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اسئلة على قصة The Story of an Hour
[أسئلة اختبار - الادب الامريكي - د. بسام ابو زيد]
اسئلة على قصة The Story of an Hour قصة ساعة من الزمن
عدد الأسئلة: 39
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1) . In “The Story of an Hour” , oppression is __________________-
a) a theme
b) the plot
c) part of the setting
d) an example of true love in the early 19 th century
2) “ When the Storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone “ What is the figure of speech in this statement ?
a) Mrs. Louise Mallard
b) Mr. Brently Mallard
c) Josephine : Mrs. Mallard’s sister
d) Symbol
3) Kate Chopin lived between the years of _____________ and ____________
a) 1890 – 1930
b) 1904 – 1940
c) 1851 – 1904
d) 1855 – 1894
4) What is the point f view in The Story of an Hour? _________________-
a) first person omniscient
b) Third person non- omniscient
c) First person non- omniscient
d) Third person omniscient
5) “The Story of an Hour” , is a short story centering on a young married women of_____
a) the early nineteenth century
b) the late eighteenth century
c) the late nineteenth century
d) the early twentieth century
6) Brently Mallard has died in ________, according to a report received at a newspaper office.
a) a train accident
b) a car accident
c) an airplane crash
d) the sea
7) “The Story of an Hour” observes the classical unities of time, place, and action which means that the events of the story should have ________.
a) no time, setting, and theme
b) time, action and one subplot
c) a single story line with no subplots
d) a single character about a single theme
8) One of the major themes of “The Story of an Hour” is repression, which means that Louise Mallard ________.
a) repressed her happiness for later time
b) expressed her freedom peacefully
c) reserved her desire to control her destiny
d) repressed her true love for her husband
9) “of the joy that kills” stands as a good example of ________.
a) paradox and theme
b) metaphor and simile
c) the end of an oppressed woman
d) paradox and irony
10) Emergence of Mrs. Mallarad’s new life is symbolized in ________.
a) emergence of her future
b) springtime beautiful weather
c) patches of blue sky
d) signs of expected rain
11) What might Mrs. Mallard’s ailment symbolize?
a) her inability to see things as they are
b) her inability to filter out less important things in life
c) her unhappiness and troubling
d) “The Dream of a Woman”
12) What is significant about the story’s setting?
a) The story is set in a time period that afforded women very few rights
b) It takes place in a large house
c) The story is set in a time period that gave women their rights.
d) The setting makes no difference
13) How could we best characterize Brently Mallard?
a) He is an abusive husband who deserves to die in a train accident.
b) He is a dishonest man who set up the train wreck story so he could scare his wife and kill her.
c) He is a typical husband in the late 19th-century.
d) He is a true lover.
14) Who brought the news of Mr. Mallard’s death?
a) A friend of Mr. Mallard’s
b) Josephine
c) Louise
d) Mrs. Mallard’s friend
15) What is the story’s point of view?
a) First person
b) Third-person limited
c) Self conscious
d) Second person objective
16) The “The Story of an Hour”, was first published in ________.
a) December 1894
b) December 1899
c) December 1888
d) December 1943
17) “The Story of an Hour” is a short story centering on ________.
a) a married woman with her sister
b) a young married man
c) a young married woman
d) a train accident
18) Oppression is one of the major themes of “The Story of an Hour” that ________.
a) the wife dominates her husband
b) death comes ***time
c) the husband dominates his wife
d) Mrs. Mallard wasn’t a typical wife of her time
19) “The Story of an Hour” observes the classical unities of time, setting, and action. These unities were first established by ________.
a) Kate Chopin
b) Aristotle
c) French classical writers
d) Homor
20) “Monstrous joy” is an example of ________.
a) metaphor
b) paradox
c) oxymoron
d) alliteration
21) The opening sentence of the story “Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.” ________ the ending.
a) foreshadowing
b) oxymoron
c) character
d) plot
22) What was the first title of "The story of an Hour" ?
a) "The Free American Woman"
b) "The Dream Of an hour"
c) "The story of an Unlucky Woman"
d) "The Dream of a Woman"
23) What are the classical unities that "The story of an Hour" observes
a) time, place, and action
b) time ,sitting, and theme
c) time and action
d) the extended metaphor
24) One of the major themes of "The Story of an Hour" is________.
a) sensation
b) death
c) oppression
d) true love
25) In "of joy that kills" at the end of " The Story of an Hour", is a good example of ________. a)
a) metaphor and simile
b) paradox and hyperbole
c) anaphora and irony
d) paradox and irony
26) "patches of blue sky........" symbolizes________.
a) Emergence of her new baby
b) Emergence of her new life
c) Springtime
d) Signs of expected rain
27) "The story of an Hour" was first published under the title________.
a) "The Dream Of an hour"
b) "The Free American Woman"
c) "The story of an Unlucky Woman"
d) "The Dream of a Woman"
28) "The Story of an Hour" observes the classical unities of ________.
a) Time ,sitting, and theme
b) Time and action
c) Time,place,and action
d) The extended metaphor
29) One of the major themes of "The Story of an Hour" is________.
a) Sensation
b) Death
c) Repression
d) True love
30) In " The Story of an Hour", a good example of Paradox and Irony is________.
a) knowing that Mrs.Mallard was afficted with a heart trouble
b) the delicious breath of rain was in the air
c) the clouds that had met and piled
d) "of joy that kills"
31) "patches of blue sky........" symbolizes________.
a) Emergence of her new baby
b) Springtime
c) Emergence of her new life
d) Signs of expected rain
32) Who is the writer of “The Story of an Hour” (1851-1904)?
a) Mark Twain
b) Emily Dickinson
c) Edgar Allan Poe
d) Kate Chopin
33) Mrs. Mallard breaks down, crying fitfully, then goes upstairs to a room to be alone. There she sits down and gazes ________, sobbing
a) out a window
b) out a door
c) in a floor
d) out roof
34) It is spring. Birds sing, and the trees burst with new life. It had been raining, ________
a) but now appear sun clear
b) but now patches of birds appear
c) but now patches of blue sky appear
d) but now patches of blue stars appear
35) The opening sentence of the story is _____________ .
a) Flashback the ending
b) foreshadows the beginning
c) foreshadows the ending
d) open the ending
36) “patches of blue sky…” symbolizes ________.
a) Emergence of her new baby
b) Springtime
c) Emergence of her new life
d) Signs of expected rain
37) In "of joy that kills" at the end of " The Story of an Hour", is a good example of ________.
a) metaphor and simile
b) paradox and hyperbole
c) anaphora and irony
d) paradox and irony
38) When The story of an Hour Published
a) 1890 December 8
b) 1851 December 9
c) 1904 December 5
d) 1894 December 6
39) اتمنى لي ولكم التوفيق بالدنيا والاخره
استغفر الله العظيم واتوب إليه
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اسئلة على قصة The Story of an Hour
[أسئلة اختبار - الادب الامريكي - د. بسام ابو زيد]
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