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اسئلة اختبارالترجمة الابداعيه الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
[أسئلة اختبار - الترجمة الابداعيه - د. أحمد حليمة]
اسئلة اختبارالترجمة الابداعيه الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) Cultural allusion in translation means
A. cultural untold references references or propositions that the text might have referred in its linguistic context.
B. cultural untold references references or suggestions that the text might have implied in its cultural context.
C. cultural untold references references or dispositions that the text might have implied in its discoursal context.
D. cultural untold references references or compositions that the text might have implied in its social content.
2) The word ' creativity' originally comes from the Latin term
A. 'kreativita'
B. 'creo'
C. 'creche'
D. 'cric'
3) The most appropriate translation of ...................... is ( عن عثمان ، عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، ا نه قال " إن أفضلكم من تعلم القران وعلمه " ، .( راوه البخاري
A. "He who teaches the Holy Quran is the best."
B. "Every onelearns the Quran and teaches it is the best."
C. "The best of you is he who learns and teaches the Holy Quran"
D. "Any one learns the Holy Quran is considered the best."
4) ' Creativity' generally means the act of
A. turning new and imaginative ideas into reality.
B. turning source texts into target texts.
C. turning dreams into reality.
D. turning theories into models.
5) is "كان جو غرفة الضيوف بارداً ومنعشا ٌ " The most appropriate translation of
A. The mood in the lounge was cold and crushing.
B. The climate in the sitting room was refreshing and cold.
C. The atmosphere in the lounge was cold and fresh.
D. The air in the living room was fresh and cool.
6) "Creativity" in translation is an amalgamation of
A. accuracy, correctness and simplicity.
B. surprise, simplicity and utter rightness.
C. simplicity, objectivity, and consistency.
D. complexity, clarity and rightness.
7) The most appropriate translation of " There is Mount Everest lived a poor woodcutter named Blowhead " is
A. كان يعيش فرنك بلوهاد قطاع الخشب في جبل افرست
B. عاش قطاع الأشجار فرنك بلوهاد على جبل افرست
C. كان هناك الحطاب الفقير فرنك بلوهاد يعيش في جبل افرست
D. هناك على جبل افرست عاش فرنك بلوهاد الفقير
8) According to Francis Jones, "Creativity" is translation means
A. generating product solutions that are both novel and appropriate.
B. generating texts that are novel and useful products.
C. generating new ideas for source language translations.
D. generating target text solutions that are both novel are appropriate.
9) The most appropriate translation of " Alone my love, with you alone. In the boat of love we sing and dance" is
A. وحدي معك يا حُبِّي، أنا وحدي -------- في قاربِ الحبِّ نرقصُ ونُغنِّي
B. يا حُبِّيَ الوحيدْ -------- قدْ جئتَ بالمَعيَّهْ في قاربِ الحبيبْ -------- رقصٌ وأُغْنِيَّه
C. وحدي معك، حبيبي، في سفينة الحب نلعب ونغني
D. وحدنا، حبيبي، في سفينة الحب نلعب ونرقص
10) Any language tends to have concepts that lack a counterpart in the target language. This is due
A. to the dilemma of linguistic and cultural interpreaions.
B. to the dilemma of religious and literary intemeions.
C. to the dilemma of cross-cultural interpretations.
D. To the dilemma of inter and intra-lingual interpretations.
11) The word "drama originally comes from the Greek term
A. 'drop'
B. 'acte'
C. 'actus'
D. 'drao'
12) is " نفحات من الإيمان في مكة والمدينة المنورة " The most appropriate translation of
A. Scents of faith in Makkah and Madinah Almunawarah.
B. Senses of serenity in Makkah and Madinah Almunawarah.
C. Feelings of humbleness in Makkah and Madinah Almunawarah
D. Emotions of love and peace in Makkah and Madinah Almunawarah.
13) It is not easy to translation a Prophetic style because it is
A. creative and unique,
B. excellent and appealing,
C. literary and narrative
D. divine and humane.
14) To be "creative" means to be
A. "inventive and receptive'.
B. inventive and productive'.
C. inventive and imaginative'.
D. inventive and communicative'.
15) Plays are normally translated for
A. a theatrical stage only.
B. play text page only.
C. page and stage.
D. neither for age nor for stage,
16) In any type of translation draft, we are bound to encounter
A. a number of gaping holes' and pitfalls
B. a number of major cultural problems.
C. a number of linguistic difficulties.
D. a number of linguistic and cultural queries.
17) Linguistically and stylistically, the Ouran
A. belongs to an informative but scientific type of style that has its own genre.
B. belongs to a narrative but literary type of style that has its own genre.
C. belongs to an instructional but expository type of style that has its own genre
D. does not belong to any type of literary text or genre-type
18) The most appropriate translation of Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art mor lovely and more temperate
A. هل اقارن جمالك بجمال يوم صيفي ---------- لكن سحر جمالك قد طاله وفاقه جمالا
B. أأستطيع أن اقارن حسك بصيف قد تجلى --------- وحسن جمالك قد بدا في عيني اكثر روعة وثباتا
C. هل أقارن جمالك باحد أيام الصيف ---------- لكن أيام جمالك فاقته اعتدالا وجمالا
D. من ذا يقارن بالربيع ربيعا ----------- حسناء تمتلك الجمال جميعا
19) Types of texts are normally viewed in translation as
A. either literary or non-literary,
B. either literary or scientific,
C. either literary or technical,
D. neither literary nor technical,
20) " توفي العجوز ميجور مطمئنا في فراشه بعد ثلاث ليال " The most appropriate translation of
A. After three nights Major the old died in his sleep in happininess.
B. Three nights later old Major died peacefully in his sleep.
C. Old old Major died happily in his sleep after three night.
D. Later on old major passed away in peace in his sleep.
21) An oratory is defined as
A. the manner of talking to an audience with eloquence,
B. the act of speaking to an audience with good speech.
C. the act of swaying an audience by eloquent speech,
D. the way of convincing an audience to accept one's speech
22) The translation of poetry is
A. possible but with difficulties.
B. impossible
C. possible without difficulties
D. probably possible.
23) The most appropriate translation of 'His body was buried at the foot of the orchard '
A. قبر في أسفل الحقل
B. دفن في طرف البستان
C. وضع جسده عند قدم البستان
D. دفن جسده في اسفل الحقل
24) "قال عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه " لو كان الصبر والشكر بعيرين , ما باليت أيهما ركبت " The most appropriate translation of
A. "If patient and grateful were two camels, I would not mind riding one of them"
B. "If repentance and gratitude were two camels, I would riding both of them"
C. "If patience and gratitude were two camels, I would not mind riding either of the them"
D. "If pertinence and gratitude were two camels, I would not mind riding either of
25) The appropriate translation of Remember me when you are alone; --------- You and me are placed on a throne;
A. تذكريني عندما تكونين لوحدك--------- أنا وأنت موضوعان على عرش
B. اذكريني ان بعدت في مكان -------- واذكري العرش عليه عاشقان
C. ياكل عمري , ياحبي الوحيد --------- ياعشقي المرفوع على عرش شديد
D. عندما تكونين لوحدك لا تنسيني --------- انت في الحقل وانا هناك مكاني
26) Poetic translation is considered as writing which
A. intrigues the purpose and motives of the original poem.
B. capotes the linguistic and cultural dimensions of the original poem.
C. seizes the power of the writer of the original poem.
D. captures the spirit or the energy of the original poem.
27) The most appropriate translation of SHYLOCK ------ I'll have my bond; I will not hear thee speak:------- I'll have my bond; and therefore speak no more.
A. سأنال حقي ولن أسمع كلامك------- سأنال حقي , فلا معنى لمزيد من الكلام
B. سيكون عندي ما تعهدت بفعله لي ولن اسمع لكلامك ------ سوف تنفذه لا محالة لذلك لا معنى لمزيد من الكلام
C. سوف احافط على رباطة جأشي , ولن اصغي اليك ------- سوف أحافظ على رباطة جأشي , ولن أتحدث بالمزيد
D. عهد علي أن لا أسمعك ...! -------- هذا عهد نفسي لنفسي فلا حاجة لمزيد من الكلام
28) To be able to translate a concept that lacks a counterpart in the TL, you need to have
A. general familiarity with the meaning and purpose of the translated concept.
B. direct experience of the essential meaning and purpose of the translated concept
C. knowledge of the essential meaning and purpose of the translated concept.
D. indirect experience of the meaning and purpose of the translated concept.
29) According to Rollo May, creativity in general requires:
A. keen interest and seriousness.
B. accuracy and economy
C. elegance and content.
D. passion and commitment.
30) عن ابن عمر عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم , قال : " خرج ثلاثة يمشون فأصابهم المطر " The most appropriate translation of
A. "Three men went out walking. On the way, it rained cats and dogs on them.
B. "Once upon a time three people got out and walked. They were hit by heavy rain.
C. "Once upon a time three men went out for a walk. On the way, they were caught up by heavy rain.
D. "One day three persons went out On their way, it rained heavily on them.
31) The term 'skopos' is used in translation to refer to
A. the communicative translation of a message across a cultural and linguistic barrier.
B. the aim of its translation carries over the ST function into the Target Text.
C. the transfer of a message into another language.
D. the main purpose of a message across a cultural and linguistic barrier.
32) The most appropriate translation of 'I greatly honored to be chosen to stand up here to represent my fellow graduates and welcome to our Graduation Day' is
A. انني فخور انني اخترت لأمثل زملائي المخرجين هنا, واهلا ومرحبا بكم في يوم تخرجنا
B. يشرفني كثيرا ان يتم اختياري للوقوف هنا لتمثيل زملائي الخريجين ونرحب بكم في يوم التخرج
C. يشرفني باني اخترت للوقوف هنا لامثل زملائي المخرجين , ومرحبا بكم في يوم تخرجنا
D. انه لشرف كبير يملؤني سعادة ان اقف هنا ممثلا زملائي المتخرجين , وان ارحب بكم في حفل تخرجنا
33) Religious oration tend to appeal to
A. minds only
B. hearts only
C. hearts and minds.
D. neither hearts nor minds but rather one's own interests.
34) Poetry Translation is considered to be
A. as a creative act as writing one's poetry.
B. more a creative act than writing one's poetry.
C. less a creative act than writing one's poetry.
D. like writing one's poetry but with a difference
35) Religious texts are known as
A. scriptures, holy writings or holy books.
B. scriptures, literary writings or religious books.
C. scriptures, writings or holy scrolls.
D. scriptures, writings or holy speeches
36) لما عزم الصِّديق على بعث أبي عبيدة بن الجراح بجيشة دعاه فودعه ثم قال له: "اسمع سماع من يريد أن يفهم ما قيل له، ثم يعمل بما أمر به، The most appropriate translation of
A. Listen and hear well like you want to understand and do what you are supposed to do,
B. Hear, hear me who wants to understand what was told, then working as ordered,
C. Listen up like someone keen to understand what is being said to him, and then does what is being ordered to do.
D. Listen carefully so that you understand and do what I ask you to do,
37) For your translation to sound and read creative, it needs to be
A. novel and appropriate.
B. inventive and imaginative.
C. new and coherent.
D. novel product.
38) The most appropriate translation of "It was winter on Mount Everest, Countless booms of thunder skimmed the earth" is
A. كان فصل الشتاء على جبل افرست , عدد كبير من الصواعق قد قشطت قشرة الأرض
B. كان الفصل شتاء في جبل افرست ,فحصل أن عدد كبير من الصواعق قد قشرت الأرض
C. على جبل افرست كان الشتاء قاصيا , وحصل عدد لا يحصى من الصواعق التي قد نهشت قشرة الارض
D. يحكى ان الشتاء كان قارصا على جبل افرست , عدد لا يحصى من الصواعق الرعدية قد نهشت قشرة الأرض
39) Literary texts tend to be
A. Personal and functional.
B. Personal and communicative.
C. personal and emotive
D. Personal and fictional.
40) "فنقول: اختلف الناس في العشق هل هو اختياريٌّ أو اضطراريّ خارج عن مقدور البشر؟ The most appropriate translation of
A. "People disagreed about love and said, is it optional or compulsory or beyond one's control?
B. "People seem to have different views of the concept of 'falling in love’; is it something optional or necessary beyond one's control?
C. "People disregard love as it optional. compulsory and beyond one's power"
D. "People agreed falling in love that it is optional or compulsory and beyond one's control?"
41) Creativity in translation, according to Dagmar Knittlova, should
A. make the translated text sound better, more vivid than its original version.
B. make the translated text sound better, but not more vivid than its original version.
C. not make the translated text sound better, more vivid than its original version
D. make the translated text sound less vivid than its original version.
42) وأحبها وتحبني ويحب ناقتها بعيري The most appropriate translation of
A. I love her and she loves me and my camel loves her camel
B. I love her and she loves me and my he-camel loves her she-camel
C. I fancy her and she fancies me and my horse fancies her mare
D. I fancy her and she fancies me and my dog fancies her bitch
43) The most appropriate translation of ' Mother Nature is angry' is
A. الطبيعة الأم غاضبة
B. الرب غاضب
C. الالة غاضبة علينا
D. ربنا غاضب علينا
44) The most translation of "When he sees the face of the rose, he wants to pluck it." is
A. عندما يرى وجه الوردة , يريد أن يقطفها
B. ولما راها , أرادها
C. إن رأها , استحلى قطافها
D. وبدوت في ثوب الجمال , فكنت بين أصابع , رباها ما أحلاها
45) According to Linda Naiman, creativity involves
A. two processes: thinking then producing.
B. three processes: thinking, drafting, rewriting
C. one process: doing the translation creatively.
D. four processes: reading, thinking, drafting and then rewriting creatively.
46) ليس العيب أن يكون الفتى فقيرا ******ولكن العيب أن يعيش الفتى ذليلا The most appropriate translation of
A. Poverty is not shameful but living in humiliation is shameful
B. For a man to be poor is not a shame but it is live in humiliation
C. It is not a shame to be poor but it is to live in disgrace
D. A poor man should not be ashamed but he should if he lives in degradation
47) The best approach used for translating poetry is
A. a literal approach
B. a collaborative approach
C. a faithful approach
D. a holistic approach
48) ' Core literary ' genres tend to cover
A. short stories, novels, drama, poetry, philosophy and religion .
B. philosophy , drama , medicine , poetry , short stories and novels.
C. drama , poetry , short stories , novels and sacred text .
D. legal texts , poetry , math , religion , short stories and novels .
49) When reading an English version of the Quran it is recommended to remember that
A. It is an equivalent translation of the Arabic textual version effectively.
B. It is not an equivalent translation of the Arabic textual version at all.
C. It is an absolute equivalent translation of the Arabic textual version
D. It is not an approximate equivalent translation of Arabic textual version
50) المشط الحلو انكسر , وينك يا قمر,,,,,, مشط شعري The most appropriate translation of
A. Brush your hair moon with a broken comb ----- Where are you moon? ------ I'm brushing my hair.
B.Have you brushed your silver locks my moon? ------ Have you bushed them with your broken comb? ------- Where are you my naughty moon? ------- I'm brushing my hair!
C.Comb your hair, little moon, ------- With the broken nice little comb.-------- Where are you, moon? ------- "Combing my hair"
D. Brush your hair, sweet love; -------- With the broken comb, ------- With a hey, and a ho, -------- Where are you, sweet love? -------- Brushing my hair with hey and a ho! My love!
معلومات حول الكويز
اسئلة اختبارالترجمة الابداعيه الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
[أسئلة اختبار - الترجمة الابداعيه - د. أحمد حليمة]
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اسئلة اختبارالترجمة الابداعيه الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
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مناقشة الكويز: اسئلة اختبارالترجمة الابداعيه الفصل الاول للعام 1435-1436 هـ د. أحمد حليمة
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