he has found in the ideas and life of his late nineteenth-century world...............
and also his desire to find some meaning in experience which reasserts the validity of the human enterprise.
French literature
60) In..... famous and much-annotated and contested phrase, naturalism's philosophical framework can be simply described as "pessimistic materialistic determinism.”
George Becker's
61) “The House of Mirth” (1905)
Edith Wharton
62) “Barren Ground” (1925)
Ellen Glasgow
63) (1896-1970), U.S.A. trilogy (1938): The 42nd
John Dos Passos
64) ...l (1930), 1919 (1932), and The Big Money (1936)
65) (1904-1979), Studs Lonigan (1934)
James T. Farrell
66) (1902-1968), The Grapes of Wrath (1939)
John Steinbeck
67) , Native Son (1940), Black Boy (1945)
Richard Wright,)
68) (1923-2007), The Naked and the Dead (1948)
Norman Mailer
69) Other writers sometimes identified as naturalists:
Sherwood Anderson, Winesburg, Ohio (1919
Abraham Cahan, The Making of an American Citizen Rebecca Harding Davis
all of the above
70) Other writers sometimes identified as naturalists:
William Faulkner Henry Blake Fuller, The Cliff-Dwellers
71) Other writers sometimes identified as naturalists:
Hamlin Garland, Rose of Dutcher's Coolly Robert Herrick
The Memoirs of an American Citizen (1905)
all of the above
72) Other writers sometimes identified as naturalists: Ernest Hemingway E. W. Howe, The Story of a Country Town
Ernest Hemingway, E. W. Howe, The Story of a Country Town
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كويز المحاضرة الخامسة للأدب الأمريكي
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