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النقد الادبي لayosha م2 part2
[أسئلة مراجعة - النقد الادبي لayosha م2 part2 - فوزي سليسلي]
الله يوفقنا جميعا
عدد الأسئلة: 18
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) who was considered the most powerful political community on earth
2) the Europeans found a ready old to follow in the developing of their civilized language , who did it belong to
the Romans
the Greeks
3) when did the Europeans call for the ''imitation of the classics"
from the Renaissance all the way to the 20th century
from the Restoration all the way to the 19th century
4) what was the most prestigious concept in the European culture
imitation of the classic
imitation of the modern
5) what did imitation lead to in Rome
frustration ,and a plagiaristic culture
satisfaction ,and a successful culture
6) what was Europe's attitude towards what imitation lead to with the Romans
they ignored it
they payed attention to it
7) why did they ignore it
their desire to produce poetic monuments was more important
their desire to produce prose monuments was more important
8) how did du bellay feel about the imitation
he advised his contemporaries not to be ashamed to write in their native language in imitation of the ancients
he advised his contemporaries to be ashamed to write in their native language in imitation of the ancients
9) what did du belly think of their language
he wished that his own language was rich enough that it didn't need to borrow from a foreign one but this was not the case
he wished that his own language was not rich enough that it did need to borrow from a foreign one but this was not the case
10) was the imitation of the greeks successful
yes it was
no it was not
11) were the Europeans imitating the classical cultures of the Greeks and Rome
no in reality they imitated mostly the Romans ,because very little Greek texts were available
yes in reality they imitated mostly the french ,because very little Roman texts were available
12) was European classicism based on Aristotle, like the claimed
no , they new very little of his work
yes , they new a lot of his work
13) how many times did walpole mention Aristotle in his letters
5 times
7 times
14) how did European writers know Greek words
through the praise of the french
through the praise of the Romans
15) what did the Renaissance scholars recognize the Roman art as
that it was derived from the french
that it was derived from the greeks
16) what did they not see about it
how plagiaristic it was
how emotional it was
17) how did Europeans rank Horace and Aristotle
Horace was a higher dramatic theorist than Aristotle
It is how we can study literature from a critical, analytical and scientific perspective
18) why do we have to understand the historical forces that produce literature
It is how we can study literature from a critical, analytical and scientific perspective
Horace was a higher dramatic theorist than Aristotle
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النقد الادبي لayosha م2 part2
[أسئلة مراجعة - النقد الادبي لayosha م2 part2 - فوزي سليسلي]
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مناقشة الكويز: النقد الادبي لayosha م2 part2
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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