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النقد الادبي لayosha م2 part1
[أسئلة مراجعة - النقد الادبي لayosha م2 part1 - فوزي سليسلي]
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عدد الأسئلة: 22
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1) when did the Europeans rediscover the books of greeks and Romans
in the renaissance
in the restoration
2) what was the result of them finding those books

it allowed them to develop a literature and a culture

it allowed them to develop a language
3) 'why is the period called the ‘Renaissance
because across Europe people wanted to ‘revive’ the Modern learning
because across Europe people wanted to ‘revive’ the ancient learning of Rome and Greece
4) what was the written language in Europe
there was written language in Europe
there was NO written language in Europe
5) what written language was there
6) was reading latin common
yes very common
no it was very rare
7) give an example of someone who knew how to read latin
8) describe Europe at that time
they were under-developed and illiterate
it was filled with contradiction and confusions
9) what did discovering the ancient books lead to
the renaissance, the reformation , the scientific revelation , the enlightenment , and the modern technology world which we live today.
they were under-developed and illiterate
10) describe the relationship between Europe and the ancients
it was filled with contradiction and confusions
they were under-developed and illiterate
11) why did the Europeans want to produce sophisticated culture
Because they thought that high culture, great books and poems were what great nations have.
Because they thought that high culture, great books and poems were what weak nations have.
12) how did the great nations keep records of their deeds
They recorded their deeds and conquest in books and poems
They recorded their deeds and conquest in prose
13) what was the importance of the books and poems
It was proof of their weakness
It was proof of their greatness
14) why were the Romans celebrated and preferred more than the rest of humanity
Because they had a multitude of writers that preserved their deeds in spite of the passage of time.
they were building empires but they had a weak language so the needed to develop it so that they could have a sophisticated culture ( so they took the Romans as a modal)
15) who is Joachim du Bellay
French writer who wrote famous books that provided guidelines for poets to develop their skills, he also gave advice to follow what the Romans did in imitating Greece culture
German writer who wrote famous books that provided guidelines for poets to develop their skills, he also gave advice to follow what the Romans did in imitating Greece culture
16) what were the Europeans doing on the 16th and 17th centuries
They were building houses
They were building empires and colonies
17) when were dictionaries ,grammar, and pronunciation books written
After that renaissance
Before that renaissance
18) when were English, Italian, French, and other European languages develop to their modern format
In the 18th and 19th centuries
In the 16th and 17th centuries
19) explain(emergence of literature in renaissance Europe had political and military purpose)
they were building empires but they had a weak language so the needed to develop it so that they could have a sophisticated culture ( so they took the Romans as a modal)
giving the Europeans written and civilized languages
20) what was the purpose of studying the classical learning,literature and criticism
giving the Europeans written and civilized languages
great empires need great literature
21) how did the Europeans see poems and plays and books
they saw them as national monuments
by the monuments they build (e.g the coliseum in Rome)
22) how did they judge the greatness of a nation
by the monuments they build (e.g the coliseum in Rome)
they saw them as national monuments
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النقد الادبي لayosha م2 part1
[أسئلة مراجعة - النقد الادبي لayosha م2 part1 - فوزي سليسلي]
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