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₪[تبويب أسئلة اختبارات اللغويات التطبيقية - الجزء الأول]₪
[أسئلة اختبار - مرتبة حسب المحاضرات من 1 - 4 (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) - د. أحمد السقوفي]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 51
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1) ............... Is the academic discipline concerned with the relation of knowledge about language to decision making in the real world.
A. Language Planning
B. Applied Linguistics
C. Syntax
D. Linguistics
2) Applied Linguistics is the academic discipline concerned with the relation of knowledge about language to................in the real world.
A. decision making
B. recruitment
C. speech
D. writing
3) ……………. Is at the heart of human life. Without it, many of our most important activities are inconceivable.
A. Language
B. Applied linguistics
C. Syntax
D. Linguistics
4) …………… is in many ways a natural phenomenon beyond conscious control.
A. Teaching
B. language use
C. studying
D. Description
5) Language use is in many ways a natural ............... beyond conscious control.
A. knowledge
B. study
C. theory
D. phenomenon
6) first-language education, when a child studies their home .............. or languages
A. language
B. country
C. land
D. society
7) .................... when a child studies their home language or languages.
A. first language education
B. second language education
C. foreign language education
D. additional language education
8) Clinical linguistics is the study and treatment of ....................., whether hereditary developmental, or acquired ( through injury, stroke, illness, or age)
A. speech and understanding
B. communication
C. speech and error analysis
D. speech and communication impairments
9) ……………………. is the study and treatment of speech and communication impairments, whether hereditary, developmental, or acquired (through injury, stroke, illness, or age)
A. sociolinguistics
B. Lexicography
C. Corpus linguistics
D. Clinical linguistics
10) Language Testing is the assessment and evaluating of language achievement and …………………………., both in first and additional languages, and for both general and specific purposes.
A. advocated
B. Autonomy
C. tendency
D. proficiency
11) Language planning is the making of decisions, often supported by legislation, about the official status of ……………………… and their institutional use, including their use in education.¨
A. languages
B. literature
C. people
D. letters
12) Forensic linguistics is the deployment of linguistic ………………… in criminal and other legal investigations, for, example, to establish the authorship of a document, or a profile of a speaker from a tape-recording. ¨
A. choices
B. evidence
C. series
D. uses
13) Literary stylistics is the study of the relationship between linguistic choices and effects on ……………
A. language
B. literature
C. people
D. letters
14) ……………………… is the study of the relationship between linguistic choices and effects in literature.
A. Genre
B. Literary stylistics
C. Error Analysis
D. Discourse Analysis
15) Lexicography is the planning and compiling of both monolingual and bilingual .................. and other language reference works such as thesauri.
A. documents
B. archives
C. dictionaries
D. references
16) ……………… is the planning and compiling of both monolingual and bilingual dictionaries and other language reference works such as thesauri
A. corpus linguistics
B. Lexicography
C. Theoretical Linguistics
D. Discourse Analysis
17) المحاضرة الثانية
المحاضرة الثانية >>
18) Linguistics is bound to represent ............ idealization of language rather than the way it is experienced in the real world.
A. a solid
B. a concrete
C. a stable
D. an abstract
19) …………… is bound to represent an abstract idealization of language rather than the way it is experienced in the real world.
A. a solid
B. a concrete
C. a stable
D. Linguistics
20) Noam Chomsky introduced the term ................. in 1950s onward.
A. Generative Linguistics
B. Lexicography
C. psycholinguistics
D. Forensic Linguistics
21) Noam Chomsky introduced the term Generative Linguistics in ................ onward.
A. 1960s
B. 1980s
C. 1950s
D. 1990s
22) Linguistics favor description (saying what does happen ) over , ……………. (saying what ought to happen)
A. demonstration
B. application
C. prescription
D. prediction
23) Linguists favor .................. (saying what does happen) over , prescription (saying what ought to happen)
A. demonstration
B. application
C. description
D. prediction
24) Linguists' concern is knowledge as an end in itself rather than with action based upon that ..............
A. knowledge
B. prescription
C. phenomenon
D. activity
25) Linguists concern is ................ as an end in itself rather than with action based upon that knowledge
A. Knowledge
B. activity
C. prescription
D. phenomenon
26) Native Speakers are considered to be people who acquired the language naturally and effortlessly in .................
A. adulthood
B. childhood
C. brotherhood
D. neighborhood
27) Native speakers are considered to be people who acquired the language ................ and effortlessly in childhood.
A. similarly
B. manually
C. naturally
D. verbally
28) ……………. Is speaking a new variety of English which depends neither on childhood acquisition nor on cultural identity, and is often used in communication in which no native speaker is involved.
A. English as a Second Language
B. English as a First Language
C. English as a Lingua France
D. English as an Additional Language
29) English as a Lingua France is speaking a new variety of English which depends neither on childhood acquisition nor on cultural ................, and is often used in communication in which no native speaker is involved.
A. authority
B. affinity
C. identity
D. ambiguity
30) The spread of English has generated intense interest in the study of................. and of second language acquisition
A. language assessment
B. neurolinguistics
C. lexicography
D. language pedagogy
31) The spread of English has generated intense interest in the study of language pedagogy and of…………….
A. First language learning
B. first language acquisition
C. second language learning
D. second language acquisition
32) The way into the new language in the ………………. was always through the student's own first language.
A. Natural Language Learning
B. Grammar Translation Approach
C. Direct Method
D. Communicative Method
33) The way into the new ..................in the Grammar Translation Approach was always through the students own first language.
A. learning
B. language
C. competence
D. teaching
34) Success was measured in the Grammar translation Approach in terms of the accurate use of grammar and ...................
A. morphology
B. vocabulary
C. listening
D. communication
35) Success was measured in the Grammar Translation Approach in terms of the accurate use of ...........
A. syntax and morphology
B. listening
C. grammar and vocabulary
D. communication
36) the Direct Method, …………. And First-language explanation were not possible.
A. communication
B. articulation
C. translation
D. assimilation
37) First-language explanation and .................. were not possible in the Direct Method
A. communication
B. articulation
C. translation
D. assimilation
38) First-language explanation and translation were not possible in the……………...
A. Natural Language Learning
B. Direct Method
C. Grammar Translation Approach
D. Communicative Method
39) The ………………. Was advocated in which the student's own languages were banished and everything was to be done through the language under instruction.
A. Communicative Method
B. Grammar Translation Approach
C. Natural Language Learning
D. Direct Method
40) the Direct Method was advocated in which the students own languages were ...........and everything was to be done through the language under instruction
A. taught
B. encouraged
C. allowed
D. banished
41) in the Natural Language learning an adult learner can repeat the route to .................of the native speaking child.
A. deficiency
B. agency
C. proficiency
D. occupancy
42) Neither explicit instruction nor conscious learning had any ……………… in the Natural Language learning approach ¨
A. hypothesis
B. approach
C. effect
D. theory
43) The Natural Language Learning believed that neither explicit ...........nor conscious learning had any effect.
A. hypothesis
B. approach
C. instruction
D. theory
44) The ................. believed that neither explicit instruction nor conscious learning had any effect.
A. Direct Method
B. Communicative Method
C. Grammar translation Approach
D. Natural Language Learning
45) In the Communicative Method language learning success is to be assessed by the ability to do things with the ................., appropriately, fluently, and effectively.
A. purpose
B. language
C. practice
D. teaching
46) In the……………. teachers and materials designers were urged to identify things learners need to do with the language ( i.e. conduct a needs analysis) and simulate these in the classroom.
A. Grammar Translation Approach
B. Direct Method
C. Natural Language Learning
D. Communicative Method
47) In the ................., Language learning success is to be assessed by the ability to do things with the language, appropriately, fluently, and effectively
A. Communicative Method
B. The Direct Method
C. Grammar Translation approach
D. Natural language learning
48) .............. tries to develop the language and discourse skills
A. English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
B. English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
C. English for Special Purposes (ESP)
D. English for Occupational Purposes (EOP)
49) English for Specific Purposes (ESP) tries to develop the language and........... skills.
A. discourse
B. paralanguage
C. development
D. grammar
50) English for specific purposes (ESP)which tries to develop the ……………. And discourse skills.
A. Language
B. practice
C. development
D. teaching
51) in Task-Based instruction (TBI) , ………is organized around tasks related to real-world activities
A. Learning
B. acquisition
C. development.
D. Evaluation
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[أسئلة اختبار - مرتبة حسب المحاضرات من 1 - 4 (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) - د. أحمد السقوفي]
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