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₪[ تبويب أسئلة المسرحية الحديثة - 1 Lecture ]₪
[د/كميل الحرز]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 50
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1) 1) After the death of Shakespeare and his contemporaries drama in England suffered a.........for two centuries.
a) Success
b) Flourishing
c) decline
d) progress
2) 2) For two centuries after Shakespeare drama suffered from :
a) Progress
b) Decline
c) Success
d) Flourish
3) 3) For two centuries drama suffered a declined after the death of..................
a) Shaw
b) Shakespeare
c) Oscar
d) Ibesn
4) 4) Drama in England .................... After Shakespeare.
a) Declined
b) Developed
c) Advanced
d) Progressed
5) 5) For......drama turned down after the death of Shakespeare and his contemporaries
a) Two centuries
b) A century
c) Three centuries
d) Four centuries
6) 6) Congreve failed to restore ............... to its position it held.
a) Criticism
b) Poetry
c) Novel
d) Drama
7) Drama was ................... revived in the last decade of the 19th Century.
a) existing Not
b) Revived
c) Deteriorated
d) Dead
8) Drama was revived in the last decade of the……….
a) 16th Century
b) 17th Century
c) 18th Century
d) 19th Century
9) In the last decade of the 19th century drama ........
a) Died
b) Vanished
c) Did not exist
d) Flourished
10) One important factor that contributed to the revival of the English drama in the last decade of 19th century was attributed to the….
a) Influence of Congreve's plays
b) Cynical atmosphere dominant at that time
c) Brilliance of John Galsworthy
d) Fabian society
11) 11) Two important factors were responsible for the revival of drama in 1890's. One was the influence of.........
a) Ibsen
b) Shakespeare
c) Barker
d) Barrie
12) Modern English playwrights were influenced by ____
a) Ibsen's
b) Congreve's
c) Goldsmith's
d) Granville
13) 13) He had taught men that the real drama must deal with human emotions.
a) Naguib Mahfouz
b) Bernard Shaw
c) Henrik Ibsen
d) Oscar Wilde
14) enrik Ibsen had taught men that the real drama must deal with………
politic Human
resources Human
Human emotions
No emotions
15) Ibsen focused mainly on ............In his drama.
a) Ordinary men and women
b) The elite
c) Princes and princess
d) Kings and queens
16) Dealing with the problems of ............. was main concern of the new dramatist
a) authority Parental
b) Labor and of youth
c) love Romantic
d) Capitalism
17) Helmer seeks to..........................Nora character.
a) Develop
b) Crush
c) Improve
d) Advance
18) ……….in action was not a prominent feature in the new drama of ideas.
a) Violence
b) Slowness
c) Mystery
d) Rapidly
19) In the new drama of ideas action became ____
a) Slow and frequently interrupted
b) Rapid and constantly continuous
c) Fascinating and fast
d) Flat and toneless
20) ………in action become the prominent feature in the new drama of ideas
a) Violence
b) Slowness
c) Mystery
d) Rapidity
21) In the new drama of ideas the focus was shifted to ………
a) Inner conflict
b) Outer conflict
c) Romantic love
d) Melodrama
22) In the 20th century there was a revival of ____in the field of non- serious drama
a) Comedy of ideas
b) Comedy of manner
c) Past literary models
d) Melodrama
23) Oscar Wilde helped give rise to :
a) The comedy of ideas
b) Black comedy
c) The comedy of manners
d) Light comedy
24) The modern dramatist emphasis on the inner conflict led to make their protagonists not men but……
a) Unseen forces
b) Women
c) sense Natural
d) Aliens
25) ____ are two important dramatists to whom the revival of drama in the last decade of 19th century is indebted
a) George Bernard shaw and John Masefield
b) George Bernard shaw and Oscar wild
c) Oscar wilde and Oscar Wilde
d) Oscar Wilde and John Galsworthy
26) Bernard shaw was the greatest practitioner of the……………
Tragedy of Manners
Comedy of ideas
Romantics the of Comedy
27) In modern drama the impacts of Ibsen's profoundly helped to give rise to what termed ____
a) Comedy of ideas
b) Comedy of manners
c) Farce
d) Satire
28) George Bernard Shaw is considered the father of ____
a) Melodrama
b) Poetic play
c) Comedy of ideas
d) Comedy of manners
29) The critics consider Shaw as the father of………..
a) Comedy for comedy
b) Tragic-comedy
c) Comedy of Ideas
d) Comedy of Manners
30) ……………………Was the greatest practitioner of the Comedy of ideas.
a) Bernard Shaw
b) William Shakespeare
c) W. B. Yeats
d) Arthur Miller
31) Oscar Wilde was the greatest practitioner of the………………..
a) Comedy of Manners
b) Tragedy of Manners
c) Comedy of the Romantics
d) Comedy of comedy
32) Oscar Wilde considered the father of ____
a) Comedy of ideas
b) Comedy of manners
c) Melodrama
d) Poetic play
33) The greatest practitioner of the …………. Was Oscar Wilde
a) Comedy of the Romantics
b) Comedy of the manners
c) Tragedy of the manners
d) Comedy of the comedy
34) Shaw represented the.......... of the Anglo-lrish tradition.
a) Dark side
b) side Restoration
c) Puritan side
d) Bright
35) Oscar Wilde gained great success as a writer because he was..................
a) Handsomea
b) A romantic writer
c) Mischievous
d) A social entertainer
36) Being……… helped greatly in the success of Oscar Wilde as a writer.
a) Mischievous
b) Handsome
c) A social entertainer
d) A romantic writer
37) Bernard Shaw’s plays are characterized by…………..
a) Jest and verbal wet
b) Sadness and misery
c) scenes Tragic
d) Horror scenes
38) Shaw added ............... to his plays to make his ideas more understandable.
a) themes Different
b) characters More
c) Prefaces
d) Tables of contents
39) Shaw added prefaces to his plays to make his ideas more.................
a) Difficult
b) Explicit
c) Ambiguous
d) Mysterious
40) T. S. Eliot was the most important practitioner of the ........................
Poetic drama
drama Social
drama Recreational
drama Religious
41) T.S Eliot is a practitioner of ____ plays
a) Poetic
b) Victorian
c) Elizabethan
d) Shakespearean
42) Most of the poetic plays written in modern times have a ............ theme.
43) Ibsen started his dramatic career by writing
plays Absurd
plays Poetic
Realistic plays
play Comic
44) George Bernard Shaw was :
a) Norwegian
b) English
c) American
d) Irish
45) T.S Eliot handles the doctrine of Christianity in his :
a) Historical drama
b) Social drama
c) Poetic drama
d) Political drama
46) Both Ibsen and Wild appeared in :
a) The late 19th century
b) The early 19th century
c) The second half of the 18th century
d) The second half of the 20th century
47) Ibsen's famous play are :
a) A Cocktail party and Murder in the Cathedral
b) Heartbreak House and arms and the man
c) A Doll's House and The wild Duck
d) The Hairy ape and Emperor Jones
48) Ibsen is the father of modern :
a) Comic drama
b) Natural drama
c) Realistic drama
d) Gothic drama
49) In his plays Ibsen uses:
a) Prose dialogue
b) Grand language
c) Poetic language
d) Philosophical language
50) In his plays Ibsen handles :
a) Serious social and moral issues
b) Light comic issues
c) Tragic issues
d) Supernatural issues
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₪[ تبويب أسئلة المسرحية الحديثة - 1 Lecture ]₪
[د/كميل الحرز]
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من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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