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₪[تجميع أسئلة اختبارات الأدب في القرن 17 من عام 1433 إلى عام 1439 - الجزء الأول]₪
[مرتبة حسب المحاضرات من 1 - 6 (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) - د. إبراهيم الشناوي]
تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 78
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) The seventeenth century was marked by the...............of the Renaissance spirit.
- A. Rise
- B. Increase
- C. Decline
- D. Flourishing
2) The literature of the Seventeenth century may be divided into........
- A. 3 periods
- B. 2 periods
- C. 4 periods
- D. 5 periods
3) The Seventeenth century spirit may be defined as the spirit of.............the details.
- A. Observing
- B. Arranging
- C. Negating
- D. Neglectin
4) The Seventeenth century up to 1660 was dominated by
- A. Modernism
- B. Puritanism
- C. Realism
- D. Humanism
5) The Restoration period is called the age of.................because he was the dominating and most representative literary figure of the age.
- A. Shaw
- B. Wordsworth
- C. Dryden
- D. Congreve
6) During Restoration Period ,the common people had no love for.............
- A. Movies
- B. Museums
- C. Theatres
D. Clubs
7) .............is put at the head of the Restoration drama.
- A. Congreve
- B. Johnson
- C. Milton
- D. Ibsen
8) In 1642, the theaters were closed by Puritans and they wewe re-opened in..............
- A. 1663
- B. 1661
- C. 1660
- D. 1662
9) In ...................there was a complete closure of theaters by Puritans.
- A. 1644
- B. 1642
- C. 1641
- D. 1643
10) In English literature the period from 1660-1700 is called the period of ...........
- A.‎ Speculation
- B.‎ Restoration
- C.‎ Information
- D.‎ Decoration
11) The art of ................. was unknown during the 16th century‎
- A.‎ Biography
- B.‎ Bibliography
- C.‎ Calligraphy
- D.‎ Autobiography
12) The art of Biography was unknown during the ................ century
- A. 16th
- B. 17th
- C. 18th
- D. 19th
13) .......................governed the seventeenth century up to 1660
- A. Puritanism
- B. Dispotism
- C. Feminism
- D. Humanism
14) In 1642 there was a complete closure of theatres by the ........................
- A. Puritans
- B. Romans
- C. Greeks
- D. Italian
15) The .................. Renaissance spirit which was marked in The Seventeenth Century
- A. Rise
- B. Increase
- C. Decline
- D. Flourishing
16) During the ................ , The art of Biography was unknown .
- A. 15th century
- B. 14th century
- C. 19th century
- D. 16th century
17) .......were not favored by the common people during Restoration Period .
- A. Museums
- B. Theaters
- C. Trips
- D. Love songs
18) The seventeenth Century literature until 1660 was controlled by …..
- Puritanism
- Gangs
- Aliens
- Pirates
19) The period that followed the puritan period is the …………… period
- Deformation
- Information
- Restoration
- Distortion
20) The Renaissance spirit didn't have any ……… in the 17th century
- Decline
- Success
- Determination
- Incarnation
21) Biography as an art was …………….. in the 17th century
- Studied
- Known
- Unknown
- Cancelled
22) In literature, the 17th spirit manifested itself in the form of
- Criticism
- Feminism
- Realism
- Romanticism
23) Drama died in 1642 as the …………….. closed the theatres
- Dutch
- Romans
- Puritans
- Italians
24) During restoration period …………. Didn't like the theatres
- King and queen
- Princes and princesses
- Common people
- Prisoners
25) The puritan poetry can be divided into …… parts.
- three
- four
- Seven
- Eight
26) The fashion of the elite people was introduced in the plays of ……………
- Marlow
- Milton
- Dryden
- Congreve
27) Congreve is the corner stone in the ……………
- Restoration drama
- Romantic drama
- Victorian drama
- Puritan drama
28) The value of Congreve's plays lies in giving a perfect pictures of …………..
- The life of authors
- The life of ordinary people
- The life of slaves
- The aristocratic life
29) The most promine ....................................
- A. Shakespeare
- B. Congreve
- C. Coleridge
- D. Blake
30) The plays of Congreve reflect the fashions and foibles of the ......... classes
- A. Lower
- B. Upper-middle
- C. Upper
- D. Middle
31) The Restoration period is called the age of.................because he was the dominating and most representative literary figure of the age.
- A. Shaw
- B. Wordsworth
- C. Dryden
- D. Congreve
32) Dryden does not give.................ending to his Tyrannic Love.
- A. An open
- B. A sad
- C. A happy
- D. A confused
33) After.................the drama in England suffered a decline during the reigns of (James)I and (Charles) II
- A. Dryden
- B. Milton
- C. Shakespeare
- D. Pinter
34) was the noblest representative of the Puritan spiri‎t .....................
- A.‎ Donne
- B.‎ Shakespeare
- C.‎ Milton
- D.‎ Dryden
35) Dryden does not give A happy ending to his .................. Love
- A. An open
- B. A sad
- C. Tyrannic
- D. A confused
36) Dryden's ..................... rests chiefly upon his poetry and his literary criticism
- A. weakness
- B. poetic
- C. dramatic
- D. greatness
37) Dryden's poetry and literary criticism contribute extremely is the .........
- A. greatness
- B. fiasco
- C. failure
- D. suffering
38) Dryden's greatness rests chiefly upon his ........... and his literary criticism.
- Novel
- Drama
- Articles
- poetry
39) Milton's...............poetry is lyrical.
- A. Middle
- B. Early
- C. Late
- D. Recent
40) One of these is not Milton's poem.
- A. Samson Agonistcs
- B. Paradise Regained
- C. Paradise Lost
- D. Paradise Again
41) Milton believed that wives should be............to their husbands.
- A. Superior
- B. Dominating
- C. Subservient
- D. Controlling
42) In 1656 the blind Milton began to recite verses each morning to one of his two.............
- A. Neighbors
- B. Wives
- C. Daughters
- D. Sons
43) Milton was born on December 9,1608 in.................
- A. Paris
- B. New York
- C. Athens
- D. London
44) Milton died at home on November 8 ,
- A. 1674
- B. 1673
- C. 1672
- D. 1671
45) In his twenties, Milton wrote...........masterful long poems.
- A. Five
- B. Two
- C. Four
- D. Three
46) In his..............,Milton wrote five masterful long poems.
- A. Forties
- B. Thirties
- C. Twenties
- D. Fifties
47) One of these is an early poem of Milton
- A. Discipline
- B. Daffodils
- C. Comus
- D. Virtue
48) Milton believes that wives should be ................... to their husbands
- A.‎ Superior
- B.‎ Dominating
- C.‎ Controlling
- D.‎ Subservient
49) Milton's amazing five long poems were written when he was ………
- Young
- In his Fifties
- In his Forties
- Child
50) .................was highly represented by Milton.
- A. The Evil Spirit
- B. The Restoration spirit
- C. The Romantic spirit
- D. The Puritan spirit
51) Upon his return from Italy, Milton wrote ……. In English
- Some short stories
- One act play
- An epic poem
- A short poem
52) Milton's chief talent lies in the sublimity of his
- Children
- Appearance
- Bank account
- Thoughts
53) Milton was a pioneer for the right of divorce in an age when divorce was ……………..
- allowable
- Prohibited
54) Milton had been disowned by his family when he converted from ……………
- Islam to Protestantism
- Protestantism to Catholicism
- Catholicism to Protestantism
- Catholicism to Islam
55) What is Milton's stated purpose in Paradise Lost ?
- To justify the ways of God to men
- To assert his superiority to other poets
- To argue against the doctrine of predestination
- To make his story hard to understand
56) One of these is not Milton's poem.
- A. Samson Agonistcs
- B. Paradise Regained
- C. Paradise Lost
- D. Paradise Again
57) In Paradise Lost, Satan does not take the shape of.................
- A. Cormorant
- B. Toad
- C. Donkey
- D. Angel
58) In Paradise Lost , Adam and Eve must have......................as a punishment
- A. Health and disease
- B. Pain and death
- C. Strength and weakness
- D. Life and death
59) In Paradise Lost, the Satan's children are....................
- A. Sin and Death
- B. Life and Death
- C. Hell and Paradise
- D. Marriage and Divorce
60) The first words of Paradise Lost state that the poem's main theme will
- A. Man's first obedience.
- B. Man's first disorder.
- C. Man's first disobedience.
- D. Man's first discipline.
61) The fallen wreath in Paradise Lost represents the...........of pure love.
- A. Story
- B. Loss
- C. Victory
- D. Start
62) One of the symbols used in Paradise Lost is..............
- A. The moon in the sky.
- B. The sun in the sky.
- C. The stars in the sky.
- D. The scales in the sky.
63) Which statement about the Earth is asserted as true in Paradise Lost?
- A. Earth hangs from Heaven by a chain
- B. The earth is a lotus flower
- C. Earth was created before God and Son
- D. The earth revolves around the sun
64) Paradise Lost is about a struggle between rebellion and ...............
- A. Apostasy
- B. Obedience
- C. Disobedience
- D. Uprising
65) The main theme in Paradise Lost is the conflict between rebellion and .........................
- A. Disobedience
- B. Discnesty
- C. Obedience
- D. Discipline
66) The loss of pure love in Paradise Lost is represented by ..................................
- A. The fallen wreath
- B. The fallen star
- C. The fallen book
- D. The fallen tree
67) In Paradise Lost , Sin and Death are the ..................................... .... of the Satan.
- A. Relatives
- B. Children
- C. Daughters
- D. Friends
68) In Paradise Lost, the scale appeared in the sky to show God's ………
- Weakness
- Power
- Sympathy with Satan
- Confusion
69) In Paradise Lost, the devils unwillingly transform into ………….. to reach fruit.
- Toads
- Snakes
- Bears
- Dragons
70) In paradise Lost the path of redemption was chosen by …………
- Satan
- Adam and Eve
- Milton
- No one
71) …….. days after his banishment, Satan returns to Paradise.
- Seven
- Eight
72) In Paradise Lost the protagonist: ……………
- Adam
- Eve
- Adam and Eve.
- Satan
73) In Paradise Lost Satan's decision to rebel comes only from ........
- himself
- God
- Adam and Eve
- Gabriel
74) In Paradise Lost, Satan does not take the shape of ………….
- Cormorant
- Toad
- Dragon
- Angel
75) Paradise Lost Presents two moral paths that one can take after ..…..
- departure
- anger
- obedience
- disobedience
76) The fallen wreath represents the end of …………
- Spiritual love
- Impure love
- Adam and Eve
- Satan
77) Satan agrees to the suggestion of ……………… to corrupt humankind
- Michael
- Gabriel
- Beelzebub
- Adams
78) which devil advocates a renewal of all-out war against god ?
معلومات حول الكويز
₪[تجميع أسئلة اختبارات الأدب في القرن 17 من عام 1433 إلى عام 1439 - الجزء الأول]₪
[مرتبة حسب المحاضرات من 1 - 6 (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) - د. إبراهيم الشناوي]
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