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أسئلة اختبار علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الأول للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. عبدالعزيز التركي
[أسئلة اختبار - علم اللغة النفسي - د. عبدالعزيز التركي]
أسئلة اختبار علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الأول للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. عبدالعزيز التركي
عدد الأسئلة: 42
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1) The type of language knowledge that is in a person's mind is called
A. linguistic variation
B. linguistic performance
C. linguistic mapping
D. linguistic competence
2) Language is species specific .That means :
A. language is likely to be part of the genetic make up of members of the species
B. language not part of the genetic make up of members of the species
C. language is not specific
D. language is universal
3) Can animals be taught (learn) human language ? choose the correct sentence .
A. yes they can learn human language
B. they can learn some languages
C. they learn some languages with difficulty
D. no, they can't learn human language
4) Language is universal in humans. That means :
A. All humans are born knowing language
B. All humans are born not knowing language
C. All humans are born with brains that are prepared to organize linguistic information
D. All humans are born with a ability to change the brain of information
5) Choose the correct option from the following statements :
A. we should teach children language to help them learn faster
B. we should only correct children's mistakes
C. we shouldn't teach children language because they will acquire it
D. we should only correct ungrammatical language
6) According to critical period for language acquisition :
A. It's the best period for language acquisition
B. no person can learn a language after the critical period if he not learned a language before it
C. only a second language can be learned after the critical period if he hadn't learned language before it
D. only one language can be learned after the critical period
7) Neurolinguistics is :
A. the study of the representation of language in the brain
B. the study of the processing of language in the brain
C. the study of psycholinguistics
D. the study of grammatical knowledge
8) Aphasia is :
A. a language impairment that is caused by the language.
B. a language impairment that has no clear reaction.
C. a language impairment that is linked to a brain lesion.
D. a language impairment that is not linked to a brain lesion.
9) Broca's aphasia is :
A. a fluent aphasia,
B. non-fluent aphasia,
C. not caused by a brain lesion
D. a result of the lack of communication
10) Patients with Wernicke's aphasia speak :
A. fluently but their speech is meaningless
B. non-fluently but their speech is meaningless
C. they didn't speak at all
D. fluently and their speech is meaningful
11) To say that language is lateralized means that the :
A. language function is not in any of the two hemispheres
B. language function is not in the right hemispheres
C. language function is not in the left hemispheres
D. language function is located in one of the two hemispheres
12) Control of the body is contra- lateral which :
A. the right side of the body controls the left side of the brain
B. the right side of the brain controls the right side of the body
C. the left side of the brain controls the left side of the body
D. the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body
13) In dichotic listening tasks, there is a :
A. left-ear advantage for language
B. right-ear advantage for language
C. no language advantage
D. both left and right ear advantage for language
14) Language acquisition is not be possible without two crucial ingredients on of them is:
A. a biologically based predisposition to acquire language
B. a biologically language
C. being taught language at an early age
D. None of the above
15) The Language Acquisition device contains :
A. universal grammar and acquisition strategies
B. universal grammar and lexicon
C. grammar and lexicon
D. universal grammar and input
16) What do we call the input the child receivers?
A. negative evidence
B. universal grammar
C. positive evidence
D. positive output
17) Who are the providers of positive evidence to a child acquiring language ?
A. teachers at school
B. people who don't interact with the child
C. people who linguistically interact with the child
D. teachers of native language
18) Choose the correct statement from the following :
A. Children's caregivers must encourage them to imitate the language around them to guarantee language acquisition
B. Children's caregivers should correct their mistakes to guarantee language acquisition
C. Children's caregivers should provide opportunities for interaction
D. Children's caregivers should reward them imitation
19) What is the negative evidence in the child's input ?
A. insulating language
B. encouraging language
C. correct language
D. ungrammatical language
20) Babbling starts :
A. in the first half of the first year
B. in the second half of the first year
C. in the first half of the second year
D. in the second half of the second year
21) The sound / bada bada / are possible examples of :
A. cooing
B. gargling
C. babbling
D. crying
22) The one-word stage is also called :
A. a holo stage
B. holophrastic period
C. a cirictal period for language acquisition
D. underextension
23) A baby knows the word 'dog' for the animal ;however , horse, he calls it 'dog'. This is an example of :
A. overlearning
B. underlearning
C. overextension
D. underextension
24) What happens when child's vocabulary reaches 50 words :
A. he starts putting words together
B. he starts to create complex sentences
C. overextension starts
D. underextension starts
25) What do we use the ' mean length of utterance ' for ?
A. to measure the length of small words
B. to measure the length of learners' utterance
C. to count the number of words produced by parents
D. to count the number of words produced by children
26) Who is more likely to produce the following sentence ' Mom talk phone ' :
A. a 12-month-old child
B. a 23-month-old child
C. a 5-year-old child
D. an adult
27) Choose the correct statement from the following :
A. once a child starts using a morpheme , they continue using it
B. children will use morphemes variably first then they used later on .
C. children will start using morphemes at the age of 7 years
D. children will not use morphemes correctly even at the age of 7 .
28) Children will start using derivational morphemes :
A. after 24 months of birth
B. after 30 months of birth
C. 4 years after birth
D. after 7, 8, and 9 years of birth
29) In speech production, the idea of a person's minds to communicate is called :
A. preverbal communication
B. preverbal message
C. syntactic representation
D. phonological representation
30) In speech production, which of the following is operation performed first :
A. syntactic representation
B. phonological representation
C. lexical selection
D. morphological representation
31) When a bilingual is speaking in a unilingual mode is :
A. access to both grammars must be possible
B. access to one grammar is possible
C. no access to either grammar
D. only one access to lexicon is possible
32) knowledge of two languages has at least two important consequences for language production. One of them is :
A. unintentional slips into a language not active in the conversation
B. unintentional of the words not active in the conversation
C. unintentional use of grammar active in the conversation
D. intentional use of morphemes
33) People can retrieve words , in lexical access , using two different kinds of information:
A. syntax or morphology
B. meaning or form
C. sound or meaning
D. sound or form
34) If someone wants to say "if you can find a garlic ......" but he said " gargle " instead of garlic . that gives evidence that lexical items are organized by their :
A. sound
B. meaning
C. labels
D. morphemes
35) If you wants to say 'hash' or ' grass' and says 'hass' or ' grash' . This is an :
A. error at the lexical access stage
B. error at the syntactic representation
C. error at the phonological representation
D. error at the syntactic representation
36) What kind of phonological errors is the following ' saying hass grash instead of hash or grass '
A. segment exchange error
B. perseveration error
C. anticipation error
D. word exchange error
37) In speech Perception(hearing), which of the following operations take place first:
A. lexical access
B. syntactic representation
C. phonological representation
D. morphological representation
38) ( Choose the correct statement ) In constructive speech perception:
A. the speech perception system takes information anywhere it can find
B. the speech perception system mishears the input
C. the speech perception system focuses only on the visual input
D. the speech perception system focuses only on the verbal input
39) If someone watches a video of a person mounting [ ga ga] together with the audio track of a person saying [ ba ba ] , he will perceive it as . This is called :
A. dichotic listening
B. lexical decision
C. McGurk effect
D. semantic ambiguity
40) If you use context to guess the meaning of a sentence your friends said you will be using ............ to understand that sentence (e.g. you saw your mate says cats food as you were leaving to supermarket ). Fill the blank using the right option .
A. top-down processing
B. bottom-up processing
C. no information processing
D. top-top processing
41) If you use the acoustic signal ( i.e. what the other person understand a sentence , you will be using :.............. .( Complete the right option )
A. top-down processing
B. bottom-up processing
C. no information processing
D. top-top processing
42) The form of language that is accepted in academic and business circles to:
A. Prescriptive lexicon
B. Prescriptive
C. prescriptive grammar
D. descriptive grammar
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أسئلة اختبار علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الأول للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. عبدالعزيز التركي
[أسئلة اختبار - علم اللغة النفسي - د. عبدالعزيز التركي]
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أسئلة اختبار علم اللغة النفسي الفصل الأول للعام 1437-1438 هـ د. عبدالعزيز التركي
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