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المحاضرة التاسعة اللغويات التطبيقية - احمد السقوفي
[أسئلة مراجعة - اللغويات التطبيقية - د احمد السقوفي]
مراجعة اللغويات التطبيقية
عدد الأسئلة: 19
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1) Language testing is divided into_________ types based on the orientation.
2) They are 1_______ test and 2______- test types based on the orientation
performance language.
language competence.
all them
3) Language_______ test is a test that involves components of language such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation
all theme
4) ________ test is a test that involve the basic skills in English that are writing, speaking, listening and reading
competence.and performance
5) testing is also divided into____________ types based on the way to test They are 1 direct testing and 2 indirect testing
6) _______ is a test that the process to elicit students competences uses basic skill, like speaking, writing, listening, or reading while indirect language testing is a test that the process to elicit students competences does not use basic skills.
indirect testing
Direct testing.
7) ______language testing is a test that the process to elicit students competences does not use basic skills.
Indirect testing
Direct testing
competences only in one skill
8) language testing can be divided into_______ types based on orientation and the way to test.
9) The direct competence test is a test that measure the students knowledge about language component, like grammar or vocabulary, which the elicitation ____ of the basic skills, speaking, listening, reading, or writing. For example, a teacher wants to know about students grammar knowledge. The teacher asks the students to write a letter to elicit students knowledge in grammar.
uses one of the basic skills.
uses tow of the basic skills
not uses all of the basic skills
10) ________ is a test that measure the students knowledge about language component, like grammar or vocabulary, which the elicitation does not use one of the basic skills, speaking, listening, reading, or writing. The elicitation in this test uses other ways, such as multiple choice.
The direct competence test.
The indirect competence test.
Indirect testing.
11) Direct performance test is a test that the students skill in reading, writing, speaking, and listening that the elicitation is through _________. For example, the teacher want to know the students skill in writing, the teacher ask the students to write a letter, or to write a short story
direct communication.
indircet communication
12) Indirect performance test is a test that measure the students skill in reading, writing, speaking, and listening that the elicitation__________ the basic skill. For example, the teacher wants to measure the students skill in listening. The teacher gives some picture and asks the students to arrange the students the pictures into correct order based on the story that they listen to.
Does not use.
by use
13) There are_____ kinds of tests based on score interpretation.
14) ____________ are designed to highlight achievement differences between and among students to produce a dependable rank order of students across a continuum of achievement from high achievers to low achievers
Norm-referenced tests.
criterion-referenced tests.
15) _____ systems might want to classify students in this way so that they can be properly placed in remedial or gifted programs. The content of norm-referenced tests is selected according to how well it ranks students from high achievers to low. In other words, the content selected in norm-referenced tests is chosen by how well it discriminates among students.
16) _______ tests determine what test takers can do and what they know, not how they compare to others (Anastasi, 1988). Criterion-referenced tests report how well students are doing relative to a pre-determined performance level on a specified set of educational goals or outcomes included in the school, district, or state curriculum.
Norm-referenced tests
Criterion-referenced tests
17) Educators may choose to use a criterion-referenced test when they wish to see how well students have learned ________ which they are expected to have mastered. This information may be used as one piece of information to determine how well the student is learning the desired curriculum and how well the school is teaching that curriculum.
the knowledge and skills.
Play football
18) Criterion-referenced tests give _____ about how well a student has performed on each of the educational goals or outcomes included in that test.
limited information
detailed information
19) ------------A student’s performance on an norm referenced test is interpreted in relation to the performance of
a group of similar students who took the test when it was first normed
a group of different students who took the test when it was first norme
معلومات حول الكويز
المحاضرة التاسعة اللغويات التطبيقية - احمد السقوفي
[أسئلة مراجعة - اللغويات التطبيقية - د احمد السقوفي]
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