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اسئلة رضا20006 شامله للترجمه الابداعيه
[أسئلة اختبار - الترجمه الابداعيه - حليمه]
اسئلة رضا20006 شامله للترجمه الابداعيه
عدد الأسئلة: 63
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) The most appropriate translation of ‘Once upon a time in the far lands of Mount Everest, there lived a poor woodcutter named Fred ’ is
في أحد الأيام على جبل افرست عاش قطاع خشباسمه فريد
في قديم الزمان في أراضي جبل افرست كان يعيشقطاع خشب اسمه فريد
في قديم الزمان في الأراضي البعيدة من جبل افرست. هناك عاش قطاع خشب فقير اسمه فريد
يحكى أن حطاباا فقيرا اسمه فريد عاش وحيد افي كوخ خشبي بدون ماء أو كهرباء في أرض بعيدة على جبل إفرست
2) The origin of the word ‘drama’ comes from
the Greek term ‘drao
the English term ‘drop’
the French Term ‘acte
the Latin Term ‘actus
3) Translating ‘plays’ is mainly translating
for a theatrical stage only
for play text page only
for page and stage.
neither for page nor for stage.
4) The most appropriate translation of SHYLOCK Gaoler, look to him: tell not me of mercy; This is the fool that lent out money gratis:- Gaoler, look to him. ANTONIO Hear me yet, good Shylock
المرابي : السجان، واتطلع إلى وسلم: يقولليس لي من رحمة؛ وهذا هو الأحمق الذي أقرض من دونمقابل المال: - السجان، والنظر إليه . انطونيو : تسمعني حتى الآن، والمرابيجي
شايلوك : أيها السجان ، انظر إليه، لا تسألني الرحمة. هذا هوالأحمق الذي اقترض المال بدون فوائد. أيهاالسجانانظر إليه أنطونيو اسمعني يا شايلوكالطيب
شايلوك : انظر اليه أيها السجان ولاتطلب مني أن أرحمه، هذا الذي أقترض المال بدون مقابل. يا سجانا نظرا ليه . . أنطونيو : على رسلك يا شايلوكالطيب .
شايلوك : يا سجان انظر اليه، لن أرحمهفهذا الذي استدان المال بدون مقابل. انظر انطونيو : لم تسمعني بعد ياعزيزي شايلوك
5) 5) The most appropriate translation of مشط شعرك يا قمر بالمشط الحلو انكسر، وينك يا قمر ..... ، مشط شعري
Brush your hair moon with a broken comb Where are you moon? I’m brushing my hair
Have you brushed your silver locks my moon? Have you brushed them with your broken comb? Where are you my naughty moon? I’m brushing my hair
Comb your hair, little moon, With the broken nice little comb. Where are you, moon? “Combing my hair”
Brush your hair, sweet love; With the broken comb With a hey, and a ho, Where are you, sweet love? Brushing my hair with a hey and a ho! My love!
6) Creative translation in practice is
an amalgamation of equivalence, balance between ST & TT and simplicity
an amalgamation of surprise, simplicity and utter rightness.
a combination of accuracy and relevance .
an amalgamation of equivalence , communicative purpose and simplicity.
7) An oratory is
the art of speaking to an audience with good speech.
the art of talking to an audience with eloquence..
the art of convincing an audience to accept one’s speech.
the art of swaying an audience by eloquent speech.
8) The most appropriate translation of " إنَّك تُقْدِّمُ على أرض المكروالخديعة والخيانة " is
You are coming to the land of guile, deceit and treachery.
You are bound for the land of cunning, deceit and treachery.
You are going the land of guile, deceit and betrayal
You are heading towards the land of guile, deceit and treachery.
9) The most appropriate translation of ‘Life is a warfare: a warfare between two standards: the Standard of right and the Standard of wrong’ is
الحياة حرب بين الصح والخطأ
الحياة حرب بين الصواب والغلط
الحياة معركة بين الحق والباطل
الحياة مع معركة بين الخيروالشر
10) Poetry should be translated into
poetry in its own right .
prose as it is untranslatable.
both poetry and prose.
neither poetry nor prose on their own.
11) Translation of poetry is
as a creative act as writing one’s poetry.
more a creative act than writing one’s poetry.
less a creative act than writing one’s poetry
like writing one’s poetry but with a difference.
12) A short story is :
‘a narrative, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse.
‘a performance, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse.
‘a report, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse.
‘a genre, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse.
13) The most appropriate translation of ‘When he smells the scent of the rose, he wants to see it ’ is
عندما يشم رائحة الوردة يريد أنيراها
إن شمها استحلى رؤيتها
عبيرها استهواه، فطلب رؤياها
إن شم ريح الوردفي أغصانها فمُناه في ألوانهاوبَهاها
14) The most appropriate translation of ’ isاكثر من ذكر الله
Remember your God and mention him as much as you can.
Make a lot of mention of God
Make dhikr of Allah whenever possible.
Make praising exercises of God
15) Creative translation involves
a literal and accurate draft of the original and then ‘weaning away’ from the original.
a draft of the original and then rewriting it.
a stage for drafting and another for rewriting the draft.
a three stage approach: drafting, redrafting and then translating
16) كان يوما ملتهبا كطفل نالت منه الحمى The most appropriate translation of ’
It was a very hot afternoon as the child experienced the heat of a fever
It was a scorching summer afternoon. The heat was feverish.
It was as hot as a child suffering from fever.
The day was as hot as a child with a fever.
17) One of the most appropriate approaches to translating poetry is
a holistic approach.
a communicative approach.
an aesthetic approach
a semantic approach
18) The most appropriate translation of ‘Shall I compare thee to a Summers’s day; thou art more lovely and more temperate
منذا يقارن حسنك المغري بصيف قد تجلى وفن ونسحرك قد باتت في ناظري أسمى وأغلى
هلا قارنتك بيوم صيف جميل فتكوني أجمل منه وأحلى
أنت أكثر جمالا من الربيع الجميل وألطف من النسيم العليل
منذا يقارن حسنك المغري بربيع قد تجلى وفنون سحرك قد باتت في ناظري أسمى وأغلى
19) Conventional ‘core literary’ genres are
drama, poetry, philosophy, religion, short stories and novels
drama, medicine , philosophy, poetry, short stories and novels.
drama, poetry, short stories, novels and sacred texts
drama, poetry, math, religion, short stories and novels and legal texts.
20) The origin of the word ‘creativity’ comes from
A. the German term ‘kreativitat’
the English term ‘creche
C. the Latin Term ‘creo’
the French Term ‘cric
21) The dictionary definition of word ‘creative’ is
inventive and receptive
inventive and productive
inventive and communicative
inventive and imaginative
22) Translation is considered as being creative when it is
novel and appropriate
new and relevant
fresh and imaginative
modern and productive
23) The most appropriate translation of 'out of sight ,out of mind'is:
بعيدا عن الانظار بعيدا عن العقل
بعيدا عن بصرك بعيدا عن عقلك
بعيدا عن العين بعيدا عن القلب
بعيد عن عينك بعيد عن قلبك
24) The most appropriate translation of' 'Mother Nature is angry'
الطبيعه الام غاضبه
الكون غاضب علينا
الالهه غاضبة علينا C-
ربنا غاضب علينا
25) The most appropriate translation of ايهآ الناس ، اسمعوا قولي ،فأني لا أدري لعلي لا ألقاكم بعد عامي هذا بهذا الموقف ابد ا
O people, listen to say, I do not know not to meet you after the years that this situation never.
“O People! Listen carefully to what I say, for I don't know whether I will ever meet you again here after this year.
You people, listen to my speech. I don’t know whether I will ever see you again in this place.
People of Makkah, listen to me. I don’t know if I am going to be with you here next year
26) The most appropriate translation of " نفحات الايمان في مكه والمدينه المنوره "
Fragrant gales of humbleness and serenity in Makkah and Madinah ALMunawarh
Scents of friendly atmosphere in Makkah and Madinah ALMunawarh
C-Gusts of familiarity sociableness in Makkah and Madinah ALMunawarh
D-Outbursts of cheerfulness and affection in Makkah and Madinah ALMunawarh
27) The most appropriate translation of الله خالق دنيانا ان كنت حقا انسانا من غير ريب او شك امتلآ القلب ايمانا
God is the Creator of the World if you were really a man. Without a doubt this would fill the heart with faith.
Allah is the Creator of the World, If you were a man, Without any suspicion Your heart should have faith in God.
Allah is the Creator of the World, Man must say, without a shadow of doubt, I believe in God.
God is the Maker of the World , You must say, without any doubt , I have faith in God
28) The most appropriate translation of " لم يفكر كثيرا بان الحلاق كان يغط في ذلك الوقت في نوم عميق
A. He did not expect that the barber might be sleeping deeply at this time
B. He did not think that the barber might be falling asleep
C. It did not cross his mind that, at this time of day the barber might be sleep.
D. He did not think much of the possibility that the barber might be sound asleep at this time of the day.
29) Religious orations tend to appeal to:
hearts and minds
minds only
C-hearts only
D-Neither hearts nor minds but rather one's own interests
30) The most appropriate translation of " فان من كان يعبد محمدا فإن محمدا قد مات ، ومن كان يعبد الله فأن الله حي لايموت
If you are used to worship Muhammad, Muhammad is dead, and those who worship God, God is alive and does not die."
B-If you were worshiping Muhammad, Muhammad is dead ,and those who were warshiping God is still alive and does not die."
Hear me out! If you were used to worship Muhammad, Muhammad is dead, and those who worship God, God is alive and does not die."
Hear me out, people, if you used to worship Muhammad, Muhammad is dead, but if you are worshiping Allah, Allah is alive and does not die."
31) The 'skopos' of poetic translation means
the aim of its translation carrying over the ST function in the Target Text
the transfer a message into another language
C-the communicative translation of a message across a cultural and linguistic barrier
D-the main purpose of a message across a cultural and linguistic barrier
32) The Translation of style in the context of literature
awfully important
crucially unimportant
really unnecessary
significantly superfluous
33) The most appropriate translation of ‘" أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ،قَدْ فَرَضَ اللهُ عَلَيْكُم الحجَّ فَحُجُّوا
Oh people, Allah has made Hajj a must on you. So do it not."
Oh people, God has made Hajj obligatory on you. please do it."
Oh people, Allah has prescribed Hajj on you. So why you don’t do it."
Oh people, Allah has made performing Hajj obligatory on you. So do it
34) The most appropriate translation of " كان جو غرفة الضيوف باردا ومنعشا يهديد جفونه ويغريه بقيلوله ممتعه "
The atmosphere in the living room was so cold and fresh that he was tempted to nap
The air in the living room was so cold and refreshing that he was tempted to have a nap
The air in the living room was fresh and tempted him to take a nap
The air in the guest room was cold and fresh which tempted him to take a naa snooze
35) An Example of untranslatable subject matter is:
A theatrical song
The Hadeeth of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.b.u.h)
The Holy Quran
36) The most appropriate translation of ( ولاتقربوا الزنى انه كان فاحشة وشاء سبيلا
Dawood:"You shall not commit adultery ,for it is foul and indecent"
B-Arberry :"And approach not fornication ; surely it is an indecency, and evil as a way"
C-Ali Nor come near to adultery or fornication ; for it is a indecent (deed) and an evil way
37) The most appropriate translation of عنْ عُمَرَ قَالَ: سَمِّعْتُ رَسُولَ الله  يَقُوْلُ: "لا تُطْرُونِّي، كَمَا أَطْرَتِّ النَّصَارَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ، فَإِّنَّمَا أَنَا عَبْدُهُ، فَقُوْلُوا: عَبْدُ الله وَرَسُولُهُ". )رواه البخاري(
Do not overpraise me as the Christians did to the son of Mary
Praise me not me as the Christians praised the son of Mary
C-Don't commend me as the Christians did to the son of Mary
D-Don't compliment me as the Christians praised the son of Mary
38) The most appropriate translation of عَنْ عَاْئِّشَةَ، قَاْلَتْ: قَالَ رَسُوْلُ الله : " مَنْ أَحْدَثَ فِّيْ أَمْرِّنَا هَذَا مَا لَيْسَ فِّيْهِّ فَهُوَرَدٌّ". )رَوَاهُ الشَّيْخَان(
Everything new introduced to our religion is unacceptable."
B-"Anything inventive introduced to our religion is rejectable."
Anything imaginative introduced to our religion is rejected."
D-"Anything innovative introduced to our religion is rejected."
39) According to Rollo May, creativity requires :
keen interest and seriousness
passion and commitment
accuracy and economy
elegance and content
40) The most appropriate translation of ‘The Chair she sat on, like a burnished throne glowed on the marble’ is
على الرخام لمع المقعد الذي عليه جلست كأنه العرش الوضاء
الكرسي الذي استوت عليه مثل عرش متألق توهج على الرخام
كان الكرسي الذي اقتعدته يحكي عرشا مصقولا ويلمع على الرخام
الكرسي الذي جلست عليه بان كالعرش المصقول متوهجا على الرخام
41) E.Gentzler realize that the creative translation is required to reveal
Competence as poetry writer ,historian and linguist
Competence as scientist interested in literature and history
Competence as a literary man interested in translation
Competence as a literary critic historical scholar and linguistic technician
42) From a linguistic/stylistic perspective ,the style of the Quran:
belongs to a narrative but literary type of style that has its own genre
B- belongs to an informative but scientific ttype style that has its own genre
C- belongs to an instructional but expository type style that has its own genre
belong to any type of literary texts or genre –types
43) Creative translation is defined as a rewriting process which meets three requirements:
accuracy ,naturalness , communication
to be new , objective and systematic
to be relevant , communicative and accurate
consistency , naturalness , an communication
44) When you are engaged in a creative translation activity, you should remember
that you are dealing with both an art and science
that you are dealing with an art not a science
that you are dealing with both an art and science
that you are dealing with a amalgamation of advertising and science
45) The most appropriate translation of وحياتك يإبْن البشرِّ كلقاءِّ البحرِّ بالنهَر يجري يتدفق للبحرِّ يَسوي يَسوي فوقَ الحجرِّ
Your life son of Adam is like the sea meeting the river. Running towards the sea to settle and settle above the seabed.
Your life man is like meeting the river with sea Running towards the sea to join it with settlement.
Man’s life is passing away, Fast like a stream in its way, To the sea to stay
46) The most appropriate translation of " The creator of this beautiful machine"
مخترع هذه الاله الجميله
خالق هذه الاله الجميله
مبدع هذه الاله الجميله
صانع هذه الاله الجميله
47) Text for translation are often viewed as:
literary and scientific
B-both literary and scientific
C-either literary or non- scientific
neither literary nor scientific but rather technical and non-technical
48) The most important issues in the process of creative translation are:
equivalence ,communicative purpose and style
accuracy ,relevance and rhetoric
genre , style , communication
accuracy, function and equivalence
49) 'the most appropriate translation of the technical term love into Arabic is:
A- حب
B- عشق
C- كلاهما معا
D- حسب معناها في النص
50) Is the translation of poetry possible?
Yes it is but with genre loss
No , it is not
Yes it is
Yes , it is but with little loss
51) The most appropriate translation of عن النبي عليه السلام " خرج ثلاثه يمشون فأصابهم المطر
Three people set out for a stroll and on the way they were hit by a heavy rain "
Three person left for a walk where a heavy rain started to fall on them
Once upon a time three men went out for a walk . on the way they were caught up by
Went out three men for a long walk but on the way they were surprised by a heavy rain them
52) The most appropriate translation of دع الايام تفعل ماتشاء وطب نفسا اذا حكم القضاء
Let the days do what they want and be happy with whatever that might happen
Let the days unfold and be content with whatever fate has ruled
Let the days take their toll whether you rise or whether you fall
Let the days take its toll and be happy whether you rise or whether you fall
53) The most appropriate translation of " When pain and sickness made my cry, Who gazed upon my heavy eye, And wept, for fear that I should die? My Mother
عندما جعلني الألم والمرض أبكي من حدَّق بعيني الثقيلة وبكى خوفا أن أموت؟ أمي
عندما أبكي من ألم أو مرض من ينظر بعيني الثقيلتين ويبكي خوفا من أن أموت؟ أمي
ألم ومرض يبكيني عينيا من تسهر وترضيني وتبكي خوفا من موتي؟ أمي
أبكي للمرض وللألمِّ من حدَّق في عيني الورمِّ من يَبكيني خوف العدمِّ أمي تبكي، أمي أمي
54) M Mumford suggested that creativity involves:
the production of new ideas in good format
the production of novel and useful product
the production of new products in the market
the production of fresh ideas but in good format
55) According to Dagmar Knittlova , creativity in translation
should make the translated text sound better , more vivid than its original version
should make the translated text sound better , but not more vivid than its original version
should not make the translated text sound better , more vivid than its original version
should make the translated text sound less vivid than its original version
56) The most appropriate translation of ليس العيبُ أن يكو ن الفتى فقير ا *** ولكن العيبَ أن يعيشَ الفتى ذليلا
It is not shameful to be poor but it is shameful to live in humiliation
To be poor it is not a shame but it is to live in humiliation
It is not a shame to be poor but it is to live in degradation
It is not a shame to be poor but it is to live in disgrace
بهذا السؤال مو متاكد من الاجابه هل هي c اوDبس حسب كلام رضا D اصح
57) 57)Appreciating the translation of a concept that lacks a counterpart in the TL requires
having direct experience of the essential meaning and purpose of the translated concept
having general familiarity with the meaning and purpose of the translated concept
having indirect experience of the meaning and purpose of the translated concept
having knowledge of the essential meaning and purpose of the translated concept
58) The most appropriate translation of " أما بعد، أيها الناس، فإني قد وُليت عليكم ولست بخيركم، فإن أحسنت فأعينوني، و إن أسأت فقوموني
Having said that, O people, I have been appointed as your leader and I'm not your best, If I do well help me , and if I do bad straighten me out.
O people, I have been selected as your custodian but I am not the best among you. So when I do well, support me; and when I do wrong, correct me.
O people, I have been entrusted with the rule of you and I am not the best among you. So If I do well, support me and if not straighten me out.
O people, I have been elected as your leader and I am not the best of you. Support me if I do well, and correct me if I do wrong
59) The most appropriate translation of “I'm proud of my dirty hands. Yes, they are dirty. And they are rough and knobby and calloused
أنا فخور يدي قذرة. نعم، فهي قذرة. وهم الخام وعقدي ومتصلبة. وأنا فخور من الاوساخ والمقابض والمثافن
أنا فخور بيدي الوسخة. نعم، إنها وسخة. وهي خشنة وعليها آثار العمل
C-. يدي الوسختان الخشنتان هما مدعاة للفخر عندي، فخور بهذه الأوساخ وبعقد كفي الخشنة وبسماكتهما
انني فخور بيد الوسخه .نعم انها وسخه . وهي خشنه وعليها اثار العمل
60) Literary texts are:
characterized by rigid texture
personal and emotive
binding and instructional
61) Literary translation
is a form of action in a real-world context
has no links with social context
has no links with subject –setting relationship : ideology,identity and ethics
is form of lonely voice in the word fiction
62) The most appropriate translation of I got them that way by working with them, and I'm proud of the work and the dirt.
حصلت عليها بهذه الطريقه من خلال العمل بها ، وانا فخور بالعمل وبالاوساخ
حصلت عليها هكذا بسبب العمل بها، فأنا فخور بهذا العمل والوسخ
C- حصلت لي بهذا الشكل من خلال عملي، فأنا فخور يهذا العمل وبالوسخ
D- انهما هكذا لانني عملت جاهدا بهما , اني فخور بالعمل الذي قامتا به هاتين اليدين وبالاوساخ العالقه عليهما
63) Literary texts fulfill
an effective and aesthetic
transactional and informational function
an instructional function
a clear cut function
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة رضا20006 شامله للترجمه الابداعيه
[أسئلة اختبار - الترجمه الابداعيه - حليمه]
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اسئلة رضا20006 شامله للترجمه الابداعيه
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القسم: E7
مناقشة الكويز: اسئلة رضا20006 شامله للترجمه الابداعيه
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مبادئ الادارة العامة - المحاضرة الأولى
طرق البحث : مراجعة عامة (1)
مادة فقه القضاءوالسياسة الشرعية
~~ .. كويز المحاضرة الرابعة لمادة [ علم الاجتماع الصناعي و المهني ] . ( اسئلة الفاروق ) .. ~~
~~ .. كويز المحاضرة السابعة لمادة [ علم الاجتماع الصناعي و المهني ] . ( اسئلة الفاروق ) .. ~~
مهارات ادارية : المحاضرة الثامنة
~~ .. كويز المحاضرة العاشة لمادة [ علم الاجتماع الصناعي و المهني ] . ( اسئلة الفاروق ) .. ~~
~~ .. كويز المحاضرة الثانية عشر لمادة [ علم الاجتماع الصناعي و المهني ] . ( اسئلة الفاروق ) .. ~~
كويز نظرية الترجمة من 70 سؤال شامل المحاضرات الاولى , الثانية, والثالثه.
اسئلة اختبارالترجمة الابداعيه الفصل الاول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
الكويزات الأكثر شعبية
.. المحاضرة الأولـــى تقنية معلومات 2 .. (12274)
الادارة الاستراتيجية المحاضرة الأولى د عيسى حيرش (10342)
اختبار نظرية المعرفة الفصل الأول لعام 1435- 1436 هـ (10158)
حصري .. اسئلة الاختبار لمادة الانترنت والاتصالات للفصل الثاني 1434 للدكتور محمد الزهراتي (10000)
أسئلة أختبار حقوق الإنسان 1436/7/22 (9891)
كويز المحاضرة الاولى - موضوعات خاصة بلأدارة ~ (9860)
إدارة الأعمال الصغيره .. المحاضره الأولى .. { نماذج الاختبارات السابقة } (9723)
اسئلة تبويب مقرر قضايا ثقافية معاصرة للاختبارات السابقة ☆☆ المحاضرة الاولى ☆☆ (9663)
أسئلة أختبار مادة (( النظام الاجتماعي في الإسلام )) للفصل الأول لسنة 1434 / 1435 الدكتور / حمد المر (9604)
# اسئلة الاختبار النهائي برامج الحاسب المكتبية الفصل الاول لعام 1435 (9535)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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يوجد في الملتقى تطوير وبرمجيات خاصة حقوقها خاصة بالملتقى
ملتزمون بحذف اي مادة فيها انتهاك للحقوق الفكرية بشرط مراسلتنا من مالك المادة او وكيل عنه