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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

اسئلة علم المعاني والبراغماتيك مستوى سادس
[أسئلة اختبار - علم المعاني والبراغماتيك - د . السيد]
اسئلة للمذاكرة والمراجعة لمادة علم المعاني والبراغماتيك مستوى سادس ((( دعواتكم وشكراً...
عدد الأسئلة: 47
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1) What does the term '' Semantics'' as we use it today refer to ?
Semantics refers to the study of meaning.
Semantics refers to the study of the history of meaning.
Semantics refers to the study of the sentence structure.
Semantics refers to the study of meaning in a particular context.
2) The word '' lion '' is a _____________ of the word '' animal'' .
3) The word '' red '' is a ___________ of the word '' scarlet '' .
4) When one word has several closely related meanings, we call this sense relation
5) When two words are spelled the same but have very different meanings, we call the sense relation between them
6) The relationships that '' sense'' deals with are
inside the language only .
outside the language only .
in the world only .
between the language and the world .
7) The relationships that reference deals with are
inside the language only.
outside the language only .
in the world only .
between the language and the world .
8) " Riyadh '' and " the capital of Saudi Arabia " are
the same referring expression used to refer to two different referents.
two different referring expressions that have the same referent .
never used as referring expressions.
referring expressions that do not have a referent.
9) Every meaningful expression has
a referent
a referring expression
10) In the phrases " a red door" and " a green door " , the words " red " and " green" are
not related to each other in any way .
in a paradigmatic relation with " door ".
in a paradigmatic relation to each other .
in a syntagmatic relation to each other .
11) The words " Saturday," "Sunday," and " Monday " in English
are part of the same sematic field
are not part of the same semantic field
are not part of any semantic field
are part of all semantic fields
12) The colors "red-green" and " orange-red" are
compatible inside their semantic field
mixtures inside their semantic field
naturally ordered inside their semantic field
have blurred distinction inside their semantic field
13) The numerals " one," "two", " three," etc.. are
compatible inside their semantic field
mixtures inside their semantic field
naturally ordered inside their semantic field
have blurred distinction inside their semantic field
14) Animal names like " lion" and " rabbit " are
incompatible inside their semantic field
mixtures inside their semantic field
naturally ordered inside their semantic field
have blurred distinction inside their semantic field
15) Which of the following is true about collocation ?
Collocation can be seen as part of the meaning of a word .
Collocation is an example of paradigmatic relations .
Collocation can always be predicted from meaning .
Collocation can always be predicted from range .
16) Synonymy is the relationship between two words that have
the same reference .
opposite references .
the same sense .
opposite senses .
17) How are the synonyms '' gentleman '' and '' man '' different ?
Each of them belongs to a different style .
Each of them belongs to a different dialect .
They are collocationally restricted to different environments .
They each have different emotive meaning .
18) How are the synonyms '' autumn '' and '' fall '' different ?
Each of them belongs to a different style .
Each of them belongs to a different dialect .
They are collocationally restricted to different environments .
They each have different emotive meaning .
19) How are the synonyms '' hide '' and '' conceal '' different ?
Each of them belongs to a different style .
Each of them belongs to a different dialect .
They are collocationally restricted to different environments .
They each have different emotive meaning .
20) An antonym describes a relation between two things, and same time the other antonym describes the relation in the opposite order, in the case of
binary antonymy
gradable antonymy
21) What does the term " pragmatics " as we use it today refer to ?
Pragmatics refers to the study of meaning.
Pragmatics refers to the study of the history of meaning.
pragmatics refers to the study of the sentence structure.
pragmatics refers to the study of meaning in a particular context.
22) The collocation of the words '' bite '' and '' teeth ''
is based on range .
is based wholly on meaning .
involves both range and meaning .
involves neither range nor meaning .
23) The unlikeliness of a collocation like '' The rhododendron passed away
involves both range and meaning .
involves neither range nor meaning .
is based on range .
is based wholly on meaning .
24) We do not normally say '' a blond dress '' even if its color is exactly that same as blond hair because of a collocational restriction that
involves neither range nor meaning .
is based wholly on meaning .
is based on range .
involves both range and meaning .
25) There is no difference in meaning between '' herd '' and '' flock '' . The only difference is that one is used with cows and one with sheep, which is ..
not all collocational restrictions can be explained semantically .
all collocational restrictions can be explained semantically .
collocational restrictions can always be predicted from meaning .
collocational restrictions can always be predicted from range .
26) Synonymy is the relationship between two words that have
the same reference.
opposite references.
the same sense.
opposite senses.
27) How are the synonyms '' dollars '' and '' bucks '' different ?
Each of them belongs to a different style (formal/colloquial).
They each have different emotive meaning.
They each have different senses.
Each of them belongs to a different language origin.
28) How are the synonyms '' liberty'' and '' freedom '' different ?
Each of them belongs to a different style (formal/colloquial).
They each have different emotive meaning.
They each have different senses.
Each of them belongs to a different language origin.
29) On the scale of temperature values between the antonyms '' hot '' and '' cold '' we have '' warm'',''cool'' and ''tepid''.This type of antonymy is called
binary antonymy.
gradable antonymy.
30) '' John bought a car from Fred. Fred sold a car to John. " The antonyms in these sentences are
binary antonymy.
gradable antonymy.
31) The oppositeness of meaning relationship between " big '' and " small " is an example of
sense relations.
utterance relations.
sentence relations.
reference relations.
32) " I have an account at the bank ." ''We took a boat to the bank of the river. " These two examples show that a word like " bank " can have
only one sense.
only one reference.
more than one reference.
more than one sense.
33) " Rupert took off his jacket." " Rupert took his jacket off." These two examples show that
only words can have sense.
long expressions like sentences do not have sense.
one sentence can have different senses.
two sentences can have the same sense.
34) The referring expression " this book " can be used to refer to different books. This shows us that
one referring expression can have No referents.
two referring expression can have No referents.
one referring expression can refer to different referents.
two referring expressions can have the same referent.
35) Words like " almost" and don't refer to things in the world which means
not every meaningful expression has reference.
every meaningful expression has reference.
some meaningful expression do not have sense.
the referent of an expression is never a thing or a person.
36) " Hyponymy is a sense relation between words in which the meaning of one word is ____________ the meaning of the other ." Complete the definition.
unrelated to
the same as
the opposite of
included in
37) We cannot say " This is a red hat" and " This is a green hat ". to describe the same object because " red " and "green " are
38) The six Mexican words for noise used to describe children yelling, people talking loudly, people arguing..etc. show us how the distinction of terms in a semantic field can
39) Color terms like '' blue - gray '' are called
40) In the semantic field of days, Sunday comes immediately before Monday and Monday before Tuesday because they are in
an unordered semantic field.
a syntagmatic relationship.
sequential relations
41) The pair '' own '' and '' belong to '' are
binary antonymy.
gradable antonyms.
not antonyms.
42) The pair '' tall - short '' are
not antonyms.
gradable antonyms.
relational opposites.
43) The pair '' chalk - cheese '' are
not antonyms.
gradable antonyms.
relational opposites.
44) The pair '' day - nigh '' are
binary antonyms.
gradable antonyms.
not antonyms.
45) In speech act theory , a perlocutionary act
causes a certain effect on the hearer.
reflects the intention of the speaker in making the utterance.
simply produces a meaningful utterance.
None of the above
46) The word " happiness " is a __________ of the word " emotion ".
47) The word " plant " is a __________ of the word " flower" .
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة علم المعاني والبراغماتيك مستوى سادس
[أسئلة اختبار - علم المعاني والبراغماتيك - د . السيد]
تفاصيل أخرى:
اسئلة للمذاكرة والمراجعة لمادة علم المعاني والبراغماتيك مستوى سادس ((( دعواتكم وشكراً...
تم حل الكويز 345 مرة بنسبة نجاح 54%
القسم: E6
مناقشة الكويز: اسئلة علم المعاني والبراغماتيك مستوى سادس
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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