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اسئلة جميع الاختبارات للادب الامريكي من ملف iSeeU الجزء الثاني
[أسئلة اختبار - الادب الامريكي - بسام ابو زيد]
اسئلة جميع الاختبارات للادب الامريكي من ملف iSeeU الجزء الثاني
عدد الأسئلة: 100
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1) Read the following poem, and then answer the questions below. Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all, And sweetest in the gale is heard; And sore must be the storm That could abash the little bird That kept so many warm. I’ve heard it in the chillest land And on the strangest sea; Yet, never, in extremity, It asked a crumb of me. 061. The poet communicates that hope ________.
has feathers like a bird
is like a bird because its free and independent spirit
2) The poet communicates that hope is similar to a bird in ________.
having feathers
its ability to bring comfort and consolation
3) What does hope mean to the poet?
It has feathers like a bird
D. It is like a bird because its free and independent spirit
4) The poet’s use of the word “thing” indicates that hope is something ________.
abstract and vague
like an extended grieve
5) Hope is something abstract and vague ***
an extended grieve
6) The line “And sings the tune—without the words,” gives the reader a sense that ________.
Hope is like words
Hope is universal
7) Which line gives the reader the sense that “hope is universal”?
“It asked a crumb of me.,”
And sings the tune—without the words
8) In line two, first stanza, the word “perches” suggests that ________.
hope is planning to stay
hope changes over the years
9) We understand that hope is planning to stay when the poet says ________.
“sings the tune…”
“perches in the soul,”
10) In line two, first stanza, the word “Perches” means
passes on
11) In line one, second stanza, the word “gale” means
a horrible windstorm
12) The poem “Hope Is the Thing with Feathers” was written by ________.
Mark Twain
Emily Dickinson
13) In this line, “Hope is the thing with feathers” there is an example of ________.
14) 078. What is the figure of speech in “That perches in the soul,”?
15) The repetition of “And…” at the beginning of some lines in this poem is called ________.
16) It is like a bird because its free and …” What does it refer to? ________.
17) 081. What does Dickinson compare the bird to?
A. Discomfort and grief because it’s like a dream
18) According to the last line of the poem, Dickinson feels that hope
gives and asks nothing in return
is like crumbs—small and unimportantis
19) What is The rhyme scheme of the first two stanzas?
abcb cdcd
abab cdcd
20) The second stanza depicts hope’s ________.
continuous presence
21) Read the following poem, and then answer the questions below. I've known rivers: I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers. I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young. I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep. I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it. I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and I've seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the sunset. I've known rivers: Ancient, dusky rivers. My soul has grown deep like the rivers. What is the title of this poem?
The Negro Speaks of Rivers
The Rivers and the Negro
22) My soul has grown deep like the rivers.” in this line there is an example of ________.
a metaphor
a paradox
23) What could be one of the good themes of this poem? ________.
Wisdom and Experience
Love of Nature
24) In “lulled me to sleep, leaving me easy prey” there is an example of ________.
25) In “My soul has grown deep like the rivers.” there is an example of ________.
26) The repetition of “I…” at the beginning of some lines that are after each other is kind of ________.
27) The “The Story of an Hour”, was published in ________.
December 1884
December 1894
28) the Story of an Hour” was first published under the title ________.
“The Dream of an Hour”
The Free American Woman”
29) The Story of an Hour” observes the classical unities of ________.
A. Time, place, and action
B. Time, setting, and theme
30) The Story of an Hour” observes the classical unities of time, setting, and action. These unities were first established by
Kate Chopin
31) “The Story of an Hour” observes the classical unities of time, setting, and action which means that the events of the story should have ________.
time, action and one subplot
a single story line with no subplots
32) One of the major themes of “The Story of an Hour” is ________.
33) One of the major themes of “The Story of an Hour” is repression, which means that Louise Mallard ________.
reserved her desire to control her destiny
repressed her true love for her husband
34) One of the major themes of “The Story of an Hour” is ________.
35) Oppression is one of the major themes of “The Story of an Hour” that ________.
the husband dominates his wife
. Mrs. Mallard wasn’t a typical wife of her time
36) In “The Story of an Hour”, a good example of Paradox and Irony is ________.
the clouds that had met and piled
“of joy that kills
37) “of the joy that kills” at the end of “The Story of an Hour” is a good example of ________.
paradox and hyperbole
paradox and irony
38) of the joy that kills” stands as a good example of ________.
paradox and irony
paradox and theme
39) “patches of blue sky…” symbolizes ________.
Emergence of her new life
40) Emergence of Mrs. Mallarad’s new life is symbolized in ________.
springtime beautiful weather
patches of blue sky
41) What might Mrs. Mallard’s ailment symbolize?
her inability to filter out less important things in life
her unhappiness and troubling
42) “The Story of an Hour” is a short story centering on ________.
a young married man
a young married woman
43) “The Story of an Hour” is a short story centering on a young married woman of ________.
the late eighteenth century
the late nineteenth century
44) Monstrous joy” is an example of ________.
45) Cloud that had met…” is an example of ________.
46) “Thing that was approaching to possess her” is an example of ________.
47) The opening sentence of the story “Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.” ________ the ending.
48) What is significant about the story’s setting?
The story is set in a time period that afforded women very few rights
It takes place in a large house
49) How could we best characterize Brently Mallard?
He is a dishonest man who set up the train wreck story so he could scare his wife and kill her.
He is a typical husband in the late 19th-century.
50) Who brought the news of Mr. Mallard’s death?
A friend of Mr. Mallard’s
51) What is the story’s point of view?
Third-person limited
Self conscious
52) Brently Mallard has died in ________, according to a report received at a newspaper office.
a train accident
a car accident
53) Mrs. Mallard breaks down, crying fitfully, then goes upstairs to a room to be alone. There she sits down and gazes ________, sobbing. It is spring. Birds sing, and the trees burst with new life. It had been raining, but now patches of blue sky appear.
out a window
inside a window
54) In "The Story of an Hour", what does Louise stare at while locked in her room?
At a closed window
open window
55) Mrs. Mallard breaks down, crying fitfully, then goes upstairs to a room to be alone. There she sits down and gazes out a window, sobbing. It is spring. Birds sing, and the trees burst with new life. It had been raining, ________.
but now patches of blue sky appear
but now patches of Yellow sky appear
56) The narrator in “The Tell-Tale Heart” tries to convince the reader that he is ________.
57) The narrator in “The Tell-Tale Heart” tries to convince the reader that he is not ________.
58) What is the narrator in “The Tell-Tale Heart” trying to do? He is trying to convince the reader that he is ________.
59) The author of “The Tell-Tale Heart” is ________
Emily Dickinson
Edgar Allan Poe
60) “…,because Death in approaching him had stalked with his black shadow before him and enveloped the victim.” What kind of figure of speech is used here?
61) I was never kinder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him.” There is an example of a figure of speech in this statement. What is it?
62) The simile is the comparison ________.
of the ray to the thread of the spider
63) So I opened it–you cannot imagine how stealthily, stealthily–until at length a single dim ray like the thread of the spider shot out from the crevice and fell upon the vulture eye.” There is an example of a figure of speech in this statement. What is it?
64) The writer of “The Tell-Tale Heart” lived from ________ to ________.
65) How was the man feeling at the opening of the story?
66) What sense was acute in the beginning of the story?
67) Why did the man kill the old man?
For his gold
Because of his pale blue eye
68) How did the man kill the old man?
By choking him with his hands
By pulling the heavy bed over him
69) Where did the man put the old man’s body parts after he killed him?
Under the planks in the floor
In the old man’s garden
70) How did the police find out the man had killed the old man?
The man acted as a murder ”
The man shrieked “dissemble no more! I admit the deed
71) The narrator’s gender ________.
is made clear in many parts of the story
is not identified
72) This short story is in the ________ that focuses on the psyche of the narrator.
humor genre
horror genre
73) Fear of discovery can bring about discovery. Is one of the themes of ________.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Tell-Tale Heart
74) The story is told ________
by an unreliable narrator
by a reliable narrator
75) Mark Twain was born in ________ and died in ________.
76) In “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, the protagonist is ________ while the antagonist is ________.
Huckleberry Finn ,,,,,,,, the society and its rules
Society and its rules ,,,,,,,, Huckleberry Finn
77) Who is the antagonist in “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”? ________.
The society and its rules
Jim and Judge Thatcher
78) The protagonist in “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is ________.
Huckleberry Finn
Jim and Judge Thatcher
79) What is point of view in “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”?
First person point of view
Third person point of view
80) “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” presents the experiences of a boy learns important values and lessons about life. This makes it fit a genre known as ________.
Renaissance novel
Bildungsroman novel
81) Bildungsroman novel is a novel in which the protagonist boy ________.
tries to escape his real life to a more imaginative one
learns important values and lessons about life
82) The novel contains elements of the ________.
apprenticeship novel
bildungsroman novel
picaresque novel
a, b, and c
83) Which one of the following literary works is a good example of a Bildungsroman story? ________.
The story of an Hour
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
84) Thatcher is ________.
A judge who looks out for Huck’s welfare
B. Tom Sawyer’s aunt
85) Mark Twain wrote “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” ________.
Between 1867 and 1880
Between 1876 and 1883
86) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was first published in
87) The time of the actions of this novel is ________.
sixteenth century
nineteenth century
88) The time of the actions of this novel took place in ________.
the middle of the 19th Century, before the Civil War
the middle of the 19th Century, after the Civil War
89) One of the themes of “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is “Intuitive Wisdom” which means ________.
Wisdom comes from the heart
Wisdom is bound to traditions
90) “Wisdom comes from the heart” refers to one of the following themes ________.
wisdom is a moral law
intuitive Wisdom
91) One of the themes of this novel is “the primacy of the moral law” means ________.
the moral law supersedes government law
wisdom comes from the heart
92) One of the themes of this novel is ________.
93) He likes to stage mock adventures of the kind he reads about in books.” Who is this character?
Tom Sawyer
Judge Thatcher
94) The escaped slave who joins Huck is ________.
Widow Douglas
95) Who is the narrator of “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”? ________.
Huckleberry Finn
96) With whom was Huck living at the beginning of the story? ________.
Pap Finn
The widow Douglas
97) Who takes care of Huck and Tom’s money?
Widow Douglas
Judge Thatcher
98) Who was called a cry-baby?
Little Tommy Barnes
Tom Sawyer
99) To whom did Jim belong?
The widow Douglas
. Miss Watson
100) Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer each received ________ dollars when they found a stash of gold some robbers had hidden in the cave;
3000 dollars
6000 dollars
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[أسئلة اختبار - الادب الامريكي - بسام ابو زيد]
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