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اسئلة ابوبكر للمحاضرة الخامسه للشعر الانجليزي
[أسئلة مراجعة - الشعر الانجليزي - ابراهيم محمد ابراهيم عثمان]
اسئلة مراجعه ابوبكر للمحاضرة الخامسه للشعر الانجليزي
عدد الأسئلة: 28
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1) The daffodils also illustrates Wordsworth‟s:
Interest in weather situations.
Theory of poetic creation.
2) Wordsworth ………. write poetry about the emotion being felt at the time of writing.
Did not
Chose to
3) According to Wordsworth, a poem is the expression of an emotion „ recollected in tranquility‟. „ recollected in tranquility‟ means
Remembered in a sad moment
Remembered in a moment of peace and quietness.
4) The Daffodils was written:
At the time the poet saw the daffodils.
Two years later after he saw the daffodils.
5) Wordsworth felt that the elapse of a certain span of time was necessary for an emotion to get ………..of undesirable frills and trappings and be fit for poetic creation.
6) I wander'd lonely as a cloud - The first line makes nice use of:
Personification and simile.
Wonder of feeling lonely
7) The personification in (poet as a cloud) is:
Where an inanimate object (cloud) possesses the quality of a human enabling it to see the daffodils
Where a cloud is very high in the sky.
8) When the poet says in the line "Ten thousand saw I at a glance", this is called in poetry:
An exaggeration
A hyperbole
A and B
9) Repetition of the letter (h) in the words (high and hills) is called in poetry: (a) Metaphor (b) Alliteration
10) The breeze which makes the daffodils dance and flutter is symbolic of the poet‟s:
Instable mode
Creative activity
11) The poet‟s heart dancing with the daffodils signifies the …………….of joy offered by Nature and the participation of human being in that joy.
12) My Heart Leaps Up, also known as ……………., is a poem by the British Romantic Poet William Wordsworth.
The Rainbow
The Child Is Father of The Man
13) Noted for its simplicity of structure and language, "The Rainbow" describes the joy that he feels when he sees:
A rainbow
All false
14) The poet in "The Rainbow" concludes the poem by noting how his childhood has:
Spoiled his manhood..
Shaped his current views.
15) In this very short poem consisting of only 9 lines, the speaker begins by declaring that he is moved by:
Nature beauty
16) In "So was it when my life began; / So is it now I am a man.", he goes on to say that he has always felt the impact of nature, even when he was
An infant
Not born yet.
17) In the line: :"So be it when I shall grow old, / Or let me die!", the poet wants to show:
He is certain of his connection to nature.
He is eager to die soon.
18) The speaker in " The Rainbow" is so certain of his connection with nature that he says it:
Is his only interest
Will be constant until he becomes an old man, or else he would rather die.
19) In the line "The Child is father of the Man.", he declares that children are superior to men because
Of their innocence
Of their proximity to nature
20) The seventh line of the poem "The Child is father of the Man." Is:
The key line.
A proverb.
21) "The Child is father of the Man." This line is often quoted because of its ability to:
Show the importance of respect towards fathers
Express a complicated idea in so few words.
22) The speaker believes that children are closer to heaven and God, and through God, nature, because
They have recently come from the arms of God.
They learn faster than old people
23) In "I could wish my days to be / Bound each to each by natural piety.", the speaker understands:
That the past never return
The importance of staying connected to one's own childhood.
24) In this short lyric, the 'rainbow' symbolizes the life sustaining and life nourishing goodness of:
25) The sight of the ………….bow which he saw when he was only a child is deeply etched in his memory and the same joy that he experienced when he saw it as a child continues to remain with him through his adulthood.
26) The poem" The Rainbow" is:
Simple but details complex ideas.
Simple and all the ideas are simple too.
27) The common theme in all of Wordsworth's work is:
28) The last three lines "The Child is father of the Man; / And I could wish my days to be / Bound each to each by natural piety" (7-10) contain one of Wordsworth's
Beautiful imaginations
Most famous phrases.
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة ابوبكر للمحاضرة الخامسه للشعر الانجليزي
[أسئلة مراجعة - الشعر الانجليزي - ابراهيم محمد ابراهيم عثمان]
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اسئلة مراجعه ابوبكر للمحاضرة الخامسه للشعر الانجليزي
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مناقشة الكويز: اسئلة ابوبكر للمحاضرة الخامسه للشعر الانجليزي
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