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ترجمة الأنماط النصيه اسئلة المباشرة الرابعة 15 سوال 1437
[أسئلة مراجعة - ترجمة الأنماط النصيه - يحي ربابعه]
ترجمة الأنماط النصيه اسئلة المباشرة الرابع
عدد الأسئلة: 15
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) Communication is the main purpose of.........................................
old languages only
2) Arabic language speakers can .......................... Arabic texts.
all mentioned above
3) According to Newmark, the dynamics of translation are the............................that pull the translation activity on opposite directions.
opposing forces
the translators
the players
the cultures
4) The general term of "Translation" can refer to (the product) that means:
the text that had been translated
the act of producing translation
the written texts waiting for translation
the general subject field
5) Complete the definition: Richard Brislin defines translation as:Translation is the general term referring to the transfer of thoughts and ideas ......................................................,whether the languages are in written or oral form; whether the languages have established orthographies or do not have such standardization or whether one or both languages is based on signs, as with sign languages of the deaf.
from one language (source) to another (target)
to written stories
to written texts
to images and pictures only
6) The text which is a translation of the ST is the................
target Text (TT)
text which needs translation of the ST
language in which the ST is written.
language into which the ST is translated.
7) The (ST) is the...............
spoken language only
culture of the source language
language into which the ST is translated.
text requiring translation.
8) A ...................is an example of a literary text.
bank leaflet
verse from the Holy Quran
official speech
short story
9) An example of a technical text is a...................
short story
certain text talking about a certain disease
10) The (SL) is the
source culture
language in which the ST is written
target language
target culture
11) ...............................views the text as the level at which communication is achieved and at which equivalence must be sought.
Katharina Reiss
12) Hatim and Mason classified instructional texts into two types: ...............................
rhetorical and technical.
philosophical and technical.
instruction without option, and instruction with option.
audiomedial and vocative
13) According to Newmark," Few texts are purely from the same text type, most include all three functions, ......................................................"
with no emphasis on one of the three
without depending on any of the three
with an emphasis on one of the three
with an emphasis on all the three
14) An example of an empirical genre is:
a poem
a formal speech
a scientific report
a pure mathematics text
15) Read the following text then answer the question that follows. الزحار العصوي مرض انتاني يمتاز تشريحيا بالتهاب الامعاء الغليظة يسببه عصيات من نوع شيغلا وتدخل إلى الجسم بالطريق المعدي المعوي بواسطة الطعام والماء والأصابع الملوثة. وتنطرح الجراثيم بعدد وافر أثناء الدور الحاد للمرض مع البراز السائل. وقد يكون ذلك خلال دور النقاهة وحتى بعد شفاء المريض تماماً وقد يظهر الزحار بشكل وبائي حيث يجتمع الناس وتنعدم الشروط الصحية والنظافة. وتساعد شروط الطقس الحار في البلاد الاستوائية على انتشار المرض بواسطة الذباب. According to Dickins, this text belongs to......................... text type.
معلومات حول الكويز
ترجمة الأنماط النصيه اسئلة المباشرة الرابعة 15 سوال 1437
[أسئلة مراجعة - ترجمة الأنماط النصيه - يحي ربابعه]
تفاصيل أخرى:
ترجمة الأنماط النصيه اسئلة المباشرة الرابع
تم حل الكويز 580 مرة بنسبة نجاح 77%
القسم: E6
مناقشة الكويز: ترجمة الأنماط النصيه اسئلة المباشرة الرابعة 15 سوال 1437
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة ckfu.org.

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