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أسئلة اختبار ظهور الروايه الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. محمود الأخرس
[أسئلة اختبار - ظهور الروايه - د. محمود الأخرس]
أسئلة اختبار ظهور الروايه الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د.محمود الأخرس
عدد الأسئلة: 47
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1) In which the events are _____________ NOT in sequence of time of the actions
a. simple
b. arranged
c. modern
d. traditional
2) Daniel Defoe wrote under pseudonyms for fear that the hurt of his enemies because of ______
a. political uncertainty
b. certainty
c. political certainty
d. fear
3) Defoe was a good student , but he was forbidden to center into Oxford or Cambridge universities because of his attitudes towards ________________
a. king Charles II
b. other writers
c. merchants
d. Christianity
4) The setting helps Crusoe appreciates human relations because of his____ during his stay on the isolated island
a. Loneliness
b. Courage
c. Wealth
d. Shelter
5) In most of the eighteenth century fiction, setting became ______________
a. unbelievable, such as places in space
b. normal, such as houses of common people
c. supernatural, such as huge castles
d. vague such as ambiguous places
6) There is not enough description of the emotional side of the hero and some other character in Robeson Crusoe . This can be described by some critics as ___________feature .
a. unrealistic
b. realistic
c. romantic
d. Human
7) The social novel in the 18th century was mainly a reaction the abuses against the poor, who gained nothing from industrialization. This novel presented _______
a. people's problems in their lives
b. scientific issues
c. fantastic actions
d. how to compose a novel, fiction about fiction
8) The _______language was used by most of the novelists In the eighteenth century
a. supernatural
b. everyday life
c. poetic human
d. complicated
9) the name "Poll" in Robeson Crusoe is given to Crusoe's _____________.
a. dog
b. slave
c. ship
d. parrot
10) A novel that most of its narration is about exchanging letters among character is referred to as _____________ novel .
a. a Gothic
b. a regional
c. an epistolary
d. a faction
11) The Industrial Revolution had many advantages such as the ________ which had changed the lifestyles of people In the eighteenth century
a. work of children
b. mass production
c. spread of diseases
d. air pollution
12) Crouse stays as slave for two years in ______________.
a. Africa
b. Brazil
c. England
d. France
13) E.M Forster thinks that the plot of a novel require ______________ and memory to be understood .
a. foreign readers
b. intelligence
c. have the same adventure
d. second language
14) ______is popular themes in most of novelist wrote about in the eighteenth century
a. Individualism
b. War
c. death
d. car accidents
15) When Crouse comes back to England from the coast of Africa , he brings sugar , cotton and _______________.
a. slaves
b. wood
c. gun powder
d. gold dust
16) There are some of the eighteenth century novels written by Daniel Defoe except ______
a. Captain Singleton
b. Tristram Shandy
c. Colonel Jack
d. Moll Flanders
17) After reaching Brazil Crusoe worked in sugar plantation , some farmers persuaded him to go to Africa to buy _______________.
a. tools
b. ships
c. sugar
d. slaves
18) The reader can discover the ___________ when the novelist states that directly through the exposition of events and characters .
a. overt theme .
b. implicit theme.
c. Covert theme.
d. hidden theme
19) In the __________ stage Crusoe faced death and all the men who were on the ship with him died .
a. exposition .
b. covert theme
c. background.
d. climax
20) ________ surprised Crusoe because he thought it was the work of devil and he became frightened with him died .
a. A dead body on the shore
b. A footprint on the shore
c. some gun powder on the destructed ship
d. some gold and silver on the destructed ship
21) The _________ theme can be either consciously intended and indicated by the novelist or discovered by the reader which perhaps the novelist himself was unaware of it .
a. overt
b. explicit
c. implicit
d. easily discovered
22) A positive effect of the isolated setting on Crusoe is that he finds solutions for his problems because he has becomes _____________
a. careless
b. frightened
c. open minded
d. canniball
23) Victor Hugo wrote ____________ which is considered as a historical novel .
a. Norte Dame De Paris
b. Oliver Twist
c. Tristram Shandy
d. In Cold Blood
24) After Robinson leaves the isolated island and reach England he becomes __________
a. poor
b. a slave
c. mad
d. rich
25) The ____________ novel is usually about important events in relation to time such as the novel A Tale of Two Cities.
a. Picaresque
b. historical
c. epistolary
d. gothic
26) Robinson left the island and returned to England by the assistance of __________ who had been one of the prisoners left under a tree in the island .
a. the English captain
b. the Portuguese captain
c. Friday
d. his companion's widow
27) The _________ novel usually deals with a particular region and its traditions such as a village or city where characters reflect the identity of that place.
a. faction
b. gothic
c. science fiction
d. regional
28) The __________ character can be remembered by the readers because it is usually constructed around a single quality
a. flat
b. round
c. major
d. complicated
29) The __________ novel is described as that type of writing about characters and places which make the reader terrified through most of its events.
a. letter
b. regional
c. gothic
d. faction
30) Crusoe states in his list of evil and good that he is " without any defense, or means to resist any violence of man or beast ". Fortunately , he is cast on an island where there are ______________.
a. dangerous animals everywhere
b. peaceful natives
c. few English people
d. no wild beasts to hurt him
31) one of the most important reasons behind the rise of the novel in the eighteenth century was the rise of ______________
a. middle class
b. romanticism
c. poetry
d. drama
32) When some novels appeared during the eighteenth century , some people from the __________ class were anti-novel because they thought that most novels had degrading form or writing
a. lower war
b. middle
c. working
d. upper
33) Charles Dickens wrote __________ which is considered as a social novel
a. In Cold Blood
b. Oliver Twist
c. The Invisible Man
d. Gulliver;s Travels
34) The Glorious Revolution had many goals to achieve. The most important goal of these was _______________
a. to get rid of James II and his injustice
b. to get rid of William of Orange
c. to free France form England
d. to free England from America
35) Defoe's poem "The True -Born Englishman" was written to defend and support the actions of king ________________
a. James II
b. Charles II
c. George I
d. William of the Orange
36) According to some critics, the plot in Robinson Crusoe is loose plot. That means it ____
a. is multiple, there are a lot of subplots
b. is well-made
c. is complicated
d. does not have organic unity
37) When Defoe was a boy , he witnessed _________ which was an awful disaster that enriched his imagination in writing .
a. The French revolution
b. the Great Fire of London
c. The Death of William of the Orange
d. The American revolution
38) One of the most important changes that Crusoe undergoes during his stay on island is that he becomes a __________________
a. novelist
b. trader
c. colonist
d. journalist
39) ________ is the first "non-white" character in the English novel.
a. Friday
b. The Portuguese captain
c. Friday's father
d. Crusoe's father
40) In which stage of the plot did Crusoe come home to England ? In the ______ stage
a. exposition
b. climax
c. complication
d. resolution
41) Most of the eighteenth century novelists intended to focus on ______ when they created their characters.
a. incredible consistency
b. interaction between two characters only
c. "lifelike" character
d. poetic language
42) Crusoe discovers the existence of God . This is a kind of _____________
a. parental disobedience
b. religious disillusionment
c. colonialism
d. individualism
43) The picaresque novel is usually about __________
a. a poor young man and his adventures.
b. an artist and his life
c. some people and their social life
d. historical events
44) Daniel Foe change his name to Daniel Defoe to sound like a __________
a. poor man
b. merchant
c. sailor
d. gentleman
45) ___________ is one of the reasons behind the close relationship between the reader and the narrator in Robinson Crusoe .
a. The narrator talks about his own experience
b. all the characters are from the same country
c. the narrator has mentioned only one adventure of the hero
d. the narrator does not give details of anything
46) _______ novel is that one which portrays the normal aspects of everyday life of characters and their human experiences
a. An action
b. A regional
c. A realistic
d. A bildungsroman
47) The _____________ narrator keeps his point of view away and never gets involved to judge events and other characters . There is no direct explanation from this kind of narrator .
a. omniscient
b. multiple
c. first-person
d. objective
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أسئلة اختبار ظهور الروايه الفصل الأول للعام 1436-1437 هـ د. محمود الأخرس
[أسئلة اختبار - ظهور الروايه - د. محمود الأخرس]
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