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اسئلة اختبار ترجمة الأنماط النصية الفصل الثاني للعام 1436 هـ
[أسئلة اختبار - ترجمة الانماط النصية - د يحيى ربايعة]
اسئلة اختبار الفصل الثاني للعام 1436 هـ
عدد الأسئلة: 45
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) An example of an empirical genre is ?
A-a poem
B-formal speech
C- a scientific report
D-a pure mathematics text
2) Read the following text then answer the question that follows : The names of the tourist attractions are added to the TT because :
A-the target audience don’t like tourism
B- the target text is religious
C- the source text is philosophical
the target audience are interested in details of the tourist attractions
3) read the following text then answer the question that follows : This text is translated جرش مدينة الالف عمود : Jarash The grandeur of Imperial Rome
B- literally
C- religiously
D- occasionally
4) Read the following line of the poetry then choose the best translation: وأرض الله واســعــة ولــكـــن إذا نـزل القضـاء ضــاق الفـضـاء
A- god’s earth is vast but at fate’s fall the whole of space gives no reprieve
B- Then let the days betray at every beath There is no cure can cure man of death.
C- HE whose house is touched by doom Heaven and earth will not relieve.
D-But he whose soul may rest content is as the owner of the earth
5) The best translation of the following text is : أيها الإخوة الكرام في مشارق الأرض ومغاربها السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته :
B- Dears : How are you !
A- Dear brothers : Peace on you
C- Dear Brothers all around the world : Peace and blessong of Allah be upon you
D- How are you doing ?
6) The best translation of the underlined part is: ولا تــر لـلأعــادي قـــط ذلاً فــإن شمـاتـه الأعــداء بـــلاء
A- Do not bow down before your foes
B- and no doubt find itself running :
C- and do not hear my Dhul :
D- and do not soo bad things :
7) The best translation of the following text is : يسببه عصيات من نوع "شيقــلا"
A- This is a cause of shigella.
B- Shigella type is dangerous .
C- They are from Shigella .
D- It is caused by bacilli of genus Shigella
8) According to Newmark, serious imaginative literature is a text type which is ..............
A- expressive
B- vocative
C- auidomedial
D- informative
9) people communicate with each other by using ...............
A- building
B- resources
C- running
D- languages
10) According to Newmark, an example of the dynamics of translation is .......
A- forces
B- the SL culture
C- the activity
D- the source thinking
11) The short form (ST) stands for :
A- source text
B- Translating
C- South language
D- Source Culture.
12) Complete the definition ; “ Translation is often regarded as a project for …………………… from one language to another according to Farghal “
A- reding texts
B- Transferring meaning
C- moving the rules
D- giving opinion
13) The ………… of the text weather it is oral or written is the author
A- the buyer
B- the translator
C- originator
D- the editor
14) According to Jeremy Munday , translation can refer to :
A- the general subject field
B- the text only
C- the translator
D- the source language
15) complete the definition : Dickings defined the TEXT as Any ………………………… assumed to make a coherent whole
A- stretch of writing and listening
B- stretch of speaking only
C- group of old letters
D- stretch of speech or writing
16) The strategy is the translator’s overall plan consisting of a set of strategies decisions taken after an initial reading of the source text but
A- after transliating all the text
B- when planinig for translation.
C- after starting detailed translation.
D. before starting detailed translation
17) Read the following text and answer the question below : She dwelt among the untrodden ways Beside the springs of Dove, A Maid whom there were none to praise And very few to love: A violet by a mossy stone Half hidden from the eye! Fair as a star, when only one This text is taken from ........................
A- a short story
B- novel
C- a political speech
D- a poem
18) Katharina Reiss (1979/1989) views the text, rather than the word or sentence, as the level at which
A-communication is achieved and at which equivalence must be sought
B- difficulty of translation could be noticed
C- simplicity of communication appears.
D- meaning is hidden.
19) A translator of any text necessarily needs to know which text type and what nature is that text in order to be able to ...............
A- adequately produce a suitable target text.
B- clearly start understanding some parts of a text
C- divide the text into paragraphs .
D- analyze the source text .
20) Hatim and Mason classified text types according to their rhetorical purposes: argumentative, …………………… and instruction-based
A- religios
B- technical
D- expositive
21) One of the functions of language that Buhler suggests is the ……………function of language in which the readership is the core
A- expressive
B- informative
C- operative
D- vocative
22) The language in which the ………………….. is written is the SL
A – source text
B- target language
C- target text
D- source language .
23) certain text taken form a novel is considered as a ……….text.
A- religious
B- literary
C- technical
D- philosophical
24) Political and medical texts are .............
A- different in type.
B- the same
C- both religious.
D- both literary
25) Identifying the text type is .............
A- the normal step after translating a text.
B- a good way to count the paragraphs.
C- the theme of the source text
D- the first step of suitably translate a text.
26) 28-According to Newmark technical report is a text type which is
A- expressive
B-insruction –base
C- informative
D- argumentative
27) According to Reiss, the……………….is the main focus of the communication in an informative text type
a) dimension
b) content
c) communication
d) text type
28) - In the 1970s and depending on Buhler's three-way categorization of the functions of language, Katharina Reiss links the three functions to their ………………….and to the text types or communicative situations in which they are used:
A- theoritcal background
B- linguistic lectures
C- corresponding language dimensions
D- logical meanings.
29) According to Reiss , an electoral speech is mostly ……………….text typ
A- expressive
B- a literal
C- an informative
D- an operative
30) ................... is to appeal to or persuade the reader or 'receiver' of the text to act in a certain way as Reiss suggests
A- the aim of the appellative function
B-the aim of language
C- the aim of expressive function
D- the aim of the communication process.
31) Dickins, Hervey and Higgins distinguished five broad categories of “genre” Literary , Religious, Philosophical, ................
A- operative and texts
B- audiomental and informative
C- cognitive and expressive
D- empirical and Persuasive
32) ...............Is the text variety which is the most fully informative text type As Reiss suggests.
A- The poem
B- the short story
C- The reference work
33) Read the text below then answer the following : أن ترى واحدا يجري في منية النصر فذلك حادث. وكأنه صوت السيرينة في عربة بوليس النجدة. فلا بد أن وراء جرية أمرا مثيرا. وما أجمل أن يحدث في البلدة الهادئة البطئة أمر مثير. This text is taken from a
A- poem
B- short story
C- a semon
D- a brochure
34) Read the text below then choose the best translation for the underlined sentence: وفي يوم الجمعة ذاك , لم يكن واحد فقط هو الذي يجري في منية النصر, الواقع أنه كانت هناك حركة جري واسعة النطاق. ولم يكن أحد يعرف السبب.
A- there was a mass of movement of runners
B- in the reality, there was a running movement of a very wide belt.
C- actually , a movement happened.
D- the dropping , there were runners.
35) Read the text below then choose the best translation for the underlined sentence: فالشوارع والأزقة تسبح في هدوئها الأبدي, وينتابها ذلك الركود الذي يستتب في العادة بعد صلاة الجمعة حيث
A- The streets and Azeqqah were swimming in their quietness
B- The streets and Azeqqah were nosiy
C- The streets and forver calm
D- The streets and alleys were floating with their perpetual calm
36) Read the text below then choose the best translation for the underlined sentence: حينئذ يقفون ويحاولون معرفة السبب, وطبعا لا يستطيعون. وحينئذ يدفعهم حب الاسطلاع إلى المشي, ثم يقترح أحدهم الإسراع فيسرعون ويجدون أنفسهم آخر الأمر يجرون, ولا ينسون أن يلقوا السلام على جماعات الجالسين, فتقف الجماعات ولا تلبث أن تجد نفسها تجري هي الأخرى.
A- and the time ehen motivates them to walk.
B- and at that time they begin to walk.
C- then their curiosity got the better of them, and they began to walk
D- then they walk because of the love of walking .
37) .....................Is seen primarily in newspaper articles where additional information is systematically provided throughout the main body of the text
A- Maximum presence of the translator
B- Minimum presence of the translator
C- no presence of the translator
D- any presence f the translator.
38) Today Wadi Rum challenges climbers to scale its slicer granite and sandstone cliffs, to hike along mountain trails and valleys, to trek deep into the enchanting landscape in four wheel drive vehicles, or to join tow three day desert safaris on camel back or 4x4 vehicles. All the underlined parts of the TI are added to the TI because of
A-people can see the underlined text better
B-Arabic audience see the underlined text better.
C- the English target audience needs and interests which are different from those of the Arabic.
D-English target audience needs and interests are the same of the Arabic audience.
39) An example of philosophical genre is :
A- a poem
B- a formal speech
C- a legal text .
D- a pure mathematics text.
40) 45- Read the following line of poetry then choose the best translation: دَعِ الأَيَّامَ تَفْعَل مَا تَشَاءُ وطب نفساً إذا حكمَ القضاءُ
A- let the days on everything.
B- let the days do that they will and with good cheer face fat’s decree
C- Let the days do whatever they want and make yourself happy with the system
D- let the days make it and let yourself accept the judge.
41) Read the following line of potery then choose the best translation of the underlined part : وَمَنْ نَزَلَتْ بِسَاحَتِهِ الْمَنَايَا فلا أرضٌ تقيهِ ولا سماءُ
A- Heaven and earth will not relive.
B- the land protect him and sky
C- and no earth and no sky will not help
D- he whose house is toughed by doom.
42) Read the following text and answer the question that follows: “feel magic and imagine what you can experience in 4 days” According to kathrina Reiss, this text belongs to …………………..text type .
A- informative
B- audio –meidal
C- operative
D- expressive
43) “I congratulate you on the blessed Eid Al-Fitr, successful fasting of the month of Ramadan, and performance of its related post-evening prayers.” The udnrelined words are a translation for
A- طريق الخير والسلام
B- اهنئكم بالعيد
C- من رحاب البلد الحرام
D-صلاة القيام
44) Read the following text and answer the following : Small Change HOPES deferred rather than hopes dashed: that sums up the reaction of the transport lobby to the £1.8 billion in additional funding over the next three years that was announced this week. Representing a 25% increase in comparison with a 25% cut in the last parliament under the Tories, it represents a clear shift in priorities> The concession is an important breakthrough, for which local authorities have long campaigned. London First, a business pressure group, estimated in a study, published last month, that a non-residential parking tax levied at an average of £750 per parking space in central and outer London could raise £300m per year, enough, for example, to bridge the investment backlog of London's Underground. From The Economist Jul 16th 1998 The suitable strategy of translating the underlined digits is :
A- translate them according to the exchange rate at that date at of article which is jul 16th 1998
B- translate them directly with no change
C- don’t translate them at all
D- omit them from translation
45) The best translation of the following text is : Dear Valued Customer In order to make your online banking experience more secure, we have improved the username and password rules.
عزيزي العميل نظراً لحرصنا على تطبيق افضل خصائص الأمان لعملائنا، فقد تم تطبيق معايير جديدة لأسم المستخدم و كلمة المرور.
عزيز الزبون من اجل ان نعمل اليك على الانترنت اكثر امانا لزبائينا فقد تم تطبيق معايير حديثة لاسم المستعمل وكلمة السر
عزيز المراجع نظرا لحرصنا على تطبيق افضل خصائص الامان لمراجعينا فقد تم ترفيع معايير جديدة لكنية المستخدم وكلمة المرور
عزيزينا المراجع لقد تم تطوير أنظمة الحماية بما فيها اسم المستخدم لفتح حسابك
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اسئلة اختبار ترجمة الأنماط النصية الفصل الثاني للعام 1436 هـ
[أسئلة اختبار - ترجمة الانماط النصية - د يحيى ربايعة]
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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