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اسئلة ابوبكر للمحاضرة العاشره للشعر الانجليزي
[أسئلة مراجعة - الشعر الانجليزي - ابراهيم محمد ابراهيم عثمان]
اسئلة ابوبكر مراجعه للمحاضرة العاشره للشعر الانجليزي
عدد الأسئلة: 19
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) During the Victorian Age, rich landowners were turning into businessmen because:
Agriculture suffered a lot of problems at that time.
It was the age of industrialization.
2) One of the following does NOT apply as a characteristic of Victorian age:
People became less adventurous and had no individual initiative.
It was age of imperialism
3) The reasons for imperialism were fundamentally…………..
4) Disraeli and Gladstone are examples of:
Great historians during the Victorian Age.
Great imperialists and politicians during the Victorian Age.
5) Darwin, Huxley, Karl Marx
Great anti-imperialism writers during the Victorian Age.
Great scientists and thinkers during the Victorian Age.
6) The Victorian Age was an age of agnosticism. Agnosticism means:
The state of holding the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable
The state of completely belief in any ultimate reyality
7) The aspects of Victorian Age were more or less reflected in the poetry of
Matthew Arnold.
All true
8) Robert Browning was born in:
9) Browning's parents:
Didn't support him to dedicate himself to literature
Were not rich but were well off enough to enable him to dedicate himself to literature.
10) In “My Last Duchess", the Duke of Ferrara–a city in northeast Italy on a branch of the Po River–shows a portrait of his late wife, who died in 1561, to:
A representative of the Count of Tyrol.
The Count of tyrol
11) The Count of tyrol is:
A French nobleman.
An Austrian nobleman.
12) The duke plans to:
Sell the portrait.
Marry the count’s daughter
13) While discussing the portrait, the duke also discusses:
His relationship with the late countess.
The price of the portrait
14) The duke during his talk about his late wife seemed as:
A husband who was respecting his wife a lot.
A domineering husband who treated his wife as a possession.
15) The duke was exasperated with his wife while she was alive because:
She didn't have a baby.
She devoted as much attention to trivialities as she did to him.
16) This poem is loosely based on ……….events.
17) The speaker of the poem is:
The poet.
The Duke.
18) The Portrait of the Duchess symbolizes the duke's:
Generous nature.
Possessive and controlling nature.
19) We can conclude that the Duke has a possessive nature because:
He treated his wife as a possession.
The Duchess has become an art object which he owns and controls.
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة ابوبكر للمحاضرة العاشره للشعر الانجليزي
[أسئلة مراجعة - الشعر الانجليزي - ابراهيم محمد ابراهيم عثمان]
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اسئلة ابوبكر مراجعه للمحاضرة العاشره للشعر الانجليزي
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