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₪[تبويب أسئلة اختبارت ترجمة الأنماط النصية - المحاضرة 2]₪
[أسئلة اختبار - ترجمة الأنماط النصية - (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) المحاضرة الثانية - د/ يحيى ربابعه]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 25
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1) 1) concept ''translation studies'' is now understood to refers to the academic discipline concerned with …….., including literary and non-literary translation various forms of oral interpreting as well as dubbing and subtitling.
A. post translation activities
B. modern translation studies only
C. the study of translation at large
D. linguistics
2) 2) .............................. is now understood to refer to the academic discipline concerned with the study of translation at large, including literary and nonliterary translation, various forms of oral interpreting as well as dubbing and subtitling.
A. Translation
B. Translation studies
C. Communication
D. Definition
3) 3) (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم : قل هو الله احد) The best way of conveying the meaning of the underlined verse of " Surah AlIkhlas" is:
A. Say (O Muhammad): He is Allah (the) one .
B. Qul Huwa Allah Ahab.
C. Say Allah Ahab
D. Lord is one
4) 4) (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم : قل هو الله احد) According to Dickins, this text is
A. Religious
B. Philosophical
C. Empirical
D. Informative
5) 5) Read the following text then answer the question that follows: الزحار العضوي : مرض انتاني يمتاز تشريحيا بالتهاب الأمعاء الغليظة يسببه عصبات من نوع شيغلا وتدخل إلى الجسم بالطريق المعدي المعوي بواسطة الطعام والماء والأصابع الملوثة , According to Dickins, this text belongs to …………………..…….….
A. technical
B. literary
C. persuasive
D. philosophical
6) 6) Read the following text then answer the question that follows: واخاطبكم من رحاب البلد الحرام ومهد قبلة الاسلام وقبلة المسلمين , الذي انطلق منها نور الهداية الربانية ليضيء طريق الخير والسلام , لتشكيل حضارته أهم روافد التحضر الانساني والابداع البشري .. This text is taken from ………………………
A. a bank leaflets
B. a tourist brochure
C. an official speech
D. a novel
7) 7) Read the following text and answer the question below: She dwelt among the untrodden ways- Beside the springs of Dove, A Maid whom there were none to praise- And very few to love: A violet by a mossy stone Half hidden from the eye! Fair as a star, when only one This text is taken from ....................................
A. a short story
B. novel
C. a political speech
D. a poem
8) 8) Read the following text then answer the question that follows: She dwelt among the untrodden ways Beside the springs of Dove, A Maid whom there were none to praise And very few to love: According to Reiss, this text belongs to ……… text
A. informative
B. audio-medial
C. operative
D. expressive
9) 9) Read the following text and answer the following: "Small Change: HOPES deferred rather than hopes dashed: that sums up the reaction of the transport lobby to the £1.8 billion in additional funding over the next three years that was announced this week. Representing a 25% increase in comparison with a 25% cut in the last parliament under the Tories, it represents a clear shift in priorities> The concession is an important breakthrough, for which local authorities have long campaigned. London First, a business pressure group, estimated in a study, published last month, that a nonresidential parking tax levied at an average of £750 per parking space in central and outer London could raise £300m per year, enough, for example, to bridge the investment backlog of London's Underground. " From The Economist Jul 16th 1998 The suitable strategy of translating the underlined digits is :
A. translate them according to the exchange rate at that date at of article which is july 16th 1998
B. translate them directly with no change
C. don’t translate them at all
D. omit them from translation
10) 10) Read the following text then answer the question that follows: (إن وادي رم ذو الجمال الطبيعي الفاتن يلخص رومانسية الصحراء باوديتها القديمة الشبية بسطح القمر والتلال الرميلية التي ترتفع فوق الأرض وعلاوة على ذلك فوادي رم يعتبر مسكننا للعديد من القبائل البدوية التي تعيش في مخيمات متناثرة في المنطقة) The best translation for the underlined part is:
A. the allowance on that, wadi Rum is concerned
B. wadi rum is also home to several Bedouin tribes who live in scattered camps throughout the area.
C. Tents are used by Bedouin tribes
D. Bedouins live in Rum valley with their families
11) 11) According to Dickins, this text taken from a tourist brochure is ……….. (إن وادي رم ذو الجمال الطبيعي الفاتن يلخص رومانسية الصحراء باوديتها القديمة الشبية بسطح القمر والتلال الرميلية التي ترتفع فوق الأرض وعلاوة على ذلك فوادي رم يعتبر مسكننا للعديد من القبائل البدوية التي تعيش في مخيمات متناثرة في المنطقة خطط رحليتك لزيارة هذاالمكان الجميل)
A. philosophical
B. empirical
C. religious
D. persuasive
12) 12) According to Newmark, this text taken from a tourist brochure is ……….. (إن وادي رم ذو الجمال الطبيعي الفاتن يلخص رومانسية الصحراء باوديتها القديمة الشبية بسطح القمر والتلال الرميلية التي ترتفع فوق الأرض وعلاوة على ذلك فوادي رم يعتبر مسكننا للعديد من القبائل البدوية التي تعيش في مخيمات متناثرة في المنطقة خطط رحليتك لزيارة هذاالمكان الجميل)
A. informative
B. vocative
C. audiomedial
D. empirical
13) 13) this text is taken from (إن وادي رم ذو الجمال الطبيعي الفاتن يلخص رومانسية الصحراء باوديتها القديمة الشبية بسطح القمر والتلال الرميلية التي ترتفع فوق الأرض وعلاوة على ذلك فوادي رم يعتبر مسكننا للعديد من القبائل البدوية التي تعيش في مخيمات متناثرة في المنطقة خطط رحليتك لزيارة هذاالمكان الجميل)
A. a poem
B. a tourist brochure
C. a novel
D. a bank leaflet
14) 14) ........................... views the text as the level at which communication is achieved and at which equivalence must be sought.
A. Fargal
B. Katharina Reiss
C. Dickins
D. Mason
15) 15) Katharina Reiss views …………, as the level at which communicating is achieved and at which equivalence must be sought
A. Text
B. Word
C. Sentence
D. Phrase
16) 16) Katharina Reiss (1979/1989) views the text, rather than the word or sentence, as the level at which ……………………
A. communication is achieved and at which equivalence must be sought
B. difficulty of translation could be noticed
C. simplicity of communication appears.
D. meaning is hidden.
17) 17) an example of a religious text is a ………………
A. short story
B. poem
C. a verse from the Holy Quran
D. novel
18) 18) An example of a religious text is a …………….
A. Surah in the Holy Quran
B. poem
C. short story
D. novel
19) 19) A ............................... is an example of a literary text.
A. bank leaflet
B. verse from the Holy Quran
C. official speech
D. short story
20) 20) A short story is an example of ……….
A. a religious
B. a technical
C. a literary
D. an informative
21) 21) A novel is an example of a ................... text.
a. religious
b. literary
c. technical
d. informative
22) 22) Poem is an example of …………..
A. philosophical
B. literary
C. religious
D. technical
23) 23) certain text taken form a novel is considered as a …………………….. text.
A. religious
B. literary
C. technical
D. philosophical
24) 24) certain text talking about a certain diseases is considered
A. religious
B. literary
C. technical
D. philosophical
25) 25) An example of a technical text is a ………….....................
A. short story
B. poem
C. novel
D. certain text talking about a certain disease
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[أسئلة اختبار - ترجمة الأنماط النصية - (الأسئلة مكررة بصيغ مختلفة) المحاضرة الثانية - د/ يحيى ربابعه]
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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