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اسئلة اختبار تحليل الخطاب لعام 1439 الفصل الاول لدكتور مجدوب العامر
[أسئلة اختبار - تحليل الخطاب - مجدوب العامر]
اسئلة اختبار الفصل الاول 1439
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) 1-" I would go for like a huge pizza right now’‘ like’’ is:
a-A discourse marker
b-An editing term
c-A filler word
d-A repair
2) 2-the coherence relation in ‘’since he overslept he missed the first bus’’ is:
a- Contrast
D-Cause and effect
3) 3-the coherence relation in ‘’he left his job so as to take care of his sick mother’ ’is:
4) 4-the word ‘’besides’’ expresses the coherence relation:
5) 5-the expression ‘’in the same way’’ expresses the coherence relation:
d- addition
6) 6-reference in the sequence ’‘please welcome him ---Maradona, the best football player ever’ ’is:
a. two types of reference
b. three types of reference
c. four types of reference
d. five types of reference
7) 8- Demonstrative reference :
mode by Demonstrative nouns
mode by Demonstrative verbs
mode by Demonstrative adjectives
mode by Demonstrative persons
8) 6-reference in the sequence ’‘please welcome him ---Maradona, the best football player ever’ ’is:
A-Personal, anaphoric, limited
b-Personal ,anaphoric ,extended
c-Personal, cataphoric ,specific
d-Personal ,cataphoric ,extended
9) 9-The reference in ‘’Mary is tall but her sentence is taller’’ is:
D -Exospheric
10) 10-Lexical cohesion is often made by repeating:
a-The same words
b-The same sentences
c-The same morphemes
d-The same sounds
11) 11-The cohesion in the sentence ’’He said he will phone me but he didn’t ‘’
a-Nominal ellipsis
b-Sentence Substitution
c-Verbal substitution
d-Verbal ellipsis
12) 12-In the sentence ;;I asked for a red pen but he bought me a blue one ‘’ The word ‘’one’ ’expresses:
A-Verbal substitution
B-Sentence substitution
C-Personal reference
d-Nominal substitution
13) 13-The reference of ‘’it’ ’in ‘’I can’t believe it .We have won! ’is:
A-Personal anaphoric extended
B-Personal anaphoric limited
C-Personal cataphoric limited
D-Personal cataphoric extended
14) 14-In the sequence "Three students failed and two passed" the Cohesion in the sentence relation is :
a-Nominal ellipsis
b- Nominal substitution
c-Verbal ellipsis
d-Sentence ellipsis
15) 15-In ‘’the snake attacked the mouse and the poor animal had no chance to escape ’’, the lexical cohesion type is:
a-The repetition of the same word
b- The repetition of the a synonym
c-The repetition of an antonym
d-The repetition of a superordinate word
16) 17 if , as chair of a department, I opened a meeting with " this meeting is very important" then I have created :
a. activity
b. polities
c. relationship
d. significance
17) 16 "I talk and act in one way and l am a husband. l talk and act in another way , and I am a father " the way I speak created :
a. Significance
b. Connection
c. Identity
d. activity
18) 18. from a sociological viewpoint ,one function of language is :
a. supporting the performance of accurate vocabulary usage
b. supporting the performance of accurate sentence usage
c. supporting the performance of Social activities identities
d. Supporting the performance of accurate and fluent speech.
19) 19. Discourse with a big D studies:
a. The role of language in creating identities and activities
b. The role of speaker’ s actions in creating identities and activities
c. The role of language and other stuff in creating identities and activities
d. The role of the speaker’s vocabulary use in creating identities
20) 20. " Jamal abdunasir use of Shakespeare’ s famous word " to be or not to be " is an example of :
a. Textuality
b. Intra – textuatuality
c. multi-textuality
d. intertextuality
21) 21. term debates on themes such as the "environment " and motives play a role are referred to as :
a. conversation with a small c
b. conversation with a big C
c. conversation with a small d
d. conversation with a big D
22) 22. discourse analysis ,the term " recognition" refers to recognizing:
how you are and which you are doing
how you are and when you are doing
how you are and who you are doing
how you are and what you are doing
23) 23. a participant in discourse is best referred to as the :
a. The who.
b. The what.
c. The who-doing-what.
d. The whom-doing-what.
24) 24. This is what I call "…..... " people engage in such work when they try to make visible to others and to themselves who they are what they are doing :
a. Unreal work
b. Real work
c. Recognition work
d. Unfamiliar work
25) 25. The choice of the world is ……….. important in discourse analysis
a. Rarely
b. Always
c. Never ever
d. seldom
26) 26. humans can change their identities via changing :
a. the way they speak
b. the color of their eyes
c. the color of their hair
d. the place where they stand.
27) 27. I talk in a way that is to be linked to the one I used in the previous meeting .this called :
a. Connection
b. Disappearance.
c. Appearance
d. pretending
28) 28. whenever people speak, they craft what they have to say to fit the ……..in which they are communication :
a. classroom
b. hall
c. hotel
d. context
29) 29. we have a right to say that an " utterance "has meaning only if and when it communicates:
A. a witch and a whom
B. a what and a which
C. a who and a what
D. a who and a why
30) 30. the use of our language grammar to create a particular viewpoint on what the world is like referred to as:
b- Semiotics
D-Relation ship
31) 31-the use of a pieces of language to privilege or disprivilage a certain sign system is called.
a- symbolism
b- polities
c- semiotics
d- Relationship
32) 32-In the sentence ‘’It was sad. Many children died in the Saturday morning fire’’it refers to:
a- Saturday
b -Morning
c- Fire
d-the children’s death in the fire
33) 33- situated meaning is interpreted with reference to:
a- The sentence used to express it
b-The words used to express it
c-The idioms used in expressing it
d-The situation in which it is expressed
34) 34-Native American Indian is recognized as ‘’really Indian’ ’though:
a-His language
b-His language and his action
c-His ethnic background
d-The color of his skin
35) 35-Discourse analysis, Grammer2’’ refers to:
a- Grammatical elements such as nouns, verbs and adjectives
b-the use elements such as subject and object
c- Vocabulary words used in discourse
d- ways grammatical elements are patterned to create different things
36) 36. " you can come tomorrow at 9 PM
A. giving permission
B. asking for permission
C. command
37) 37-The meta lingual language function is:
a-The use of language to refer to describe a situation
b-The use of language to express feelings
c-The use of language to express greetings
d- The use of language to talk about language
38) 38-Turn-taking ia a:
a-Term for conducting orderly conversation
b-Term for correcting mistakes to in conversation
c-A term for explaining the purpose of conversation
d-A term for interrupting conversation
39) 39-The ‘’context’’ of discourse is:
a-the type of discourse
b The meaning of discourse
c-The situation of discourse
d-The organization of discourse
40) 40-The term ‘’form’’in discourse analysis refer to:
a-The suffixes produced or uttered
b-The morphemes produced or uttered
c-The sounds produced or uttered
d-The sentences produced or uttered
41) 41-‘’Greetings’’is an example of:
a-Expressive function
b-poetic function
c-Metalingual function
d-Phatic communication function
42) 43-Which of the following is not a feature of speech:
a- Informal and repetitive
b- Acquired naturally without teaching
c- Formal and compact
d- Spontaneous and unplanned
43) 42-Which of the following is feature of writing?
a-Every one learns how to write
b-Writers use simple sentences connected by lots of ‘’and ’’and ‘’but’’
c-Writing can only be learnt by teaching
d- Everyone learns to write and read
44) 44-The expressive function is usually expressed by:
a- Declarative sentence
b- Imperative sentence
c- Interrogative sentence
d-Exclamatory sentence
45) 45The sentence “What a nice weather we have today”
a-An informative function
b-A descriptive function
c- An expressive function
d- A commercial function
46) 46-‘’I hereby name this ship Princess Diana ‘’is:
a-An expressive function
b-A commercial function
c-An informative function
d-A directive function
47) 47-An imperative sentence can express the :
a-The directive function only
b- The informative function only
c- The expressive function only
d- The directive, the informative and expressive functions
48) 48-The adjacency pair ‘’A: Can you be quite?’’ B:’’Yes ,sure ;;is:
C Challenge/rejection
49) 49-In conversational analysis , the expression ‘’you over there’’ is an example of:
a-A major sentence
b-An interrogative sentence
c-An ambiguous sentence
d- A minor sentence
50) 50-The expression ‘’let’s see’ ’in conversational analysis is :
a-An exclamatory sentence
b- An eco-sentence
c-Discourse maker
d-An editing term
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة اختبار تحليل الخطاب لعام 1439 الفصل الاول لدكتور مجدوب العامر
[أسئلة اختبار - تحليل الخطاب - مجدوب العامر]
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اسئلة اختبار الفصل الاول 1439
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القسم: E8
مناقشة الكويز: اسئلة اختبار تحليل الخطاب لعام 1439 الفصل الاول لدكتور مجدوب العامر
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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