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₪[أسئلة اختبار الفصل الصيفي ظهور الرواية 1438 هـ د.وصفي شقيرات]₪
من ملف هتان تجميع وكتابة : ريفان - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 51
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) During the eighteenth century there ….... enormous changes revolution
a- Four
b- Five
c- Six
d- Seven
2) -It was a revolution against injustice,inequality,and oppression?
a- The French Revolution
b- The American Revolution
c- The industrial Revolution
d The Religious Revolution
3) The American revolution was the ......... upheaval during the last half of the 18th century.
a- Political
b- Industrial
c- Literalism
d- Education
4) The most far reaching influential transformation of human culture since the advance of .......... eight or ten years ago was the industrial revolution
a- Industrial
b- Literal
c- Agriculture
d- Education
5) In the late Medieval Era it was made easy for the people to have theory sins forgiven by:
a-buying indulgence
b. praying in the church
c. giving donations.
6) The ……..... Era advocated reason as the primary basis of authority.
a- Victorian
b- Enlightenment
c- Augustan
d- Eizbethan
7) The most popular genre in the west for the last 250 years.
b- Verse
C- Novel
d- Story
8) The English novel has two dimensions one sociological the other ……
a. physical
b. psychological
c. metaphysical
9) Most of the critics think that ........ is the first English novel.
a. Oronooko....
b. Pamela
c. Gulliver's Travels
d-Moll Flanders
10) The European novel is usually said to have begun with Spanish Don Quixote by
a- Daniel Defoe
b- Miguel de Cervantes
c- Henry Fielding
d- Samurai Richardson
11) The Augustan period showed less literature of controversy than the Restoration.
a- Secular
b- Social
c- Historical
d- Religious
12) A style of heroic prose and verse narrative that was particularly current in aristocratic literature of Midieval and Early Modern ………
a- Europe
b- Africa
c- Asia
13) All this novel precursor to the novel Except
b-Gulliver's travels
c- great gastby
d- A thousand and one night
14) The typical feature of the age in the 18th century
a- Individualism
b- Capitalism
c- viowlism
15) The decline of ........ was partly responsible for the rise of the novel.
a- Drama
c- story
d- prose
16) writing prefaces to justify the writing of novel was a technique used by 18th century novelist to avoid..... c
b- confusion
c- complexity
d- repetition
17) In Defoe's works individuals are in search of
a- wealth
b- health
c- authority
18) <> she cried despairingly, <> Ms.Havisham wasted life is the subject of her
b- revolutions
19) My sister Mrs Joe with black hair and eyes I sometimes used of wonder whether it was possible she washed herself with a nutmeg-grater instead of ………
a- Soap
b- Comp
c- shampoo
20) Dickens' writing style is florid and poetic with a strong comic touch satires of British aristocracy snobby are wickedly …….
a- love
b- Funny
c- Sad
d- cry
21) One of the most clearly autobiographical Dickens novel as he took pains to cover up what he considered his shameful lowly past
a-David Copperfield
b- describes
22) The new place Pip move to in London
a-The Temple
b- The Secret
23) a snobby sort of boy's ...... that pip and Herbert join in London
a- club
b- school
c- university
24) Miss Havisham realized she had been stood up at ...... till nine on her wedding day
a- seventy
b- eighty
c- fifty
25) In great Expectations, Ambition and self Improvement is consider …….
b- Setting
c- plot
26) In the end of the novel Pip returned after ...... years in Cairo
a. Eleven
b- Twelve
c- Six
d- Eight
27) In end of the novel Magwitch revealed as the ............. of Estell
a- uncle
b- father
c- brother
d- grand mother
28) Name Magwitch Use to hide his identity
a- Provis
b- Joe
c- Orilck
29) By 1750 the population of .......... had reached 750,000
a London
c- paris
30) In Pamela the heroine represents the 18th century values of England ....... people
a- high class
b-middle class
c- low class
31) The ...... novel is considered the medium point between feudalism and capitalism
b- formation
c- Gothic
32) The satirical novel contained use of ……….
c- hyperbole
33) All of the following are main features of the Victorian Era Except
a- Chivlaric adventure
b-The industrial revolution in England
d- Nature is no longer simply God's gift
34) A sequence of The climatic of GE happen from chapter .... to chapter 56
35) Both London and ……... make the setting of GE
a. Essex
b. Sussex
c. Kent
d. Surrey
36) Part II of GE comprise the chapter ………
a. 19-38
b. 22-38
c. 21-34
d. 20-39
37) Dickens being a teenager taught himself shorthand and become
court reporter
38) Gothic novels, explores extreme states of emotional conflict is ……..
a- Tristram shandy
b-Mysterious of Udolpho
c-Pride and prejudice
39) Most of Dickens works were published in
b- newspaper
c- universities
40) Most critics usually criticized Dickens of his ....... characters
b- few
c- famous
d- dynamic
41) who has told Pip and Joy that Pip will have great expectations
a- Compeyson
b-Mr Jagger
c- Magwitch
42) Magwitch made his fortune in
a- America
b- France
c- British
d- Australia
43) The real "masters of the novel in the eighth century were four Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding and Lawrence Sterne
a- Daniel Defoe
b- Sir Edmund Gosse
c- Walter Scott
d- William Makepace
44) verisimilitude refers the illusion that novel is a represent life
a- Real
b- fake
c- Romance
45) Cannot be credited with inventing the historical novel but he certainly deserves to be viewed as its greatest practitioner……
a- Samuel Richardson
b- Henry Fielding
c- Walter Scott
d- Daniel Defoe
46) The genre has historical roots both in the fields of the medieval and early modern romance and in the traditional of the…… ..
b- novel
c- prose
47) in Great Expectations Dickens use Pip as the........ protagonist and
a- first person
b- third person
c- fifth person
48) what does pip ask Miss Havisham to do in the end of the novel?
a-To help funds Herbert's new business
b-To help funds Herbert's old business
49) Happy the man whose wish and care a few paternal acres bound content to breathe the native air in his own ground "Alexander pop summarizes the time…… .
a- After the 18 century
b- Before the 18 century
c- early 18 century
50) In philosophy and eco-politics the Augustan era was an age increasingly dominated by empiricism, development of…………. and the triumph of trade
a- Realism
b- Criticism
c- Capitalism
51) ألف شكر للأخت ريفان على تنسيق وكتابة الأسئلة كتب لها الأجر والتوفيق والنجاح وأعلى الدرجات والمراتب
سبحان الله
الحمد لله
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
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من ملف هتان تجميع وكتابة : ريفان - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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