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كويز أسئلة اختبار مهارات التحدث الفصل الاول 1439 هـ ..
[أسئلة اختبار - مهارات التحدث - د/ فهد بن دهيش]
كويز اسئلة اختبار مهارات التحدث الفصل الاول 1439 هـ .. بالتوفيق للجميع .. مجرد عآبر ..
عدد الأسئلة: 51
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1) In what situation introduced you respond with this expression: “That’s all right “?
After being introduced to someone
when receiving an apology
when receiving thanks
After ending a conversation
2) When meeting with strangers, always start with a “ small talks “ What does that mean ?
Asking people for directions to the library
Talking about unimportant topic like the weather
Asking people where they are from
Talking about something serious like politics
3) your friend just apologized for spilling coffee on your book. You're accepting The apology, so you say..
Don’t mention it
Excuse me
Don’t worry about it
How interesting!
4) You're being introduced to a new classmate. What should you say ?
This is very kind of you
How thoughtful of you
You’re welcome
pleased to meet you
5) to end a conversation with your friend, what can only use ONE of these expressions ?
I appreciate it
I’ve got to run
How thoughtful
Forgive me
6) What does researchers collect for their scientific studies ?
7) These potatoes are expensive, aren’t they? What happens to the tone in the tag question if you are sure about the answer?
The tone falls down
The tone goes up
The tone stays flat
The tone goes up then falls down
8) which question among these is commonly used in restaurants ?
How do you spell that
Do you want to speak to the manager
What’s the special today
How do you get to the nearest restaurant?
9) Your brother was complaining about his new apartment. You heard his saying:
The refrigerator looks brand new
There is a garbage disposal
what a sunny apartment
The food in the freezer is melting
10) We don't use this expression to encourage people to keep talking.
pardon me?
And so ?
And then ?
11) In the classroom. Sarah looks down on Lisa" What does that means?
That Sarah think badly of Lisa
That Sarah respect Lisa
That Sarah think highly of Lisa
That Sarah admirers Lisa
12) "Do you want to play a game?" Say this question in a reduced form
Do you wanna play a game ?
Do you wana play a game ?
Do you gotta play a game ?
Do you goda play a game ?
13) The French Bakery is across the street from the British bank. "across the street" means ...
around the corner
in back of
down the street
on the opposite side
14) When asking for directions, you can ask ….
which bus would take us to the nearby library?
is this going to library?
which library do you go to?
How do I get to the library?
15) you are meeting a new student this student is from the USA . It is okay to ask him ……..
How old are you?
what do you do for a living?
are you married ?
How much money do you make ?
16) begin the sentence with a gerund: …........... is very exciting.
to surf
A surfer
17) I LIKED the store manager “ the stress verb like , It’s mean
other people didn't like him
I started to like him
I don’t like him now
I didn't like the manger's brother
18) She always looks at herself in the mirror and worried about her appearance all the time
She can be shoplifter
She can be a store detective
She can be a vain person
She can be a racist
19) In the U.S, all these questions are considered impolite to be asked when talking to a stranger except for ……
How old are you ?
Are you married?
How much money do you make?
where are you from?
20) The question ’’what was that again’’? Can be used for ………..
giving an apology
asking for directions
giving a recommendation
asking for clarification
21) A reduced way to say ‘’ don’t you ‘’ is to say …
22) Fill in blank with the correct form: You can tell me your secret …...... tell anyone.
I’m not going to
I will
I won’t
I’m going to
23) What is the short from of this question: “where did he go “?
Where didee go?
Where didja do?
Whadaya go?
Where gonna go?
24) What is the closet meaning to the informal word "chum" ?
a very poor neighborhood
a friend
always present
a child
25) Fill in the blank with the correct future expression: Majed and Norah ……..... pursue their medical studies in the U.S after graduating from KFU. That is their plan.
are going to
are will
gonna to
26) Whadaya eat ? “ What is the long form of this reduced question?
what do you eat ?
what are you eating?
what did you eat?
what did he eat ?
27) . someone gave you a compliment, “ That’s a nice pen “ How do you respond?
You can have it
Thank you
Not really. It’s very old
would you like it
28) . What can you use the phrase ‘you had better …’ for ?
encouraging a conversation
responding to an apology
giving advice
stating a small talk
29) What is the goal of this phrase “I recommend that to you ?
encouraging a conversation
responding to an apology
giving advice
stating a small talk
30) "You ought to see a doctor for your red eyes “ What is meaning of the modal verb here ?
100% obligation
more polite permission
50% obligation
31) “ May I borrow your English book for a couple of hours ? “ change the model verb in this question without changing its meaning.
32) what is the short from of “lots of “in this sentence: “ Ali has lots of sport magazines “ ?
33) your friend said ” if I were you I would sell that car.” What is he trying do ?
He is ending the conversation
He is making a suggestion
He is warning me
He is introducing me to a new friend
34) Fill in the two blanks with correct choice “ Everything was new and ............ . That made me very happy and ............. to be in Italy “
interested / exciting
interesting / excited
exciting / interesting
excited / interested
35) After studying English for one year in London, Faisal started to feel homesick. What does homesickness mean?
mistaken idea
feeling sad for missing a place
period of time
Not different; almost the same
36) You go out to dinner with your American friend. Who is supposed to pay?
Your friend pays because dinner was his idea
You pay because you are an Arab
You both pay
You fight over the bill
37) In some countries, it is expected of you to leave 10 % tip in restaurants ……...
if the restaurant is buffet style
if the service was excellent
if the service was poor
if the restaurant is self .service
38) A reduced way to say “ Give me that paper“ is to say..
gimee that
gimye that
gimme that
givme that
39) Choose the possible answer: Jeddah isn’t the capital of Saudi Arabia?
No, it’s Riyadh
Yes, it’s Riyadh
Yes, it isn't
No, Riyadh is
40) " I’d like a refund " when do you use this expression ?
when asking a stranger for clarification
when giving apology to a friend
when returning something to a store
when asking for directions on the street
41) Which of the following expressions indicates a partial Agreement?
That’s a good point, but in my opinion …..
That's point you made about this issue is excellent. I'd like to add that
I'm afraid I can't agree with you because ……..
I don’t really see it that way because ….
42) what are we all supposed to avoid during any argument?
criticizing the person who made the comment
Nodding you head “yes
Using the phrase “ I disagree
offering solution
43) if a speaker is participating in a debate, what is the goal expected of him?
to get to say his piece
to understand where the other person is coming from
to prove that he is right and the other person is mistaken
to listen to the other person’s perspective
44) How you can make a comparative form of a three .syllable adjective, e.g. beautiful?
By adding “ ier “ at the end of the adjective
By adding “ more “ before the adjective
By adding “the most “ before the adjective
By adding “iest” at the end of the adjective
45) to describe the weather as ’overcast’ was mean that ……….
it’s cloudy
it’s sunny
it’s rainy
it’s foggy
46) The suffix .en is an example like: The spoon is wooden , mean...
state of
full of
made of
47) "Semi" is a commonly used affix as in " The national team will play the semi.final". What does it mean ?
a prefix means across
a suffix means across
a prefix means half
a suffix means half
48) "Thank you! I can do this myself" what does the modal verb ‘can ‘ express in this example ?
49) Which among the following is NOT polite to use with others ?
to call a man, Sir without his last name
to call a young woman, Miss
to call a man, Mister without his last name
to call an old woman, Ma’am
50) say this question in a reduced from.. Does this bus go to the Hyde park?
Does this bus goda the Hyde park ?
Does this bus gonna the Hyde park ?
Does this bus gotta the Hyde park ?
Does this bus wanna the Hyde park ?
51) تم بفضل الله الانتهاء من كتابة الكويز , ان اصبت فمن الله و ان اخطأت فمني و من الشيطان , و بالتوفيق للجميع , و فالكم A+ ..
سبحان الله
لا اله الا الله
الله اكبر
سبحان الله و الحمدلله و لا اله الا الله و الله اكبر
معلومات حول الكويز
كويز أسئلة اختبار مهارات التحدث الفصل الاول 1439 هـ ..
[أسئلة اختبار - مهارات التحدث - د/ فهد بن دهيش]
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كويز اسئلة اختبار مهارات التحدث الفصل الاول 1439 هـ .. بالتوفيق للجميع .. مجرد عآبر ..
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مناقشة الكويز: كويز أسئلة اختبار مهارات التحدث الفصل الاول 1439 هـ ..
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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