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₪[تبويب أسئلة اختبارت ترجمة الأنماط النصية - المحاضرة 3]₪
[أسئلة اختبار - ترجمة الأنماط النصية - (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) المحاضرة الثالثة - د/ يحيى ربابعه]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 31
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1) 1) All text are …………
A. operative
B. the same
C. argumentative
D. not the same text
2) 2) novels and short stories ………….. newspaper reports, essays and scientific papers
A. Are similar to
B. Are like
C. Don't differ from
D. Differ from
3) 3) Political and medical texts are ...........................
A. different in type.
B. the same
C. both religious.
D. both literary
4) 4) we ………….. distinguish between political and medical texts
A. Can't
B. Can
C. Won't
D. Will not
5) 5) A translator of any text necessary needs to know which text type and what nature is that text, in order to be to be able to adequately…………..
A. produce a suitable target text
B. read the source text
C. show his linguistic abilities
D. produce a TL
6) 6) A translator of any text necessarily needs to know ............................... is that text, in order to be able to adequately produce a suitable target text.
A. which text type and what nature
B. how detailed
C. how clear
D. what shape
7) 7) A translator of any text necessarily needs to know which text type and what nature is that text in order to be able to ...........
A. adequately produce a suitable target text.
B. clearly start understanding some parts of a text
C. divide the text into paragraphs.
D. analyze the source text.
8) 8) Identifying the text type is .............................
A. the normal step after translating a text.
B. a good way to count the paragraphs.
C. the theme of the source text
D. the first step of suitably translate a text
9) 9) the first step to suitably translate a text is :
A. count the paragraph
B. determine the long and short sentences
C. identify the text type
D. recognize the title
10) 10) Hatim and Mason classified text type according to their ……..
A. rhetorical purposes
B. length of paragraphs
C. language functions
D. genre
11) 11) Hatim and Mason classified text types according to their rhetorical purposes: argumentative, ……… and instruction-based
A. religious
B. technical
C. literary
D. expositive
12) 12) Hatim and Mason classified text types into three major categories. One of them is:
A. appellative
B. vocative
C. operative
D. argumentative, expositive, instruction-based
13) 13) Argumentative, expositive and instruction-based text types are suggested by:
a. Katherina Reiss
b. Peter Newmark
c. James Dickins
d. Basil Hatim and lan Mason.
14) 14) ………… classified text types into three major categories. One of them is argumentative
A. Newmark
B. Farghal
C. Hatim and Mason
D. Dickins
15) 15) Hatim and Mason classified text types into three major categories. One of them is:
A. appellative
B. vocative
C. operative
D. expositive
16) 16) Hatim and Mason classified instructional texts into two types: …………….....
A. rhetorical and technical.
B. philosophical and technical.
C. instruction without options, and instruction with option.
D. audio medial and vocative.
17) 17) One of the functions of language that Buhler suggests is the ………function of language in which the readership is the core
A. expressive
B. informative
C. operative
D. vocative
18) 18) According to Newmark, personal correspondence is a text type which is:
A. expressive
B. vocative
C. audio-medial
D. informative
19) 19) According to Newmark, serious imaginative literature is a text type which is
A. Expressive
B. Vocative
C. Audio-medial
D. Informative
20) 20) According to Newmark, the core of an expressive text type is ……………….
A. the writer
B. the readership
C. the knowledge
D. the topic
21) 21) According to Newmark technical report is a text type which is …………….
A. expressive
B. instruction -base
C. informative
D. argumentative
22) 22) According to Newmark, ……………. Is a text type which is informative.
A. a technical report
B. propaganda
C. persuasive writing
D. serious imaginative literature
23) 23) According to Newmark, the core of an informative text type is: ...................
a. the topic
b. the readership
c. the writer
d. the audience
24) 24) According to Newmark, ………….……. Is a text type Informative. which is Informative
A. a propaganda
B. a serious imaginative literature
C. an agenda of a meeting
D. a poem
25) 25) According to Newmark, an agenda of a meeting is a text type which is
A. expressive
B. instruction-based
C. informative
D. argumentative
26) 26) According to Newmark, the core of a vocative text type is :
A. the topic
B. the readership
C. the writer
D. the knowledge
27) 27) According to Newmark " few texts are ...................... Most include all three functions, with an emphasis on one of the three
A. only expressive
B. purely from the same text type
C. with the function
D. only argumentative
28) 28) According to Newmark. " Few texts are purely from the same text type, most include all three functions, ……………"
A. With no emphasis on one of the three.
B. Without depending on any of the three
C. With an emphasis on one of the three
D. With an emphasis on all the three
29) 29) According to Newmark, a vocative text type could be the same like........... in Reiss's classification of text type.
A. Audio-medial
B. Operative
C. Expressive
D. Informative
30) 30) Read the following text and answer the question that follows: “feel magic and imagine what you can experience in 4 days” According to Newmark, this text belongs to …………………….. text type.
A. informative
B. audio-medial
C. vocative
D. expressive
31) 31) Read the following text and answer the question that follows: “feel magic and imagine what you can experience in 4 days” According to Kathrina Reiss, this text belongs to …………………….. text type
A. informative
B. audio-medial
C. operative
D. expressive
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₪[تبويب أسئلة اختبارت ترجمة الأنماط النصية - المحاضرة 3]₪
[أسئلة اختبار - ترجمة الأنماط النصية - (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) المحاضرة الثالثة - د/ يحيى ربابعه]
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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