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كويز أسئلة اختبار ترجمة الانماط النصية الفصل الاول 1439 هـ ..
[أسئلة اختبار - ترجمة الانماط النصية - د/ يحيى ربابعه]
أسئلة اختبار ترجمة الانماط النصية الفصل الاول 1439 هـ .. بالتوفيق للجميع .. مجرد عآبر ..
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم قل هو الله احد According to Dickins, this text is
2) instruction manual is an example of ……… text
a religious
a technical
a literary
a persuasive
3) Hatim and Mason classified text type according to their .........
rhetorical purposes
length of paragraphs
language functions
4) ) Read the following text then answer the question that follows: She dwelt among the untrodden ways Beside the springs of dove A Maid whom there were none to praise And very few to love: According to Reiss, this text belongs to ……… text
5) Read the following line of poetry then choose the best translation: دع الأيام تفعل ما تشاء وطب نفسا اذا حكم القضاء
et the days on everything
and with good cheer face fate’s decree
and make yourself happy with the judiciary system
and let yourself accept the judge
6) Complete the definition: Richard Brislin defines translation as: Translation is the general term referring to the transfer of thoughts and ideas from one language (source) to another (target), whether the languages are ……………. ; whether the languages have established orthographies or do not have such standardization or whether one or both languages is based on signs, as with sign languages of the deaf.
in written or oral form
in written form only
in oral form only texts
only spoken
7) According to Farghal, ………… often regarded as a project for transferring meaning from one language to another.
translation is
dynamics of translation are
culture references are
norms are
8) According to James Dickins, a text is any given stretch speech or writing …..
assumed to form meaningful sentences
ordered alphabetically
assumed to make coherent whole
combined with certain translation activates
9) …………. Is the TT
the text which is a translation of the ST
the text which need translation
the language in which the ST is written
the language into which the ST is translated
10) According to Newmark, the SL culture is one of the ...........
process of analysis
world culture
the tools of translation
the dynamics of translation
11) the TL is the ..........
spoken language only
culture of source language
language into which the ST translated
text requiring translation
12) Strategy is the translator's overall plan consisting of a set of strategic decisions taken after …………., but before starting detailed translation
considering the norms of the target language
a look at source culture
a final deliberate study of the target text
an initial reading of the source text
13) concept ''translation studies'' is now understood to refers to the academic discipline concerned with ………….., including literary and non-literary translation various forms of oral interpreting as well as dubbing and subtitling.
post translation activities
modern translation studies only
the study of translation at large
14) Poem is an example of ...........
15) an example of a religious text is a ...........
short story
a verse from the Holy Quran
16) the language in which the ST is written is the :
source culture
language to which the ST is translated
target language
source language
17) Katharina Reiss views …………, as the level at which communicating is achieved and at which equivalence must be sought
18) Persuasive Genres aim at getting ……………to behave in prescribed or suggested ways.
listeners and readers
SL writers and speakers
ST writers
ST speakers
19) this official speech could be considered as ………… according to Reiss أهنئكم بعيد الفطر المبارك و بصيام و قيام الشهر الفضيل و أخاطبكم من رحاب البلد الحرام و مهد رسالة الإسلام و قبلة المسلمين التي انطلق منها نور الهداية الربانية ليضيء للبشرية طريق الخير و السلام , لتشكل حضارته أهم روافد التحضر الانساني و الابداع البشري , و لا غاية لهذا الخير الذي اجراه الله تعالى على يد معلم البشرية و هاديها نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم سوى اخراج العالم من غياهب الظلام و الاستبداد و الجهالة الى نور الحق و المساواة و العدالة, مع رفع راية التسامح و التعايش و الحكمة و الرشد و الدعوة الى كلمة سواء تخرج بها البشرية من ظلمات جهلها و شحناتها و تناحرها الى نور ربها الهادي الى سواء الصراط
empirical text type
reference work
both expressive and operative text type
philosophical genre
20) According to Dickins, this text taken from a tourist brochure is ............ إن وادي رم ذو الجمال الطبيعي الفاتن يلخص رومانسية الصحراء باوديتها القديمة الشبيهة بسطح القمر والتلال الرملية التي ترتفع فوق الارض. وعلاوة على ذلك فوادي رم يعتبر مسكنا للعديد من القبائل البدوية التي تعيش في مخيمات متناثرة في المنطقة. خطط رحلتك لزيارة هذا المكان الجميل
21) [ ........... u]According to Reiss, this text is أن ترى واحدا يجري في منية النصر فذلك حادث. وكأنه صوت السيرينة في عربة بوليس النجدة. فلا بد أن وراء جرية أمرا مثيرا. وما أجمل أن يحدث في البلدة الهادئة البطيئة أمر مثير!
22) According to Reiss, in the expressive text type the author uses the aesthetic dimension of language ………….
an informative
an expressive
a vocative
an operative
23) the aim of the appellative function is to ………… as Reiss interested.
persuade the reader of the text to act in a certain way
lead the writer to new ideas
let the readership understand the SL
support the other text sources
24) Audio-medial texts supplement the other three functions with visual images, music, etc... as suggested by Reiss
suitable parameters
novels, poems
philosophical, ideas
visual images, music
25) the reference work is the text variety which is ...........
the translation product
the reference work
the poem
the novel
26) the highly expressive, form-focused type is ……….. according to Reiss
the novel
the hybrid
the sermon
the poem
27) an advertisement is the ………. As suggested by Reiss.
less expressive type
clearest operative text type
highly expressive, form-focused type
highly expressive type
28) ………. Elicit desired response in an operative text type. According to Reiss.
the target text should
the aesthetic from should
the source text should
the target language should
29) the target text of an expressive text …………. Of the ST.
should elicit the main
should transmit the aesthetic form
may reflect the logical dimension
may transmit the accurate topic
30) According to Dickins, the term ''text type'' …………. genre.
is not used in a similar sense of
is always excluded from being used as
is often used in a similar sense of
is never used as the
31) one of the following is a text type which is suggested by Dickins.
32) According to Dickins, …………. Are example of persuasive genre.
pure mathematics
Qur'anic verses
poetry, fiction and drama
33) with regard to religious genre, the author is not free to create the world that animates the subject matter but to be ………….. according at Dickins suggests.
partially functional
totally functional in the TT
merely instrumental in exploring it
not accurate in translation
34) an example of …………. Genre is a scientific report.
an empirical
a literary
a persuasive
a religious
35) According to Dickins, empirical genre purports to deal the real world as it is ………..
seen by readers
expressed by writers
experienced by observers
conceived by scholars
36) Read the following text and answer the question that follows: “feel magic and imagine what you can experience in 4 days” According to Newmark, this text belongs to …………………….. text type.
37) According to Newmark, personal correspondence is a text type which is:
38) ………………….. is the main purpose of language.
conventional formula
39) You can understand a Chinese text with the help of a ……… who knows both Arabic and Chinese languages.
a translator
a scientific scholar
an English native speakers
a Chinese-English speaker
40) According to Newmark, the dynamic of translation are th opposing forces pull the translation activity on …………
the same direction
two directions only
opposite direction
straight direction
41) **erally speaking, speak* of a certain language ………in that language
can't produce
unable to understand
could not write
can understand
42) the definition of (translation) according to Newmark; Rendering the meaning of a text into other language in …………….
the way that *** or produce the TT
the way that the author intended the text
a clear method
a vague method
43) A translator of any text necessarily needs to know which text type and what nature is that text, in order to be able to adequately produce …………
a source text
a suitable target text
44) ………… classified text types into three major categories. One of them is argumentative
Hatim and Mason
45) According to Newmark, ……………. Is a text type which is informative.
a technical report
persuasive writing
serious imaginative literature
46) According to Newmark, the core of a vocative text type is :
the topic
the readership
the writer
the knowledge
47) According to Newmark, …………………., most include all three functions with an emphasis on one of the three.
Few texts are from different text types
Many texts are purely from the same type
All texts are from the same text type
Few texts are purely from the same text type
48) According to Reiss, ………….. is the main focus of communication is an informative text type.
the language form
the form of massage
the language dimension
the content
49) According to Reiss, the language dimension used to transmit the information is ………….. in an informative text type.
50) تم بفضل الله الانتهاء من كتابة الكويز , ان اصبت فمن الله و ان اخطأت فمني و من الشيطان , و بالتوفيق للجميع , و فالكم A+ ..
سبحان الله
لا اله الا الله
الله اكبر
سبحان الله و الحمدلله و لا اله الا الله و الله اكبر
معلومات حول الكويز
كويز أسئلة اختبار ترجمة الانماط النصية الفصل الاول 1439 هـ ..
[أسئلة اختبار - ترجمة الانماط النصية - د/ يحيى ربابعه]
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أسئلة اختبار ترجمة الانماط النصية الفصل الاول 1439 هـ .. بالتوفيق للجميع .. مجرد عآبر ..
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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