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المحاضرة التاسعة - الرواية الحديثة - د وصفي شقيرات
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - الرواية الحديثة - وصفي شقيرات]
مراجعة عامة
عدد الأسئلة: 31
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) ............ born Józef Teodor Conrad Korzeniowski in
2) Heart of Darkness (1899, 1902 According to Conrad, it is based on-------
real events
3) Conrad is "-----------------" in the novella.
4) Conrad, born in Russia of Polish parents, did not learn to speak English until he was in his late--------- ,
5) Heart of Darkness is set in the Congo at the time of the---------- colonization
6) Africa was the -------- continent to be overtaken by Europeans.
7) Millions of ---------- were killed and maimed or worked to death
8) There was------------ for the native inhabitants.
no regard
9) became king of Belgium in 1865
Leopold II
10) In 1876 [Leopold] organized a --------- holding company disguised as an international scientific and philanthropic association.
11) In 1879, under the auspices of the holding company, he hired the famous explorer -------------- to establish a colony in the Congo region”
Henry Morton Stanley
12)  It belonged to the man, not to the country of Belgium. It was therefore called a "---------- colony."
13) Profits from the area went into his own pocket, not into the treasury of-------.
14) The Belgian Congo under Leopold’s rule became an example of how------- colonial rule can be.
15) The native people were treated as------------ and atrocities were committed against them
16) Stanley cut a deal with----------------------------------------------- and got economic control.
the chiefs of the native tribes
the forced labor
17) Leopold ordered -------------------------------------- to purchase as much land as possible and to acquire power among the chiefs from the mouth of the Congo River as far into the interior as possible
the chiefs
18) Stanley gained control by offering the chiefs ------
i phone 6
19) Leopold declared a---------- on rubber and ivory
20) Leopold set up a mercenary force called--------------------------- 19,000 members, most of them Africans. They controlled Congo Free State for Leopold for 23 years between 1885 and 1908, and helped him extract rubber and ivory from the area
the labor
the Force Publique
21) They made the natives work for them but did not pay them--it was illegal to pay an African for his work. This is called ---------------------------------------r.”
“ forced labo
the Force Publique
22) The head of the Force Publique was -------------, a ruthless and cruel man who decorated his yard with a fence featuring human skulls on posts and a garden with human skulls of dead natives
Leon Rom
23) who decorated his yard with a fence featuring human skulls on posts and a garden with human skulls of dead natives
Leon Rom
24) Rom kept a------------- permanently erected in his station to intimidate the workers
25) The character Kurtz in the novella is based on---------
Leon Rom
26) The women and children were separated from the men and held hostage until the men brought in their -------------
quota of rubber only
quota of rubber or ivory.
27) If a worker didn't meet his quota, sometimes the Force Publique would motivate him by------------------------------------ the hand or foot of one of his children
cutting off
cooking off
28) The Men wore--------------on a string around their necks. An accountant kept track of how much ivory or rubber each worker brought in
a numbered gold disk
a numbered metal disk
29) Leopold claimed that his goal was--------
ultimately humanitarian
not ultimately humanitarian
30) In 1908, Leopold, realizing that his reign in the Congo had come to an end, had all the archives of the Belgian government --------------------------------. The fire burned for eight days and nights
burned to destroy the evidence of the atrocities
did not burned evidence
31) Leopold II was responsible for the deaths of between --------people in the Belgian Congo.
three million
ten and eleven million
معلومات حول الكويز
المحاضرة التاسعة - الرواية الحديثة - د وصفي شقيرات
[أسئلة مراجعة مجهود شخصي - الرواية الحديثة - وصفي شقيرات]
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مناقشة الكويز: المحاضرة التاسعة - الرواية الحديثة - د وصفي شقيرات
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