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₪[ تبويب أسئلة النقد الأدبي - 3 Lecture ]₪
[د. فوزي سليسلي]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 44
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1) 1) Plato wrote dialogues and in every single one of his dialogues, he addressed the problem of
a. Painting
b. Poetry
c. Religion
d. Architecture
2) 2) what is famous dialogue by plato:
a. The Republie
b. Poetics
c. Political
d. Protagoras
3) 3) In which one of his dialogues did Plato analyze poetry as an imitation ?
a. Republic
b. Protagoras
c. Gorgias
d. Sophist
4) 4) plato analyzed poetry in his dialogue
a. Republic
b. Protagoras
c. Gorgias
d. Sophist
5) 5) ……… analyzed poetry in his dialogue Republic
a- Aristotle's
b- Socrates'
c- Plato's
d- Shakespeare's
6) 6) Plato’s most important contributions to criticism appear in his famous dialogue the………
a. Republic
b. Protagoras
c. Gorgias
d. Sophist
7) 7) The dialogue republic contains …. Most important contributions to criticism
a- Aristotle's
b- Socrates'
c- Plato's
d- Shakespeare's
8) 8) which interest Books of the Republic
a. Book III and book X
b. Book VI
c. Book IIV
9) 9) the distinction Mimesis-Diegesis is comparable to the distinction
a. Showing and telling .
b. thinking and writing
c. Teaching and studying
10) 10) The distinction Mimesis and Diegesis refers to
a. The difference between the narrative and dramatic
b. The difference between the poetry and drama
c. The difference between the use of first person singular and third person singular
11) 11) Mimesis - Diegesis is a literary distinction that was first formulated by :
a. Shakespeare
b. Aristotle
c. Quinintilian
d. Plato
12) 12) Who made the distinction between Mimesis and Diegesis?
a. Shakespeare
b. Aristotle
c. Quinintilian
d. Plato
13) 13) Plato makes the very important distinction between ……..
a. Mimesis and Diagesis
b. Narration
14) 14) who was the distinction philosopher/critic to make the distinction between Mimesis and Diegesis?
a. Shakespeare
b. Aristotle
c. Quinintilian
d. Plato
15) 15) Drama with characters is usually a………..
a. Mimesis
b. Diegesis
c. Diegesis and Mimesis
16) 16) stories in the third person are usually a…….
a. Mimesis
b. Diegesis
c. Diegesis and Mimesis
17) 17) Which critics said: "And narration may either simple narration, or imitation, or a union of the two" ?
a. Ibn Rushd
b. Aristotle
c. Horace
d. Plato
18) 18) The dialogue republic contains …. Most import
a- Aristotle's
b- Socrates'
c- Plato's
d- Shakespeare's
19) 19) It was Plato who first made the important distinction that " narration may be either simple narration, or imitation, or…..
a. In the passive voice
b. In the active voice
c. A mixture of the two
d. In direct speech
20) 20) "And narration," says Plato, can proceed by:
a. Imitation
b. Narration
c. Imitation or narration or a mixture of the two
d. By indirect speech
21) 21) plato said narrative can proceed by:
a. Imitation
b. Narration
c. A mixture of the tow
d. By indirect speech
22) 22) In the Republic, Plato says that poetry should not be allowed in the city because:
a. Poetry breeds conformity
b. Poetry produces ignorance
c. Poetry creates rebellion
d. Poetry breeds intelligence
23) 23) poetry cripples the mind it weakness the critical faculty and…… 
Breeds conformity
The fine arts
24) 24) Only in the 20th century that some scholars finally showed that the poetry that Plato talks about and bans is different from the poetry and art that Europe and the West have.
Oral societ
The fine arts
25) 25) The Greek term for "art" and its Latin equivalent (ars) refer to :
a. The fine arts
b. The sciences
c. The crafts
d. All kinds of human activities which we would call crafts or sciences
26) 26) what does mean the "fine arts" in the modern sense
a. human activities painting architecture sculpture music and poetry
b. human activities painting and poetry
c. Literature
27) 27) The Greek term for "art" and its Latin equivalent (ars) refer to :
a. Sciences
b. Crafts and sciences
c. Crafts
28) 28) Without a system of writing, how does a society preserve and transmit its knowledge, its customs and its traditions ?
a. They hire writers from another society
b. They use poetry and songs
c. They use videotape
d. They use word of mouth
29) 29) Without a system of writing, how does a society preserve its knowledge, its customs and traditions? How does this society transmit its knowledge and customs and traditions to the younger generation?
a. By using drawings
b. By using mathematics
c. By using dance
d. By using poetry
30) 30) How does it transmit this knowledge and tradition to the younger generation…
a. through sciences
b. through poetry
c. through religion
d. through dance
31) 31) Oral poetry is a communal experience ,but literature is
a. A national experience
b. An interaction between a reader and book
c. A national performance
32) 32) Literature is an interaction between a reader and a book, but oral poetry is:
a. A rhetorical performance
b. A national performance
c. A communal performance
33) 33) oral poetry is ……
a. A rhetorical performance
b. A national performance
c. A communal performance
34) 33) what kind of poetry did the Greeks have?
a. literature or art
b. art
c. uses the word poetry
35) 35) the poet that Plato describes in the Republic , as Eric Havelock shows is a
Poet a performer and an educator
literature or art
36) 35) Poetry, Says Plato, is dangerous and ought to be banned from the state because
a. Poetry makes people lazy
b. Poetry cripples the mind
c. Poetry makes people weak in math
d. Poetry teaches people to rob and steal
37) 36) why did plato ban the poet from the city?
a. Because poetry distracts the citizens
b. Because poetry does not help citizens become
c. Poetry cripples the mind
d. Because Plato wanted the philosopher to rule
38) why did plato ban poetry and the poet from the city?
a. Because poetry distracts the citizens from their duties and responsibilities
b. Because poetry does not help citizens become good warriors
c. Because Poetry cripples the mind and make citizens imitate ideas without understanding them
d. Because Plato wanted the philosopher to rule
39) Who did Plato ban in the Republic ?
a. The philosopher
b. The politician
c. The scientist
d. The poet
40) In book X of Republic , plato banned the
a. The philosopher
b. The politician
c. The scientist
d. The poet
41) Plato analyzes poetry from the perspective of style and content to prove that it is
a. Educational
b. Harmless
c. Dangerous
42) To prove that poetry is dangerous, Plato analyzes it from two perspectives:
a. Plot and characters
b. Style and content
c. Symbolism and realism
d. Metaphors and figures of speech
43) people are encourage to 
Rather than be just
Style and content
44) Plato does not use the words literature or art He use the word
a- Novel
b- Drama
c- Music
d- Poetry
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₪[ تبويب أسئلة النقد الأدبي - 3 Lecture ]₪
[د. فوزي سليسلي]
تفاصيل أخرى:
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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