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اسئلة اختبار النحو والصرف الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. عبدالرحيم الجماري
[أسئلة اختبار - النحو والصرف - د. عبدالرحيم الجماري]
اسئلة اختبار النحو والصرف الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. عبدالرحيم الجماري
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) The In generative grammar , the native speakers' knowledge of their own language is said to be :
(a) Explicit
(b) Implicit
(c) Inherent
(d) Exquisite
2) The lexicon lists :
(a) Simple words
(b) Complex words
(c) Complex constituents
(d) Words , affixes and constituents
3) The PP 'In the kitchen ' in the sentence " In the kitchen , she drank her coffee " is :
(a) Modifier
(b) Adverbial
(c) Ambiguous
4) The word 'Constitution ' has :
(a) One morpheme
(b) Two morphemes
(c) Three morphemes
(d) Four morphemes
5) One of the following is NOT An allomorph of the plural morpheme [S] in English
(a) [s] after[t],[k],[p] as in 'bits ,tips ,tacks'
(b) [iz] after sounds like [s] , [z] as in 'sneezes , bosses'
(c) [z] after [d], [g] , [n] as in ' dogs, pads, hens'
(d) [en] as in 'oxen' and 'children'
6) In a tree diagram , the constituents of a sentence or a phrase are represented :
(a) Linearly
(b) Hierarchically
(c) Randomly
(d) Unsystematically
7) AIDS is an example of :
(a) Backformation
(b) Acronym
(c) Clipping
(d) Neologism
8) An allomorph is one of the possible realizations of a :
(a) morpheme
(b) phoneme
(c) lexeme
(d) syntagmeme
9) A VSO language is a language such as :
(a) English
(b) French
(c) Arabic
(d) Chinese
10) Category changing morphemes are said to be :
(a) Derivational
(b) Inflectional
(c) Functional
(d) Positional
11) Identify the NON-FINITE verb in the sentence ' I recall him saying that he wanted to leave '
(a) Want to leave
(b) Want
(c) Wanted to leave
(d) To leave
12) The lexicon is a :
(a) Mental dictionary
(b) Dictionary
(c) Glossary
(d) Word-list
13) Lexical words include :
(a) Pronouns
(b) Determiners
(c) Conjunction
(d) Word with lexical or dictionary meaning
14) The native speakers' implicit knowledge of the rules of his language called :
(a) Performance
(b) Competence
(c) Linguistics
(d) Syntax
15) When a morphological rule can be frequently used to form new words it is said be:
(a) Productive
(b) Creative
(c) Intuitive
(d) Non- selective
16) The suffixes in the word 'ungratefulness ' is :
(a) -ful
(b) -fulness
(c) -fatefulness
(d) -ness
17) Generative grammar clams that a child is born with an innate predisposition to acquire any language on the basis of a set of universal principles called:
(a) Universal Grammar
(b) Minimalist Grammar
(c) Functional Grammar
(d) Word Grammar
18) A morpheme is the smallest unit of:
(a) Morphology
(b) Phonology
(c) Semantics
(d) Pragmatics
19) The word 'had' in the sentence ' He had a shower ' is :
(a) A grammar word
(b) A lexical word
(c) A function word
(d) A class word
20) Which of the following illustrates 'compounding ' :
(a) Football
(b) Prep-school
(c) NATO
(d) E-commerce
21) The free morpheme in the word ' institutionalization' is:
(a) Stiute
(b) Institute
(c) Institution
(d) Institutionalize
22) Which of the following is illustrated by the word ' infomercial' :
(a) Compounding
(b) Blend
(c) Clipping
(d) Backformation
23) The inflection process turning 'sink' into 'sank' is called:
(a) Umlaut
(b) Ablaut
(c) Suppletion
(d) Conversion
24) In English verb inflection GENERALLY involves ................
(a) Prefixing
(b) Suffixing
(c) Infixing
(d) Vowel harmony
25) How many base forms are there in the following word ' restructuring '
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Zero
26) Is English an infixing language ?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) In some exceptional words
(d) In irregular pasts forms of the verb only
27) In tagalong ' bili ' means ' buy' while ' binili ' means' bought'. Identify the morpheme marking the past in this language.
(a) -bin-
(b) -nil-
(c) -ini-
(d) -in-
28) Which of the following statement is correct:
(a) The semantic head of a clause is I
(b) The semantic head of a clause is V+I
(c) The semantic head of a clause is V
(d) The semantic head of a clause is C
29) In SVO language , ...................?
(a) Complements follow their heads
(b) Complements precede their modifiers
(c) Complements precede their heads
(d) Complements are optional
30) In morphology , we study :
(a) Affix structure
(b) Prefix structure
(c) Word structure
(d) Suffix structure
31) In the sentence 'Being such a shy person , hated to meet in cafes to chat ' , the FINITE verb is .
(a) Hated
(b) Being
(c) Meet
(d) Chat
32) What determines the grammatical category of a compound is:
(a) The rightmost word
(b) The leftmost word
(c) The rightmost and the leftmost words together
(d) Neither the rightmost nor the leftmost word
33) In English , inflection is :
(a) More productive than derivation
(b) Less productive than derivation
(c) As productive as derivation
(d) Noun-based only
34) The derivation of a Yes/No Question in English of the movement of :
(a) V – to – Spec of IP
(b) V – to –I
(c) I –to –C
(d) V – to – Spec of CP
35) In the following string ' a very intelligent student ' the underlined words make up a(n) :
(a) AP
(b) ADV P
(c) NP
(d) PP
36) ................... refers to the speakers' actual use of language in real life situations
(a) Performance
(b) Competence
(c) Linguistics
(d) Syntax
37) .................. Is an affix that is attached before the root .
(a) A suffix
(b) A stem
(c) A root
(d) A prefix
38) Which of the following statements is correct
(a) A derivational affix affixes to a base before an inflectional one
(b) A derivational affix attaches before an inflectional one
(c) A derivational affix attaches before and after an inflectional one
(d) A derivational affix never occurs with an inflectional one
39) The word 'buildings' can be morphologically analyzed into which of the following
(a) Build- ings
(b) Building- s
(c) Build -ing- s
(d) Buildings
40) .............. occurs when a given utterance can receive more than one interpretation
(a) Surface meaning
(b) Deep meaning
(c) Structural ambiguity
(d) External meaning
41) In French , Yes/No Questions are derived by the application of
(a) V-to -I - to - C
(b) V- to -C
(c) I -to-V -to - C
(d) V to spec CP
42) UNICEF illustrates :
(a) An acronym
(b) A blend
(c) An example of clipping
(d) An example of backformation
43) When a root is combined with an affix , it forms:
(a) An expanded root
(b) A complex word
(c) An expanded base
(d) A simple word
44) The inflectional morpheme in 'teachers' is
(a) teach-
(b) -er
(c) -ers
(d) -s
45) In the phrase ' the very beautiful white house ' the spec is
(a) The
(b) The very
(c) The very beautiful
(d) The very beautiful white
46) ...................s an example of backformation
(a) Edit
(b) Televise
(c) Donate
(d) Calculate
47) Affixes are:
(a) Free morpheme
(b) Independent words
(c) Bound morpheme
(d) Base forms
48) .............. is a morpheme that makes the most significant contribution to a word's meaning:
(a) The phoneme
(b) The derivational morpheme
(c) The inflectional morpheme
(d) The root
49) Choose the group of words that results from derivation
(a) Cry, cries ,cried, crying
(b) Kind, unkind, kindness, kindly
(c) Tooth, teeth
(d) King , kingdom, kingdoms
50) A Compound is a word that contains ..........
(a) One prefix and one word
(b) One suffix and one word
(c) Two root morphemes and one word
(d) Two word
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة اختبار النحو والصرف الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. عبدالرحيم الجماري
[أسئلة اختبار - النحو والصرف - د. عبدالرحيم الجماري]
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اسئلة اختبار النحو والصرف الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. عبدالرحيم الجماري
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القسم: E6
مناقشة الكويز: اسئلة اختبار النحو والصرف الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. عبدالرحيم الجماري
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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