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₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة الإبداعية - 11/12/13/14 Lectures ]₪
[د/أحمد حليمة]
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
عدد الأسئلة: 22
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1) 1) The most appropriate translation of: وحياتك يا ابن البشر *** كلقاء البحر بالنهر. يجري يتدفق للبحر *** يسوي يسوي فوق الحجر
a) Your life son of Adam is like the sea meeting the river. Running towards the sea to settle and settle above the seabed.
b) Your life man is like meeting the river with sea Running towards the sea to join it with settlement.
c) Man’s life is passing away، Fast like a stream in its way، To the sea to stay.
d) Your life son of human being is like the meeting the river. Running to the sea to settle and settle above the seabed
2) 2) The most appropriate translation of: لن تأخذ مالا ومتاعا ** في القبر كللك قد ضاع ان طاب العمل فلا خوف ** ما يخسر عبد ان أطاع
a) You will not take with you money or goods to the grave If your work is good don’t be afraid He who obeys never gets lost.
b) You will take neither money no goods to the grave being lost Don’t be afraid if you have done good deeds As he who obeys God will never go astray.
c) Man, it’s time you stopped seeking money, Just think of thy destiny, Nothing you’ll take with you
d) You will not take the money and chattel in the grave where all of you is lost Good work , do not fear , will not be lost
3) 3) The most appropriate translation of: (لم يفكر كثيرا بان الحلاق كان يغط في ذلك الوقت في نوم عميق)
a) He did not expect that the barber might be sleeping deeply at this time .
b) He did not think that the barber might be falling asleep .
c) It did not cross his mind that, at this time of day the barber might be sleep.
d) He did not think much of the possibility that the barber might be sound asleep at this time of the day.
4) 4) The most appropriate translation of: (جلس سيد الغابة في عرينه حزينا وأخذ يفكر في أمره)
a) The king of the forest sat in its cave with sadness thinking about it
b) The lord of the forest sat miserably in his den thinking of his misfortunes
c) The master of the jungle set down in his home and started to think about his matter
d) The lion ling was sitting in his house feeling sad and thinking about his old age
5) 2- When translating a short story, as a translator, you have to make first
A. A rude handwritten draft that you never refer to again
B. A crude handwritten draft that you never refer to again
C. A crude handwritten draft that you refer to again
D. A rude handwritten draft that you refer to again
6) Lecture 12
Lecture 12
7) 1) How was the translation situation after the death of the prophet Mohammed ?
a) Stopped
b) Continue
c) Started
8) 2) The most appropriate translation of: (من كان يعبد محمد فان محمد قد مات, ومن كان يعبد الله فان الله حي لا يموت)
a) If you are used to worship Muhammad, Muhammad is dead, and those who worship God, God is alive and does not die".
b) If you were worshiping Muhammad, Muhammad is dead ,and those who were worshiping God is still alive and does not die".
c) Hear me out! If you were used to worship Muhammad, Muhammad is dead, and those who worship God, God is alive and does not die".
d) Hear me out, people, if you used to worship Muhammad, Muhammad is dead, but if you are worshiping Allah ،Allah is alive and does not die."
9) 3) The most appropriate translation of: لما عزم الصديق علي بعث أبي عبيدة ابن الجراح بجيشه دعاه فودعه ثم قال له: (اسمع سماع من يريد ان يفهم ما قيل له)
a) Listen and hear well like you want to understand **
b) Hear , hear like who wants to understand *****
c) Listen up like someone keen to understand what is being said to him, and then does what he is being ordered to do .
d) Listen carefully so that you understand
10) 4) The most appropriate translation of: "اما بعد ايها الناس, فأني قد وليت عليكم ولست بخيركم, فان أحسنت فأعينوني, وان أسات فقوموني"
a) Having said that, O people, I have been appointed as your leader and I'm not your best, If I do well help me , and if I do bad straighten me out
b) O people, I have been selected as your custodian but I am not the best among you.So when I do well, support me; and when I do wrong, correct me
c) O people, I have been entrusted with the rule of you and I am not the best among you. So If I do well, support me and if not straighten me out
d) O people, I have been elected as your leader and I am not the best of you. Support me if I do well, and correct me if I do wrong
11) 5) The most appropriate translation of: “ Why shouldn't I feel proud of the work they do - these dirty hands of mine?”
فلماذا لا اشعر بالفخر من العمل الذي يقومون به وهذه الأيدي القذرة من الألغام
فأنا فخور بهذا العمل وبالوسخ, ولماذا لا اشعر بالفخر بالعمل الذي تقوم به يدي الوسخة هذه
اني فخور بالعمل اذي قامتا به هاتين اليدين وبالأوساخ العالقة عليهما
لماذا لا اشعر بالفخر بهذه الأيدي الوسخة؟
12) Lecture 13
Lecture 13
13) 1) The most appropriate translation of: "When pain and sickness made my cry ، Who gazed upon my heavy eye ، And wept, for fear that I should die ? My Mother
عندما جعلني الالم ابكي .... من حدق بعيني الثقيله ... وبكى خوفا ان اموت ، امي
عندما ابكي من الم او مرض... من ينظر بعين الثقيلتين ... ويبكي خوفا من ان اموت ، امي
الم ومرض يبكيني.. عينيا من تسهر ترضيني ... و تبكي خوفا من موتي ، امي
ابكي للمرض والالم .. من حدق في عيني الورم ... وتبكثني خوف العدم .. امي تبكي ، امي ،امي
14) 2) The most appropriate translation of: ليس العيب ان يكون الفتي فقيرا ولكن العيب ان يعيش الفتي ذليلا
a) It is not a big deal to be poor but it is shameful to live in humiliation
b) To be poor it is not a shame. but it is big deal to live in humiliation
c) It is not a harmful to be poor but it is to live in degradation
d) It is not a shame to be poor but it is to live in disgrace
15) 3) The most appropriate translation of: ‘Bribery is a religious crime , and a national betrayal . Help us fight against bribery
الرشوة هي دين الجريمة ووطن الخيانة فساعدنا علي محاربة الرشوة
الرشوة اثم تعاقب عليه, وخيانة للوطن, لنحاربها معا
ايها الناس, الرشوة جريمة دينية, وخيانة وطنية كن عونا في محاربة الرشوة
الرشوة خطأ كبير تعاقب عليه, وخيانة للوطن, لنحاربها معا
16) 4) The most appropriate translation of: "ايها الناس, الفساد كالوباء اذا سكتنا عنه انتشر, واذا حاربناه انحصر, فلنكن معا في مكافحة الفساد"
a) people, if we remained silent about epidemic of corruption it would spread, and if we fought against it we would limit it, let’s be together in the fight against corruption.
b) O people, corruption is like an epidemic which would spread if we were quiet about it.But if we fought it, it would shrink, so be a partner in the fight against corruption.
c) O people, corruption is like an epidemic which spreads if we are silent about it, but it shrinks if we fight it. So let’s unite in our fight against it
17) 5) The most appropriate translation of: ً "عندما وصل باب دكان الحلاق وجده مفتوحا علي غير عادته, فسرت في كيانه موجه من الاستغراب"
a) When he arrived at the barber shop he found the door open as usual he was surprised and glad
b) When he reached the door of the barber shop he found the door open unusually this brought into him a wave of astonishment
c) When he reached the door of the barber shop he unusually found the door open initially he was happily surprised
d) When he arrived at the door of a barber shop and his grandfather open uncharacteristically explained in his being a wave of astonishment
18) 6) The most appropriate translation of: "قال عمر بن الخطاب ( لو كان الصبر والشكر بعيرين, ما باليت ايهما ركبت)"
a) "If patient and grateful were two camels, I would not mind riding one of them"
b) "If repentance and gratitude were two camels, I would riding both of them"
c) "If patience and gratitude were two camels, I would not mind riding either of them"
d) "If pertinence and gratitude were two camels, I would not mind riding either of them
19) 7) The most appropriate translation of: "مشط شعرك يا قمر بالمشط الحلو انكسر. وينك يا قمر ...... مشط شعري"
a) Brush your hair moon with a broken comb, Where are you moon ? I’m brushing my hair!
b) Have you brushed your silver locks my moon ? Have brushed them with your broken comb? Where are you my naughty moon ? I’m brushing my hair !
c) Comb your hair , little moon, With the broken nice little comb. Where are you, moon ? Combing my hair”
d) Brush you hair” sweet love ; With the broken comb. With a hey , and a ho, Where are you , sweet love ? Brushing my hair with a hey and a ho ! My love !
20) 8) The most appropriate translation of: واحبها وتحبني *** ويحب ناقتها بعيري
a) I love her and she loves me … and my camel loves her camel
b) I love her and she loves me … and my he-camel loves her she-camel
c) I fancy her and she fancies me … and my horse fancies her mare
d) I fancy her and she fancies me … and my dog fancies her bitch
21) 9) The most appropriate translation of: "غسل وجهك يا قمر بالصابونة والحجر. وينك يا قمر ...... غسل وشي"
a) Wash your face , moon , … with some soap and stone? … Where are you moon? I’m washing my face ?
b) Have you washed beautiful face my moon? … Have you washed it with some soap and stone? where are you my cheery moon? … I’m washing my face ?
c) Wash your face little moon! … with soap and stone … Where are you little moon? Washing my face !
d) Wash your face sweet love with soap and stone Where are you sweet love Washing my face with a hey and a ho !
22) The most appropriate translation of: "اكثر من ذكر الله"
A. Remember your God and mention him as you can
B. Make a lot of mention of God
C. Make dhikr of Allah whenever possible
D. Make parsing exercises of God
معلومات حول الكويز
₪[ تبويب أسئلة الترجمة الإبداعية - 11/12/13/14 Lectures ]₪
[د/أحمد حليمة]
تفاصيل أخرى:
من ملف (خدمة ملخصاتي) - تنسيق : مطَر ابنْ السّماء
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