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ظهور الرواية - رواية ╱Great Expectations╲
[أسئلة مراجعة - The Rise of Novel- ظهور الرواية - الدكتور / وصفي شقيرات]
أسئلة للمراجعة أتمنى للجميع الفائدة ولا تنسونا من دعائكم
عدد الأسئلة: 70
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1) What is Pip’s real name
Peter Philips
Philip Pirrip
Pipper Phillips
Paul Pirrip
2) What does Pip come across in the churchyard?
A stray dog
His older sister
An escaped convict
The village priest
3) What does the convict ask Pip for?
A map of his town
Food and a file
A place to stay for the night
Liquor and cigars
4) Whom does Pip come across first when he returns to the marshes?
A second convict
The first convict he met
His uncle, Joe
His sister, Mrs. Joe
5) Why does the convict Pip first met get angry when he sees him again?
Because Pip does not bring him enough food
Because Pip mentions the second convict
Because he cannot remove the irons from his legs
Because he feels guilty for his crimes
6) How does Pip’s convict explain the file and food?
He identifies Pip as his accomplish
He says the other convict got them for him
He says he stole them himself
He says nothing about them
7) Why does Pip feel guilty?
Because he didn’t tell Joe the truth
Because he stole from his sister
Because his sister will punish him
Because Joe did not fix the handcuffs
8) Why are Mrs. Joe and Pumblechook excited for Pip to play at Miss Havisham’s?
They think Pip is lonely and needs friends
They think Pip is a burden and needs to get out of the house
They think Miss Havisham will teach him a lesson
They think Miss Havisham might make him rich
9) What is Miss Havisham wearing when Pip first meets her?
A wedding dress
business suit
A nurse’s uniform
10) How does Estella treat Pip?
11) Why does Miss Havisham adopt Estella?
She is a good friend of Estella’s mother
She is lonely.
She feels guilty.
She wants to take revenge
12) What does Miss Havisham encourage Estella to do/
Break Pip’s heart
Play cards with Pip
Help Pip with his studies
Take Pip’s money
13) What does Miss Havisham offer Pip?
A formal education
To make him Joe’s apprentice
Estella’s hand in marriage
Financial security
14) What does Pip think about while he is working for Joe?
Making money for his sister
Returning to Satis House
Making his family proud
Punishing Miss Havisham
15) How does Orlick treat Pip?
16) What happens when Mrs. Joe is attacked?
Joe vows revenge on her attackers
She dies from her injuries
She get brain damage and is disabled
Joe gets into a fight with Orlick
17) What does Jaggers tell Pip is in his future?
A police interrogation
A large fortune
More work for Joe
A gift from Miss Havisham
18) Whom does Pip believe his benefactor to be?
Miss Havisham
19) Where does Pip remember Herbert from?
His early days in school
His apprenticeship with Joe
A visit to Satis House
Christmas at Joe’s house
20) What does Herbert reveal about Miss Havisham?
That she is his benefactor
That Her fiancé’s jilting her on their wedding day
That she is good friends with his father
That she is not actually wealthy
21) How could Wemmick be described when he is at home?
All Business
22) To whom does Pip confess his enduring love of Estella to?
Miss Havisham
23) Who does Pip learn has died?
Mrs. Joe
Miss Havisham
24) Why does Pip believe that Miss Havisham is his benefactor?
Because she wants him to marry Estella
Because she is impressed with his potential
Because Jaggers is her lawyer
All of the Above
25) How does Pip want to help Herbert?
By giving him a loan to pay off his debts
By buying him into the merchant business
By helping him court and support Clara
By convincing his father that he will be a success
26) What does Pip realize about the relationship between Estella and Miss Havisham?
That it is warm and loving
That it is purely financial
That it is antagonistic
That it is welcoming to him
27) Besides Pip, who is courting Estella?
28) How does Estella handle Pip’s concerns about her future husband?
She takes them seriously
She dismisses them
She vows to avoid the unsuitable man
She think Pip is biased
29) Who is revealed as Pip’s benefactor?
The convict
Miss Havisham
Mr. Pocket
30) What does Pip do when he realizes Magwitch is still on the run?
He goes to the police
He runs away
He takes the money and decides not to get involved
He plans to help him
31) What does Pip call his convict?
Uncle Provis
Uncle Wales
32) How is Compeyson tied to Miss Havisham?
He is her old fiancé
He is an old friend
He is Estella’s uncle
He is her half-brother
33) What does Miss Havisham agree to do for Pip?
Convince Estella to marry him
Continue to support him
Help Herbert financially
Help stop Compeyson
34) Whom does Estella plan to marry?
No one
35) Who does Pip believe Molly is?
Wemmick’s sister
Jagger’s girlfriend
Estella’s mother
Compeyson’s ex-wife
36) How does Miss Havisham get injured?
She catches on fire
She falls down the stairs
She leaps off the balcony
Orlick attacks her
37) Who is Estella’s father?
38) What crime does Orlick confess to?
Killing Mrs. Joe
Setting Miss Havisham on fire
Attacking Magwitch
Stealing from Joe
39) Who saves Pip from Orlick
Herbert and startop
40) What happens when Pip tries to help Magwitch escape?
Magwitch turns himself in
Compeyson attacks Magwitch
The police come to arrest Magwitch
Wemmick gets the signals wrong
41) What does Pip say to comfort Magwitch?
That he is grateful for his help
That his daughter Estella is alive
That he’ll go after Compeyson
That he’ll try and talk to the judge
42) What is Pip arrested for?
Aiding a convict
Going into debt
Harassing Miss Havisham
Threatening Drummle
43) Who comes to nurse Pip back to health and settle his accounts?
44) What surprises Pip about Biddy?
That she has married Joe
That she opened her own school
That she moved to London
That she ran off with Orlick
45) What does Pip come across when he returns to Satis House?
Miss Havisham’s will
Orlick hiding out
A letter to him from Jaggers
46) To what genre of fiction, defined by its depiction of a character’s growth from childhood to adulthood, does Great Expectations belong?
Victorian paternalism
47) Who is Pip’s tutor in London?
Harold Pocket
Walter Pocket
Herbert Pocket
Matthew Pocket
48) What is Pip’s reaction to Joe’s visit to him in London?
49) What name does Wemmick call his elderly father?
“Aged Parent”
“Venerable Ancestor”
“Decrepit Sire”
“Old Feller”
50) Who is the “pale young gentleman”?
51) What was the name of Miss Havisham’s brother, Compeyson’s first partner?
52) Where did Pip get his name?
It was the county where he was from.
It was how he pronounced his last name when he was a child.
From his sister and caregiver Mrs. Joe Gargery who thought he was an irritating pip-squeak.
From Joe Gargery.
53) Who is the narrator of Great Expectations?
An old sailor who heard the story.
Joe Gargery
An unknown omnipotent narrator who uses the third person.
54) Mr. Joe can best be described as:
Kind and generous
Nagging and temperamental
Strange but a hard worker
Quiet and shy
55) Pip is first blessed with great expectations when
Miss Havisham requests that he comes and plays at her mansion.
He receives notification from Mr. Jaggers that he is to go to London.
Miss Havisham gives Pip her inheritance.
Joe gives him a job in the forge.
56) Why did Magwitch work all those years only to send the money to Pip?
because Magwitch loved Miss Havisham.
because Pip fed him wittles many years before when he was an escaped convict.
because Pip was his son.
because Pip was his sister's son.
57) Magwitch needs to hide while in London because:
Miss Havisham will have him hung.
Jaggers wants to kill him.
He would be arrested immediately in the police found him.
Pip doesn't want people to see him.
58) Pip receives a notification from _____ that Mr.Joe is to go to London.
Mr. Jaggers
Miss Havisham
59) The village blacksmith who is married to Pip’s sister.
60) What does THE MARSHES word mean?
country controlled by another
ships used for transporting prisoners
Pip's childhood home, foggy, misty
61) What does (Richmond) word mean?
Town that holds Wemmick's castle-like home
Location in Australia where Magwitch made a fortune by farming sheep
Home of Estella's tutors, wealthy area of London
62) What does (Satis House) means?
Ancient and dilapidated mansion where Miss Havisham lives. Rotting and decayed. Symbolizes Miss Havisham
Clara's home, located near the river. Depicted as "fresh"
Orlick's secret hideout, house itself controls flow of water
63) What does (Three Jolly Bargeman) means?
Clara's home, located near the river. Depicted as "fresh"
Dismal, depressing prison of the convicted. Wemmick seems to know and care for each convict located there
Bar located in the marshes.
64) What does (Walworth) word mean?
Town that holds Wemmick's castle-like home
Dirty, overpopulated, and noisy city
Dismal, run-down lodging of Pip and Herbert
65) What character does Wopsle portray in his play?
66) What object does Pip often compare Wemmick’s mouth to?
A piggy bank
A watering can
A letter-box
An oven
67) Pip’s reaction to Magwitch when the convict presents himself as Pip’s benefactor is:
worried and stressed
cold and disgusted
warm and loving
Pip already knew
68) Miss Havisham's watch and clocks are stopped at what time?
69) Pip becomes an apprentice
70) At the end of the novel we learn that Estella
married joe
married Drummle and then became a widow
became a school teacher
معلومات حول الكويز
ظهور الرواية - رواية ╱Great Expectations╲
[أسئلة مراجعة - The Rise of Novel- ظهور الرواية - الدكتور / وصفي شقيرات]
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