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تعاريف أدب الأطفال المحاضرة السابعة
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - أدب الأطفال - د\بسام ابو زيد]
Literary Elements العناصر الأدبية لأدب الأطفال- المحاضرة السابعة
عدد الأسئلة: 17
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) : Author’s choice and arrangement of words in order to create plot, characterizations, setting, and theme.
2) Associative or emotional meaning of a word; usually used to describe a character or situation
3) : the appeal of the senses; helps to create setting, establish mood and character
4) Words used in a non-literal way, giving meaning beyond the usual sense. Ex) personification, simile, or metaphor
Figurative Language
5) exaggeration used for humor or to make a point
Figurative Language
6) : opposite of exaggeration; used to play down a happening or situation
7) tends to have more meaning for mature readers; relies on a reference to something in our common understanding, our past, or our literature
8) something that operates on two levels of meaning, the literal and the figurative levels
9) words that sounds like their meaning. E.g. splash, wow, gush, buzz," "crash," "whirr,“ "hiss," "purr," "hush," "boom
10) repetition of a similar vowel sound within a phrase . E.g. sweet smell of success, a dime a dozen, bigger and better, jump for joy
11) close repetition of a consonant sound within a phrase but not in the initial position. E.g. "first and last," "odds and ends," "short and sweet," "a stroke of luck,"
12) the author’s attitude toward what he or she has written. Ex) humor, mysterious, creepy, straight-forward, matter-offact, exciting, boring, etc.
13) is a statement about or an opinion on the topic. It is an idea that may be expressed by the feelings, thoughts and conversations of the main character. It may also answer the question, "What does the main character learn in the course of the story?"
Definition of a Theme
14) Friendship is a very common need for children and therefore, any book that uses this theme is desirable reading. An example is
"The Outsiders" by Susan Hinton, "Bad Fall" by Charles Crawford.
"Everywhere" by Bruce Brooks, "The Stone-Faced Boy" by Paula Fox
15) All families are different, and yet there is is something common in family life. For example
Everywhere" by Bruce Brooks, "The Stone-Faced Boy" by Paula Fox
"The Outsiders" by Susan Hinton, "Bad Fall" by Charles Crawford.
16) Bigotry and prejudice constitute a common theme in many children's books. They show the horrors of racism and their effect on children. For example
"The Gold Cadillac" by Mildred D."Lilies of the Field" by William Barrett
."The Moon Bridge" by Marcia Savin ,"Old Yeller" by Fred Gipson
17)  Maturing and facing adolescence are common themes in children's books. An interesting story for middle grades that uses this theme
"The Gold Cadillac" by Mildred D."Lilies of the Field" by William Barrett
"Charley Skedaddle" by Patricia Beatty."The Moon Bridge" by Marcia Savin ,"Old Yeller" by Fred Gipson
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تعاريف أدب الأطفال المحاضرة السابعة
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - أدب الأطفال - د\بسام ابو زيد]
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Literary Elements العناصر الأدبية لأدب الأطفال- المحاضرة السابعة
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