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أسئلة أختبار مهارات التحدث لعام 1434هـ
[أسئلة اختبار - مهارات التحدث - د.فداء التميمي .د.فهد دهيش]
أختبار مهارات التحدث لعام 1434هـ .. بالتوفيق للجميع أي خطأ أتمنى تنبيهي على الخاص مع شرح الخطأ لتعديله بسرعه
عدد الأسئلة: 45
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) What does the common prefix "dis" like in the word "dislike" mean??
oppsite of
2) What does the common suffix "-ic" like in the word "technologic mean??
having property
act, process
state of
3) in real tag-questions the voice intonation should..
go up in the tag
go down in the tag
go neutral or normal
none of the above
4) If an American speaker previously knows the respond of a tag-question his or her voice intonation should..
go up in the tag
go down in the tag
go neutral
none of the above
5) If the verb in the main clause posivite , the verb in the tag
should be positive
should be negative
must alwayes be positive
non of the above is correct
6) it's cold yesterday,........??
wasn't it
was it
did it
didn't it
7) when you go out to launch with an American friend, Who pays??
you bothe pay
you pay becaus you're little older
no one pay and you bothe escape away
you friend should pay
8) what's the short form of "don't know ?
9) In American accent, when someone is happy, his or her voice ..
goes up in stressed words
goes down in stressed words
goes natural
stay normal all the way
10) sometimes a person thinks that the answer to question will be "yes" but that person isn't right. How do you answer the following?
Question: don't you have one? ... Answer:No,I don't
Question: don't you have one? .... Answer: yes,I do
Question: don't you have one? .... Answer:Yes,I don't
Question: don't you have one? .... Answer: No, I do
11) What does the common prefix "re"like in the word "repeat"mean?
12) A stereotype is ....
a oversimplification about a group of people
an correct impression
to correct idea about people
non of the above is correct
13) The phrase "mistaken idea" means:
very sad
non of the above is correct
14) In America, Someone tells you, "What a nice a nice t-shirt, "you should Politely say :
Thank you
Oh, not really . it's very old
Would you like it ?
it is not of your business
15) In U.S your teacher sometimes sits on her desk. You think:
She's not polite
She's not very serious about teaching
It's not strange
She does not like to sit on chairs
16) In U.S a friend of yours invited you to a social gathering at 9:00 pm. It's perhaps best to get there :
a few minutes before 9:00
at 9:00 exactly
a few minutes after 9:00
15 minutes after 9:00
17) In U.S, Samir has a job appointment at 11:00 am . it's probably best to arrive:
at 10:35 to 10:39
at 10:35 to 10:45
at 11:00
15 minutes after 11
18) If you want to order food in a restaurant, you should firstly say to a waiter ..
What's your name?
Are you working here for a long time?
Do you have a good dishes and spoons?
May I see the menu, please?
19) One should advise his friend to study in order to pass by saying ..
you must study hard to pass the exam
you ought to study hard to pass the exam
study to pass the exam
non of the above is true
20) Which one of the following has incorrect stress?
He CAN speak a language
21) How should you politely call a waiter to order food ?
look at me
hey dude, come over here
pardon me
you my friend, com here quickly
22) Students, like other people, should pay attention to speakers' tone of voice because it :..
distracts you
launches unclear message
tells more than speakers words
bothers you
23) You should avoid calling a man _______ because it's impolite
non of the above
24) We should study and understand reductions of fast speech because it helps us to become:
good writer
better listener
better speaker
bothe (b)+(C) ar correct
25) In American accent . What is the short form of "what's your name?":
wat iz your name?
watcher name?
What is your name?
wat izya name
26) What does "to think badly of someone" probably mean?
to admire someone
to appreciate somone
to look down on someone
to respect someone
27) "When did Rami go to college?" what is the short form of "did he"?
none of the above
28) If John stops you to give his apology saying :"it was my fault". you should politely say ..
so what!
keep in touch
non of the a bove is correct
29) By mistake , you stepped on someone's foot. What is your polite reaction?
Have a good day
I am sorry
see you later
I appreciate it
30) How should you politely ask your professor for a clarification?
What? What? I don't understand you
I can't understand you
repeat. repeat
How do you spell that , please
31) "Are you coming here?" In this statement, the speaker's voice should :
go up one time
go up two times
go down one time
go down two times
32) You should avoid saying _______ to old women since it is impolite
none of the above
33) Americans frequently ask a new friens ?
How old are you?
Are you married?
What do you do ?
What is your height?
34) Americans typically don't raise a question like ....
What do you do ?
how much mony do you make?
where are you from
where are you coming from?
35) In spoken English, stressed words are :
higher, louder and clear than other words
lower than other words
vague (or not well heard)
36) Yazan always showed animosity toward his teacher by throwing spitballs and mouthing off. but his brother Abdullah was kind and sweet . What does animosity mean
lack of respect
37) the crowd reward the singer with plaudits. or exstreme praise by clapping and cheering during a standing ovation. What dose plaudits mean?
38) It's _______ from many American people to make small talk with strangers
fairly common
fairly uncommon
rarely common
39) Short talks with foreigners seem to be more commen in ...
busy places
big cities than in small towns
small towns than in big cities
non of the above
40) people in all places are careful to talk with foreigners in ________ situation
none of the above
41) "Busy as a bee" and "quiet as a mouse" are hackneyed phrases they're used all the time . What does hackneyed mean?
used everyday
rarely be used
never be used
42) The old man's hair was sparse . His hair is not thick and full like it was whene he was young. What does sparse mean :
43) to encourage someone who is telling a story . What should you say
this is totally boring
can we talk about it later on
Really? and then?
stop itt please
44) "give me your number please" what is the short form of "give me"?
give me
give ma
45) in either/or questions. the speaker's voice
goes down in the first item and up on the second item
goes down in the first item and down on the second item
goes up in the first item and down on the second item
goes up in the first item and up on the second item
معلومات حول الكويز
أسئلة أختبار مهارات التحدث لعام 1434هـ
[أسئلة اختبار - مهارات التحدث - د.فداء التميمي .د.فهد دهيش]
تفاصيل أخرى:
أختبار مهارات التحدث لعام 1434هـ .. بالتوفيق للجميع أي خطأ أتمنى تنبيهي على الخاص مع شرح الخطأ لتعديله بسرعه
تم حل الكويز 1198 مرة بنسبة نجاح 59%
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مناقشة الكويز: أسئلة أختبار مهارات التحدث لعام 1434هـ
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