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₪[ أسئلة (رواية روبنسون كروز Robinson Crusoe) الراوية الحديثة ]₪
[أسئلة الاختبارات والمباشرات السابقة - د. وصفي الشقيرات - 1440 هـ]
أسئلة (رواية روبنسون كروز Robinson Crusoe) (دانيل ديفو Daniel Defoe) من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي + نافع وموني) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 60
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1) Daniel Defoe was born in ………….
a. 1760
b. 1860
c. 1660
d. 1560
2) Daniel Defoe father was a middle class ................................
a. shop keeper
b. baker
c. candle maker
d. journalist
3) Daniel Defoe witnessed two of the greatest disasters of the seventeenth century the recurrence of the plague and...
a. The great earthquake of London
b. The great war of London
c. The great fire of London
d. The great famine of London
4) Because of his ………… backgrounds, Daniel Defoe was forbidden to attend Oxford or Cambridge.
a. Racial
b. Religious
c. Moral
d. Social
5) Because of his religious history backgrounds , Daniel Defoe was forbidden to attend……..
a. Bristol University
b. The University of London
c. Oxford University
d. Morton’s Academy
6) Daniel Defoe obtained his education from...
a. Oxford
b. Cambridge
c. Morton's academy
7) Daniel Defoe originally was a......
a. Writer
b. Merchant
c. Pamphleteer
d. Musician
8) Daniel Defoe wrote about ....... books and pamphlets.
a. 300
b. 200
c. 100
d. 500
9) Robinson Crusoe was published in the year………
a. 1719
b. 1722
c. 1660
d. 1687
10) Daniel Defoe published his first novel, Robinson Crusoe, when he was around ……
a. 55
b. 60
c. 35
d. 45
11) one of the following novels is written by Daniel defoe:
a. Moll Flanders
b. Pamela
c. Ulysses
d. Gulliver's travels
12) Both Robinson Crusoe and Moll Flanders straddle between……..
a. Journalism and poetry
b. Journalism and fiction
c. Modernism and journalism
d. Modernism and fiction
13) Robinson Crusoe was based on the true story of a shipwrecked seaman named Alexander Selkirk and was passed off as history in………….
a. The Atlantic Ocean
b. The Indian Ocean
c. The South Pacific Ocean
d. The Arctic Ocean
14) Robinson Crusoe was based on the true story of a shipwreck seamen named
a. Alexander Selkirk
b. Francis Drake
c. Christopher Columbus
d. John Smith
15) By the focus on the .................... conditions of everyday life, Daniel Defoe helped to define a new genre of the novel .
a. Actual
b. Immoral
c. Dreamlike
d. Romantic
16) Defoe was a revolutionary in English Literature because he focused on ……..
a. everyday life conditions
b. the courtly and the heroic stories
c. religious stories
d. historical and political writings
17) Daniel Defoe introduced the modern theme of....
a. love
b. alienation
c. hypocrisy
18) Defoe died in London in April 24, 1731, of a fatal ………….
a. Tuberculosis
b. Stroke
c. Trachea
d. Lethargy
19) In Robinson Crusoe, The hero's first voyage ended up in a shipwrecked voyage ............
a. He became a captain
b. He became a priest
c. He became unhappy with sea travel
d. He became a slave to a Moore
20) Robinson Crusoe's first voyage ended up in a shipwreck. In his second voyage he became ................
a. A slave
b. a priest
c. unhappy with sea travel
d. captain
21) in his escape to his Brazilian plantation Crouse was helped by the captain of a ............ ship
a. African
b. Portuguese
c. British
d. Spanish
22) After 2 years of slavery in....................Daniel Defoe manages to escape by the help of a Portuguese captain.
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. South America
d. Europe
23) In Robinson Crusoe the hero becomes an owner of a plantation in.....................
a. Brazil
b. Spain
c. Portugal
d. Mexico
24) Where did Crusoe become an owner of a plantation? In ………
a. America
b. Brazil
c. Barbados
d. Portugal
25) After his settlement in Brazil , Crusoe joined an expedition to bring ............... from Africa.
a. Slaves
b. Tobacco
c. Ivory
d. Gold
26) In Robinson Crusoe, the hero calls his island "the island of ........."
a. Happiness
b. Hope
c. Despair
d. Bounty
27) After a terrible shipwreck, Robinson Crusoe manages to rescue three animals on his island of despair: the captain's ........... and two cats.
a. Monkey
b. Bull
c. Squirrel
d. Dog
28) In Robinson Crusoe , the hero keeps a calendar by making marks in a wooden cross and adopts a small ...........................
a. Parrot
b. Cat
c. Dog
d. Goat
29) In Robinson Crusoe.-Friday was the name of.....
a. A prisoner the hero helped to free from the cannibals
b. A merchant the hero met in Lisbon
c. A parrot the hero adopted in his island
d. A sailor the hero asked to fix his ship
30) The first thing Cruose teaches her servant Friday is .................
a. his daily duties
b. the dining habits
c. the English language
d. the Bible
31) Friday in RC is a name given to ............
a. a parrot
b. a servant
c. a merchant
d. a sailor
32) Having obtained his wealth from Lisbon, Robinson Crusoe last adventure was with........
a. Cannibals
b. Spanish Pirates
c. French robbers
d. Wolves
33) Having obtained his wealth from..............., Crusoe's last adventure was with wolves.
a. Loures
b. La Paz
c. Lagos
d. Lisbon
34) Robinson Crusoe was published in 1719. Before the end of the that year, the first volume had run through ........... editions
a. First
b. Four
c. Three
d. five
35) …………. Is Defoe lesser known sequel of Robinson Crusoe.
a. The Father Adventure of Robinson Crusoe
b. The heroic Adventure of Robinson Crusoe
c. Mediations of Robinson Crusoe
d. Robinson Crusoe in the Island or Despair
36) Robinson Crusoe is a true symbol of the British ……… and the whole Anglo-Saxon spirit.
a. Democracy
b. Conquest
c. Socialism
d. Humanism
37) Robinson Crusoe is a novel that represents.....
a. an enlightened European
b. the European businessmen
c. the European explorer
d. the your rich European
38) in Robinson Crusoe Friday represent :
a. Savage who can't survivor without Europeans
b. Enlightened European who discover nature
c. Enlightened savage who teaches European how to survive in junlgle
d. Savage who can only be saved by accepting European value and culture
39) In Robinson Crusoe, the writer takes the opportunity to criticize the historic ....................conquest of South America.
a. Spanish
b. French
c. English
d. Italian
40) Robison Crusoe is not a hero but an everyman and awarded to become a ……… building a promised land on a desolate island.
a. Writer
b. Priest
c. Pilgrim
d. Educator
41) Crusoe is indeed a....................
a. modern explorer of new lands
b. survivor who learns to go back home stronger than he left
c. everyman, wanderer that builds a promised land
d. a greedy businessmen
42) Robinson becomes closer to God because of...
a. Listening to sermons
b. Going to churches
c. Reading the Bible
d. Being guided by priests
43) Robinson becomes closer to ........ because of reading the Bible .
a. Kurtz
b. God
c. the Europeans
d. the natives
44) Crusoe's arrival on the island makes him feel ………
a. Conscious of himself at all times
b. Erious about committing suicide
c. Desperate to revert to a brute existence
d. Obsessed with the idea of scare
45) The Christian notion of..........is one of the important concerns of Defoe in RC.
46) Robinson Crusoe was based on the true story of a shipwrecked seaman named:
A. John Smith
B. Francis Darke
C. Alexander Silkirk
47) Robinson Crusoe was both a wanderer and a:
A. Teacher
B. priest
C. pilgrim
48) One of the following is a main theme in Robinson Crusoe
a. Love
b. Death
c. Colonialism
d. Corruption
49) One of the following is not theme in Robinson Crusoe
a. Love
b. Religion
c. Colonialism
d. Self awareness
50) Where do you think Robinson Crusoe island now, close to which country?
A. Morocco
B. Chile
C. New York
D. Alaska
51) Robinson Crusoe sets on a voyage in 1651, against the Wishes of his parents who want him to pursue a career, possibly in _____
52) In Robinson Crusoe , the hero and Friday save two prisoners, a Spaniard and Friday's.............
53) Daniel Defoe completed his RC when he was:
A. 43 age
B. 59 age
C. 36 age
D. 71 age
54) Before the end of 1719, the first volume of RC had run through ......... editions.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
55) ..........................is Defoe's lesser known sequel of Robinson Crusoe .
A. The Father Adventures of RC
B. The Heroic adventures of RC
C. Meditations of RC
D. Travels of RC
56) - RC is based a true story of a shipwreck man, Alexander Sillkirk, who was passed off in ............
A. The Pacific Ocean
B. Indian Ocean
C. Atlantic Ocean
57) Travelling to Lisbon to obtain his wealth, Robinson Crusoe was attacked by.............
A. Thieves
B. wolves
C. pirates
58) What is the name of Robinson Crusoe's slave ...............
A. Johns
B. Friday
C. William pip
59) what did Robinson Crusoe started his travels ................
started his voyages in 1651
started his voyages in 1751
started his voyages in 1881
started his voyages in 1657
60) RC is truly considered as a symbolism of British ...........
A. Democracy
B. humanism
C. British conquest
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₪[ أسئلة (رواية روبنسون كروز Robinson Crusoe) الراوية الحديثة ]₪
[أسئلة الاختبارات والمباشرات السابقة - د. وصفي الشقيرات - 1440 هـ]
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أسئلة (رواية روبنسون كروز Robinson Crusoe) (دانيل ديفو Daniel Defoe) من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي + نافع وموني) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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