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التسجيل الكويزاتإضافة كويزمواعيد التسجيل التعليمـــات المجموعات  

اسئلة ابوبكر للمحاضرة السابعه للشعر الانجليزي
[أسئلة مراجعة - الشعر الانجليزي - ابراهيم محمد ابراهيم عثمان]
اسئلة ابوبكر مراجعة للمحاضرة السابعه
عدد الأسئلة: 23
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1) The vocabulary in this poem:
Is easy to understand only by native English speakers.
Is easy to understand by everybody studies English.
2) The first verse of the poem is also the title of the poem, which means that:
The writer could not find a title for the poem.
The writer or did not want to find to find a title
A or B
3) In (Long, long shall I rue thee/ Too deeply to tell), we can notice:.
How much pain he felt.
How much he long for his beloved.
4) The main characteristic of Byron‟s poems is its strenght and masculinity, combined in a lot of cases with:
5) The poem is divided in .......... stanzas and each one in eight verses.
6) Through reading the poem, we can tell:
The separation is because of death
The sepration because “she” split up with him
We cannot tell whether A or B
7) In the first stanza the poet begins with ......................., remembering the separation of the two lovers, how they felt: “half broken-hearted” , showing his pain.
The main topic
8) In “Pale grew thy cheek and cold,/colder thy kiss”, the poet expresses:
The idea of what we think that this separation is due to the death of his lover
How cold she was with him
9) “Pale grew thy cheek and cold,/colder thy kiss”. He is describing all that sorrounds her is cold, and this cold is a perfect form to express the death in contrast with the warm involving the life. Here we can notice:
10) Words like tears, broken – hearted, pale, colder and sorrow are used to:
Convey the sadness of the two lovers
Convey the coldness between the two lovers
11) In the second stanza it can be found the relation of colder morning with:
The poet's pain
12) thy vows are all broken”. Here, is:
Another sign tells us his lover is dead
Another sign tells us his lover split up with him
13) In ( the dew of the morning sunk chill on my brow), we can notice:
Nature shares his sadness
His belief that he will overcome his sorrow with the arrival of a new morning.
14) The third stanza contains strong vocabulary showing again that “she”:
Split up with him
Is dead
15) A knell to mine ear; A shudder comes o’er me”.These two verses remain to the sounds of:
The bells of a funeral
16) At the last stanza the poet is:
Remembering when they met.
Transmitting us a feeling of hope.
A and B
17) The repetition of “silence and tears” at the beginning and end of the poem denotes the poet‟s:
Ability to leave his moment of pain behind
Inability to leave his moment of pain behind
18) In (The dew of the morning/ Sunk chill on my brow / A knell to mine ear/A shudder comes o’er me: dew), the underlined words symbolize:
19) The very important metaphorical element at the beginning of the second and the third stanzas is:
20) Due to the poem, nobody can help the poet to come back to smile because:
She split up with him
Their relation was secret
21) One of the following is NOT from the Romantic charachteristics found in this poem:
The lack of imagination
The link between man and nature is evident in the second stanza.
22) The repetition of “silence and tears” in WHEN WE TWO PARTED at the beginning and end of the poem denotes the poet‟s ……………………….
23) In WHEN WE TWO PARTED ....... shares sadness with the poet .
the neighbor
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة ابوبكر للمحاضرة السابعه للشعر الانجليزي
[أسئلة مراجعة - الشعر الانجليزي - ابراهيم محمد ابراهيم عثمان]
تفاصيل أخرى:
اسئلة ابوبكر مراجعة للمحاضرة السابعه
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