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اسئلة جميع الاختبارات لطرق البحث من ملف iSeeU الجزء الثاني
[أسئلة اختبار - طرق البحث - الفريدان]
اسئلة جميع الاختبارات لطرق البحث من ملف iSeeU الجزء الثاني
عدد الأسئلة: 70
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- سوف تحصل على نقطة إضافية في التقييم عن كل إجابة صحيحة.
1) In the introduction chapter
A. We outline the summary
B. We outline what will come in the next sections and chapters
C. We outline the conclusions
D. We outline previous studies
2) A good abstract is the one
A. That tell us about future direction of research
B. That tell us about the research problem, methods, results, and implications
C. That tell us a critique about previous studies
D. That tell us about what each section in the research talks about
3) We always look for our research results to be
A. Focused only on our schools
B. Limited only to our contexts
C. Having interests to few people
D. Having wider implications
4) We always look for our research results to ........
A. concentrate only on our schools
B. have wider implications
C. be relevant only to our contexts
D. have no interests to any people
5) Research results should ........ ts
A. be relevant only to classrooms
B. have wider implications
C. restricted only to our contexts
D. not involve interests to any person
6) The highest attainable level of originality in research would be to propose ........
A. An old theoretical account of Arabic data
B. a very old practical amount of novel ***
C. a novel amount of novel dates
D. a novel theoretical account of novel data
7) In research, the highest attainable level of originality would be ........
A. to presuppose a novel theoretical account of old data
B. to propose a novel theoretical account of novel data
C. to propose a novel theoretical account of ancient data
D. to propose a novel analytical account of novel data
8) The ........ would be to propose a novel theoretical account of novel data
A. lowest attainable level of originality in research
B. smallest attainable level of originality in research
C. richest attainable level of originality in research
D. highest attainable level of originality in research
9) A good research should have
A. Novel data
B. No data
C. Repeated data
D. Stolen data
10) In research, ........ you choose, the more open-ended your research becomes
A. the broader the topic
B. the border is difficult to cross
C. the older the tape
D. the more recent the topic
11) ........ you choose, the more open-ended your research becomes.
A. The more difficult the topic
B. The older the topic
C. The more recent the topic
D. The broader the topic
12) The broader the topic you choose, ........
A. the less open-ended your research becomes
B. the more open-ended your research becomes
C. the easier your research becomes
D. the more important your research becomes
13) ........, the less likely it is that you will complete it on time.
A. The proper the research topic you choose
B. The border of the research cities you cross
C. The broader the refreshed topic you lose
D. The broader the research topic you choose
14) The broader the research topic you choose, the ........
A. more likely it is that you will complete it on time
B. less likely it is that you will change it on time
C. easier it is to complete it on time
D. less likely it is that you will complete it on time
15) Choose the CORRECT sentence
A. The broader the research topic, the less likely it is that it can be completed on time
B. The border of the research topic is less likely to be arrived at one time
C. The broader the research topic, the more likely it is that it can be completed on time
D. The narrower the research topic, the less likely it is that it can be completed on time
16) The place of defining your terms is
A. References/ bibliography
B. Methodology/ design
C. Literature review/ introduction
D. Results/ discussion
17) The opposite of plagiarism is
A. Loyalty
B. Authorship
C. Integrity
D. Honesty
18) The term ........ is the opposite of plagiarism
A. Author shape
B. Censorship
C. Orthography
D. Authorship
19) In research, authorship is the opposite of ........
A. authority
B. precognition
C. paganism
D. plagiarism
20) Authorship is the opposite of ........
A. authority
B. playground
C. paganism
D. plagiarism
21) Plagiarism is
A. Representing your own language and ideas as your own original work
B. Representing other authors' language and ideas as your own original work
C. Representing other authors' language and ideas as their own original work
D. Representing other authors' language and ideas as a plagiarised work
22) The term plagiarism refers to the representation of ........
A. other authors' language and ideas as a plagiarized work
B. your own ideas and language as your own original work
C. other authors' language and ideas as your own original work
D. other authors' ideas and writing as their own original work
23) Plagiarism means to the represent ........
A. other authors' language and ideas as a plagiarized work
B. your own ideas and language as your own original work
C. other authors' ideas and writing as their own original work
D. other authors' language and ideas as your own original work
24) If a researcher is accused of plagiarism, his or her ........
A. research will be universally accepted
B. research will be given an honor degree
C. research may not be accepted
D. research will be published
25) If a researcher is accused of plagiarism, his/her research ........
A. may not be expected
B. will be published
C. may not be accepted
D. will be universally acknowledged
26) One type of plagiarism is
A. You reference the quotations
B. You acknowledge other people's ideas
C. You mention who helped you in your research
D. You use one of your research as two pieces of research
27) The references is a list of
A. All the authors who share the same topic of yours
B. All the books, articles, websites...etc you consulted
C. All the potential publishers of your research
D. All the terms you used in your research
28) To author a research topic is
A. to get your ideas out of your own words from your knowledge
B. to get someone proofread your research
C. to get someone to author it for you
D. to get ideas from other and author them
29) In the literature review
A. you talk about all the procedures used
B. you talk about the results
C. you talk about the study and its significance
D. you talk about all previous studies and a critique for them
30) In the literature review, we talk about ........
A. previous studies and a critique for them
B. all the procedures used in research
C. the results and findings of the research
D. the study and its significance
31) The review and critique of previous research should be at every point be ........
A. implicitly connected to your specific project
B. explicitly disconnected to your specific project
C. explicitly connected to your general project
D. explicitly connected to your specific project
32) Critique and review of previous research should at every point be explicitly ........
A. connected to your specified products
B. irrelevant to your specific project
C. not connected to your specific project
D. connected to your specific project
33) Review and point be explicitly ........ to your specific project
A. irrelevant
B. not connected
C. connected
D. dictated
34) The place of reviewing past methods and tools is
A. references
B. literature review
C. results
D. methodology
35) In literature review, it is not recommended to show that
A. You got on top of the topic
B. You got a critique of previous studies
C. The topic got on top of you
D. You got sensible sections
36) In the literature review it is recommended to
A. stick to one method neglecting other
B. show knowledge of other models
C. show little reading about your topic
D. show negligence of your topic
37) In literature review, we should not
A. report things with critique
B. report things relevant to our research
C. report things without critique
D. report things with shortcoming
38) One criticism to a bad literature review is that you
A. Show other people's definitions without showing yours
B. Show your side between two arguments
C. Show the relevance between your research and other
D. Show your awareness of other people's shortcoming
39) A research questions is
A. a question that we ask about the statistics used
B. a question that we ask in the beginning of our research and look to find an answer for
C. a question that we ask about how to write-up the research
D. a question that we ask about the list of references
40) The research question can be defined as question that we ........
A. ask in the middle of our research and look to find a reputation for
B. ask in the end of our research and look to find an answer for
C. ask in the beginning of our research and look to find an answer for
D. ask in the beginning of our research and neglect to find an answer for
41) A research question is a question that ........
A. we ask about the list of references
B. we ask in the end of our research and look to find no answer for
C. we answer at the beginning of our research and look to find a question for
D. we ask in the beginning of our research and look to find an answer for
42) Examples of where someone can find samples and administer research tools are ***
A. your own car
B. your own briefcase
C. your own head
D. your own organization or others
43) 141. A researcher can find samples and administer research tools in ........
A. his/her own organic nature and food or the friend one always accompanies
B. his/her own organization, company, university or others
C. his/her own briefcase
D. his/her own house
44) We can find samples and administer research tools in ........
A. our own swimming pools, playgrounds, and TV
B. our own organization, company, university or others
C. our own briefcases and hand bags
D. our own draft writings and future life
45) Examples of where someone can find samples and administer research tools are ........
A. Your own car
B. Your own organization, company, university or others
C. Your own briefcase
D. Your own head
46) If you select an organization to select some samples from, one important thing is to
A. make sure they have an office for you
B. make sure they have enough population
C. make sure they have a computer for you
D. make sure they have some refreshments for you
47) One way for sample selection is
A. Population
B. Summarization
C. Randomization
D. Inflation
48) If you want to compare differences among the same group, then your design is
A. Two-way ANOVA
B. Within groups
C. Between groups
49) In experimental design, we need
A. No groups
B. Two groups
C. Half group
D. One group
50) If you want to compare the same groups at one point in time, then your design is
A. Cross-sectional
B. Between groups
C. Within groups
D. Longitudinal
51) In the cross-sectional research method, the ........ are observed at one point in time.
A. Two different groups of people
B. Three different groups of people
C. Four different groups of people
D. The same groups of people
52) In the Cross-sectional research method, the same groups of people ........
A. are neglected at one point in time
B. are obsessed at one point in time
C. are observed at different points in time
D. are observed at one point in time
53) The cross-sectional research method shows that the same groups of people observed ........
A. at one point in time
B. at two points in time
C. at one place and one time
D. at similar points in time
54) When we have two groups, we usually call one the experimental group an***
A. The control group
B. The classical group
C. The between group
D. The within group
55) If you want to compare two different groups, then your design is
A. Between groups
B. One-way ANOVA
C. Repeated measures
D. Within groups
56) In the longitudinal research method, the same groups of people are observed ........ as they grow older.
A. at one point in time
B. every hour
C. every minute
D. at different points in time
57) ........, the same groups of people are observed at different points in time as they grow older.
A. In the longitudinal research method
B. In the cross-sectional research method
C. In the introduction to research methods
58) The same groups of people are observed ........ as they grow older in the longitudinal research method.
A. every minute
B. at similar points in time
C. at different points in time
D. at similar points in place
59) If you want to compare groups over time, then your design is
A. within groups
B. one-way ANOVA
C. between groups
هذا السؤال احتمال تكون الاجابه D بس وضعتها A على حسب حل الي بالملف
60) The dependent variable is
A. The variable that is affected by the independent variable
B. The variable that is dependent on the hypothesis
C. The variable that is affected by the results
D. The variable that is affected by the abstract
61) A hypothesis is
A. A hypothesis is a statement that describes or explains a relationship among variables
B. A hypothesis is a statement about your research
C. A hypothesis is a statement about the outcome of your research
D. A hypothesis is a statement about the problems in your research
62) The ........ can refer to a statement that describes or explains a relationship among variables
A. Hybrid species
B. Hyperactivity
C. Hyper sensitivity
D. Hypothesis
63) The hypothesis can refer to a statement that ........
A. analyses or enjoys a relationship among languages
B. depicts or fabricates a relationship among variables
C. describes or explains a relationship among variables
D. describes or explains a relationship among vegetables
64) The ........ refers to a variable that is thought to affect the outcome or the variable that is manipulated by the researcher.
A. independence Day
B. independent variable
C. dependent spouse
D. indifferent variables
65) ........ refer to a variable that is manipulated by the researcher (or the variable that is thought to affect the outcome)
A. The doomsday day
B. Independent variable
C. The dependent variable
D. Independent clause
66) The ........ refers to a variable that can affect the outcome.
A. dependent variable
B. Independent invariable
C. Intended variety
D. Independent variable
67) The independent variable is
A. the variable that is thought to affect to the hypothesis
B. the variable that is thought to affect to the dependent variable
C. the variable that is thought to affect to the results
D. the variable that is thought to affect to the abstract
68) The term “........” refers to a procedure used for measuring and defining a construct.
A. operational distinction
B. operational definition
C. opera definition
D. optical definition
69) One of the first steps to think of before doing research is
To think of who you want to participate in your research
B. To think of the references
C. To think of how you will publish it
D. To think of the results
70) To constitute a proper variable, a good categorization/classification system ........
A. should be exhaustive,
B. should have mutually exclusive categories,
C. should not mix categories of different types in one set
D. all the above have
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