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المحاضرة الخامسة الجزء (2) - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - Children’s Literature - Dr. Ibrahim El Shinnawy]
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عدد الأسئلة: 35
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) Also called "magic stories"
Fairy Tales
2) these are filled with dreamlike possibility.
Fairy Tales
3) feature magical and enchanted forces.
Fairy Tales
4) They always have a "happily ever after" ending, where good is rewarded and evil is punished.
Fairy Tales
5) Short stories, in verse or prose, with a moral ending
6) These types of stories are credited Aesop (6th century BC), who told tales of animals and other inanimate objects that teach lessons about life.
7) these stories embellish the life of a real person.
8) Some stories have to be told as related tales to be meaningful.
9) ....... portray themselves as representing a distant past
10) They contain common themes and characters, often "gods."
11) ......... attempt to explain the beginning of the world, natural phenomena, the relationships between the gods and humans, and the origins of civilization.
12) ........ like legends, are stories told as though they were true
13) These are stories that are written to portray a time period or convey information about a specific time period or an historical event
Historical Fiction
Literary Fiction
14) Authors use ............ to create drama and interest based on real events in people's lives
historical fiction
Literary Fiction
15) Often, ............ presents history from the point of view of young participants
Literary Fiction
historical fiction
16) When these books are written for young readers, they are called chapter books because they expand the concept of a story by presenting a tale in segments
Literary Fiction
historical fiction
17) Children's ............... features youth playing an important, participatory role in history
historical fiction
Literary Fiction
18) This broad genre is probably easier to define by example or by what it is NOT. The stories are contemporary or are nondescript as to when they occur
Modern Fantasy
Realistic Fiction
19) They are imaginative tales require young readers to accept elements and story lines that clearly cannot be true
Modern Fantasy
Realistic Fiction
20) The stories may be based on animals that talk, elements of science fiction, supernatural or horror, or combinations of these elements
Realistic Fiction
Modern Fantasy
21) "Charlottes Web," "Winnie the Pooh," "Alice in Wonderland", "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," and "The Wizard of Oz" are all examples of ............. written for young readers up to 12 years old.
Realistic Fiction
Modern Fantasy
22) Books that are written for today's youths, representing contemporary times, based on real-world situations are called ..........
realistic fictions
Modern Fantasy
23) Similar to historical fiction, except these stories are based on current events. They feature children as their main characters and often allow young readers to "experience" different settings, cultures, and situations than what is the norm for their lifestyle
realistic fictions
Modern Fantasy
24) Children's ............. features main characters of approximately the age (or slightly older than) the book's intended audience
Modern Fantasy
realistic fiction
25) By nature, children's realistic fiction is ................
Negative and frustrating
positive and upbeat
26) When written for young readers (up to 12 years old), these books are called chapter books (a format, not a genre)
Modern Fantasy
realistic fiction
27) Books that are designed to help readers learn more about real things. They provide young readers information without the literary devises common to fiction
Non-fiction or Informational Books
28) They can be a challenging genre for children because a given presentation about the real-world has to assume something about a reader's abilities, understanding or interests
Non-fiction or Informational Books
29) these books have traditionally been used for academic study and research projects.
Non-fiction or Informational Books
30) A form of non-fiction that is based on the life of a person
31) ............. are almost always published about notable people in notable fields
32) ............. are often used to introduce children to the concept of nonfiction
33) .............. are important genres that introduce children to verse, prose, rhythm, rhyme, writing styles, literary devices, symbolism, analogies, and metaphors.
Stories and novels
Poetry and Drama
34) From a librarian's point of view, they are important because the they are written at different reading levels so that a young reader's interests can be matched with text that is consistent with their abilities
Stories and novels
Poetry and Drama
35) The simple language used in some poems and drama can be appreciated by readers of varying abilities
معلومات حول الكويز
المحاضرة الخامسة الجزء (2) - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - Children’s Literature - Dr. Ibrahim El Shinnawy]
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مناقشة الكويز: المحاضرة الخامسة الجزء (2) - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
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كويزات مشابهة
المحاضرة السابعة - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
مؤلفين الشعر والقصص - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
المحاضرة الحادية عشر - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
المحاضرة الخامسة الجزء (1) - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
المحاضرة الثانية عشر - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
المحاضرة السادسة - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
المحاضرة الثالثة - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
المحاضرة العاشرة - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
المحاضرة الرابعة - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
المحاضرة الثامنة - ادب الأطفال - الشناوي
الكويزات الأكثر شعبية
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أسئلة أختبار حقوق الإنسان 1436/7/22 (9891)
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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